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Square Enix's PlayStation 3 RPG Final Fantasy XIII

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  • Square Enix's PlayStation 3 RPG Final Fantasy XIII

    square enix anounce today FFXIII byt the same team that did ffx

    you can see the news here
    Lacion RDM70/BLM35 / blm35 / drk 22 / nin23 / war 23 / pld 17 / thf 16 / whm 16 / blu 8
    Rank8 / ZM12 / PM3-5
    Cooking 50 /Fishing 7
    Bismarck ApocalypticalChaos

  • #2
    Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

    I cant see that link here at work, can you be kind enough to copy past my friend. If and only if you can! The topic your posted looks interesting!



    • #3
      Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

      >< Gah

      Now I have to decide between an Xbox 360(Gears of War), a Wii(Mario, ZELDAOMG!!), and PS3(OMGFFXIIIWTFBBQ)
      MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

      MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999 - OSS Media Player


      • #4
        Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

        Final announcement! For PS3! E3 is so damn exciting sometimes. What is it?!FINAL FANTASY XIII. FINAL FANTASY XIII. They pulled a serious bait-and-switch on us. Sword-and-gun-wielding heroine who looks like Yuna, flipping her way around a high-tech, futuristic world. No idea what it was until the end when that NAME popped up. Yoshinori Kitase directing! This is the guy behind all the best ones--VI, VIII, VIII, X. Be still my heart.

        2:08 Sorry, I jumped the gun--Mr. Kitase was merely presenting. Motomu Toriyama will direct the game. And apparently FFXIII isn't the only game coming out of this universe--there's a, uh, mobile game too. Oh. It's Final Fantasy Agito XIII.

        Now it's Fabula Nova Crystallis--"the new tale of the crystal" in Latin. They're big on the Latin today. Whoa, wait, another new game? Another PS3 game?! Final Fantasy Versus XIII? They're emphasizing that in Latin, versus means "to change direction." This is a Tetsuya Nomura game, and he's taking the stage now.
        3 great screnshots here
        Lacion RDM70/BLM35 / blm35 / drk 22 / nin23 / war 23 / pld 17 / thf 16 / whm 16 / blu 8
        Rank8 / ZM12 / PM3-5
        Cooking 50 /Fishing 7
        Bismarck ApocalypticalChaos


        • #5
          Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

          Hopefully it plays better than XII, I cannot stand the controls for that game. Maybe in XIII they will actually have a cool, silent, manly male lead like Cloud or Squall, they've kinda been lacking that in IX, X, X-2, XII. I'm getting a bit burned out on the effeminate male leads in those games.


          • #6
            Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

            Thanks for the information and for the valuable post! I cant wait to see the screenshots!


            • #7
              Final Fantasy XIII

              First 3 are from Final Fantasy XIII

              Last 2 are from Final Fantasy Versus XIII

              Details uknown.

              Go to for the latest info.

              I am too busy drooling, no more info. I should sleep.
              Attached Files
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

                Originally posted by MisterCookie
                >< Gah

                Now I have to decide between an Xbox 360(Gears of War), a Wii(Mario, ZELDAOMG!!), and PS3(OMGFFXIIIWTFBBQ)
                Umm... BBQ? lol

                Man... I need to win the lottery for all that good stuff.... DEFINATELY getting a PS3 though. :D


                • #9
                  Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

                  yup i`n not wasting my money to play a shooter on a xbox, and i already start saving for my ps3. and i think i wont like the wii, i will prefer to stay with FF
                  Lacion RDM70/BLM35 / blm35 / drk 22 / nin23 / war 23 / pld 17 / thf 16 / whm 16 / blu 8
                  Rank8 / ZM12 / PM3-5
                  Cooking 50 /Fishing 7
                  Bismarck ApocalypticalChaos


                  • #10
                    Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

                    @ Mister Cookie
                    360 also has FFXI.
                    Not to mention...ESIV.

                    @ TinyTalon
                    The day Squall is manly is the day I burn my Dreamcast.

                    |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


                    • #11
                      Re: Final Fantasy XIII

                      I am curious to hear what SE's next MMORPG is, Ive been burnt out on their single player ones for a while now


                      • #12
                        Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

                        Movie to a more suitable section for the topic.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Final Fantasy XIII for ps3

                          The day Squall is manly is the day I burn my Dreamcast.
                          I'm really surprised that game didn't have "poetry writing" or "wrist-slashing" as minigames.
                          MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

                          MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999

                 - OSS Media Player


                          • #14
                            Re: Final Fantasy XIII

                            New avatar! Look look! It's Tifaashelo!
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #15
                              Re: Final Fantasy XIII

                              Game looks absolutely amazing. I just hope PS3 isn't too much....

