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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Started up Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, because I haven't played a HM game in ages. I'm a little tempted to get Save the Homeland or w/e one it is off the PSN for PS2 though instead - while some of the changes are great in this one (like ores stacking and being able to sell whole bundles of food at once) they made things a lot more complex than they needed to be in some respects. I also really hate how there's no green house this time around and the only berries I can plant are strawberries!

    Improving relationships is a pain in the ass too omg... BUT! You can marry (and even have a kid, apparently) with the freaking Goddess this time around. The Divine booty call WILL be answered damn it!



    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      The Binary Domain demo was a very pleasant surprise. The graphics and frame rate are nice, the game-play felt great as it was fast, accurate, and the fact the enemy reacts to where you shoot them. (Shoot them in the leg: pieces of their plating fall out before the limb gets destroyed; they start hopping to cover or crawl after you)

      The squad interaction was impressive. I played it again choosing two different team members and it felt very different with the way they responded to your actions. The whole "voice control" gimmick looks like it could be fun with what little I played around with it; though any background noise seems to affect it heavily (I wasn't even saying anything and my character still ordered them to Fire! or Retreat!).

      Looks like there's some heavy RPG in there; the whole squad control not being the only thing. There's only one "nano machine" upgrade available that increases your health, with a 9x9 grid on where to put it - so I'm sure in time you can increase the size to fit in more upgrades. You can do this with all your squad members, and I bet there will be specific ones only available for them (Faye being a Sniper; upgrades for longer range and such?)

      Overall, actually looking forward to it! Apparently it was made from the creators of the Yakuza series.
      Originally posted by Yygdrasil
      Originally posted by Nandito

      You make me want to hurt things.


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Apparently there's a new harvest moon due out soon for 3DS as well... so that's at least 2 games now I'm interested in (the other being RE: Revelations)



        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          Just finished getting all S ranks in 3DS Sonic Generations. Jedi skills!


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            Apparently there's a new harvest moon due out soon for 3DS as well... so that's at least 2 games now I'm interested in (the other being RE: Revelations)
            I can't imagine why anyone would consider Harvest Moon a must have, both it and Rune Factory have been run into the ground.

            I'm looking at Kid Icarus, Rhythm Thief, Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney, layton 5, Ace Attorney 5, Ghost Camera (from the makers or Fatal Frame), MGS3, Dillon's Rolling Western, Theatrhythm, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Bravely Default and more.


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              The last one I played for any serious amount of time was 64. It's a fun series to mess around with now & then, and I'm still holding out for a PS3/360 game with online support.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Well just finished Resident Evil Revelations, and it does in fact shed a little bit of light on even the trailer to Resident Evil 6 (at least I think it does.....) I also had some doubts about the Circle Pad pro for the 3DS, but really it can get a lot out of that one AAA battery it uses. 14:30 play through of RE:R and it is still going.

                Going to see about finishing Golden Axe: Beast Rider now, and also start on my next RPG, Radiata Stories for PS2

                oh and I found a copy of Golgo 13 for NES.... will be giving that a shot too
                Last edited by Kailea; 02-17-2012, 09:18 PM.
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  FF7 PC. Sadly the mod to be able to update the resolution is no longer supported (and I'm not going to risk it by digging around in the bowels of the internet to find it). It doesn't look horrific, except the cut scenes which are hilariously blurry, but I'd like to play it windowed.

                  PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    The Last Story comes out in EU territories on the 24th.

                    May have to import just because I don't trust Reggie on getting this one out here in a timely fashion. Though Gamestop did come through and stick their neck out to get Xenoblade, they also exclusively distribute the Circle Pad Pro - I had to pull some strings to even get one in for me to pick up this Tuesday so i fear its going to be a very sparse release for Xenoblade - nitwits that pirated it clearly don't help improve our chances of getting TLR, either.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      yeah I preordered my Circle pad pro with Resident Evil Revelations, and I also preordered Xenoblade, I want them to know I want these kinds of things, I want Last Story too ;p I mainly buy used, but when I want to support a game, I buy it new, like SKylanders and Xenoblade, or any of the "holy crap how did we get this Japanese game" games ;p (aka Hyper Dimension)
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        I really only go to used when it's too old to matter buying new. Publishers don't like to admit it, but there is a certain point where they just don't care if you bought the game or not, otherwise they wouldn't put expiration dates on thier online passes or content vouchers.


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Getting caught up on some of the Sonic games I've went on hiatus on ever since Sonic Heroes, especially since I've really taken to the PS3 Sonic Generations. Just finished the DS version if Sonic Colors. Damn, too short! Fun, but too short! Which reminds me, I forgot how great I used to think Sonic was.


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            If you have a Wii you should check out Colors - also known as the only good 3D sonic ever. It does have some low points where it drags on for a bit, but I liked how it worked its way back and forth between 2D and 3D in the way that the Mario Galaxy games did - though in Mario's case its slow enough where the transition doesn't have to be so elegant yet often is. Sonic Team actually nailed the right balance for that with Sonic without giving up much of the momentum it needed to be a Sonic game.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              I do not have a Wii. Between PS2 and PS3, I didn't buy any new consoles. I hear Sonic Unleashed and the Storybook games aren't so good so I guess I was mercifully spared those. But really, I rather liked Sonic Heroes

                              As for upcoming 3DS games, I'm picking up the new Kid Icarus too. And now that it's done, I hope they start working on that planned Super Smash Bros game for Wii and 3DS. Speaking of which, and Kingdom Hearts 3D, who else thinks Sora would be an interesting character to add to the game?

                              Besides all that, still have plenty of other games waiting to be played. Right now, Sonic Generations and Skyrim have my attention. They were used so I got a used Dragon Age: Origins for free, which I haven't played. Gamestop sale at the time. And I have Uncharted 3, which came with the PS3.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Playing Twisted Metal and trying to unlock Warthog. Doing pretty good, except I'm stuck on Iron Maiden again. SIGH. I </3 you. Oh well, at least there's online games to take out my frustrations in.

