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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Maybe they'll publish a few remakes then, given how good DX:HR was?

    I don't know why, he's not even THAT great a character but I just feel oddly attached to Jensen and wanna see him again

    Also, I'm sorry but the game does lose a lot of points for not giving the option to frag Pritchard at any point. THAT PRICK MUST DIE!!!



    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Don't play IW, just don't.

      Play the original (modded if you can) and call it a day.

      PS > And in case you are wondering why I'll just give you an example: Matrix Revolutions.

      ---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

      PPS > And considering Adam's past I wouldn't be surprised if the next game was a Pre-prequel.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
        PS > And in case you are wondering why I'll just give you an example: Matrix Revolutions.
        It wasn't that bad, it just shattered people's illusions and proved they had concocted their own deus ex machina about a certain character.

        There are no heroes in DX, but if there was one, Jensen was the closest thing to it.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          Goofing off on Rayman for Sega Saturn, also finishing up Disgaea 4 ;p

          I think I will play Kirby for GB next while I finish Rayman

          Also got my copy of Phantasy Star for the Master system in the mail the other day, so that is next after Rayman/Kirby
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Currently in-between games at the moment. Just earned my platinum trophy on Batman: Arkham Asylum a couple days ago, and been busy so not much gaming time this weekend.

            My viable options at this point:
            -> Complete Battlefield 3 single player on Hard.
            -> Spend more than 10 minutes in Dark Souls.
            -> Start up Resistance 3.
            -> Start up Motorstorm: Apocalypse.
            -> Start up LEGO Harry Potter 1-4.
            -> Continue playing Skyrim.
            -> Finish Uncharted 3 single player.
            -> Continue Shadow of the Colossus HD / start up Ico HD.
            -> Start Batman: Arkham City.

            Any recommendations?



            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
              -> Start up LEGO Harry Potter 1-4.
              My wife and I are slowly playing through this one. If you enjoyed the other LEGO games, it'll be fun.
              99 DNC
              99 WHM
              99 WAR
              * 99 THF
              99 BLM * 99 RDM *
              99 PUP



              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Originally posted by Squiggs View Post
                My wife and I are slowly playing through this one. If you enjoyed the other LEGO games, it'll be fun.
                Sounds like a plan, I have a platinum trophy on LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, so I do very much enjoy the LEGO games. Thanks!



                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                  Currently in-between games at the moment. Just earned my platinum trophy on Batman: Arkham Asylum a couple days ago, and been busy so not much gaming time this weekend.

                  My viable options at this point:
                  -> Complete Battlefield 3 single player on Hard.
                  -> Spend more than 10 minutes in Dark Souls.
                  -> Start up Resistance 3.
                  -> Start up Motorstorm: Apocalypse.
                  -> Start up LEGO Harry Potter 1-4.
                  -> Continue playing Skyrim.
                  -> Finish Uncharted 3 single player.
                  -> Continue Shadow of the Colossus HD / start up Ico HD.
                  -> Start Batman: Arkham City.

                  Any recommendations?

                  I found Arkham City pretty dull compared to Asylum. The second it stepped out of being Metroid/Zelda-esque the magic that worked in Asylum's favor was gone. Open world Batman sounds good on paper but it was pretty lousy in execution.

                  Put it this way, Skyrim is like browsing a wikipage and getting sidetracked a million times over is part of the fun since its all so spontanious. With AC, you're getting sidetracked constantly with familiar faces. There's only so many ties I can take The Riddler or Zsasz pulling me off-track, particualrly when the end of their arcs are either underwhelming or too ridiculous to waste time completing.

                  Ico HD you're going to do a few times to nail that under two-hours achiievement, especially since they pull that EU switcheroo on you, which means new areas and different versions of areas from the US version. There's one point that's particularly frustrating to get around, but I won't spoil it.

                  Really, I say stick with Skyrim. Its what everyone is playing, having fun with and talking about and talking about it is half the fun.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    My vote would be finishing uncharted or Colossus.

                    Arkham is awesome, but I'm generally against starting up new games in anything while I have a good RPG or other story currently in progress.

                    There's nothing worse I've found than leaving a good RPG on hold for too long, then coming back and going "What the fuck was I doing and what's going on now?" trying to piece together where you left off in the story, objectives, party make ups, gear etc etc...

                    Way too much needless hassle.

                    And BF3's campaign sucked ass, though I'm guessing you're after the trophy as well huh.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      I should also note that Skyrim is sort of a weak option for me since PS3 patch 1.20 borked magic resistance completely, which makes my pure mage pretty close to unplayable. I'm hoping the next patch (supposedly rolling out in the next couple weeks) will address that problem so I can get back to Skyrim.

                      Finishing Battlefield 3's campaign is mostly one of those finish-what-you-started things. I'm mostly done with it, and I "think" I've passed the hardest part, just haven't actually spent any more time with it since Uncharted was released. Might go back and just wrap up that run (and the associated trophy) before moving on.



                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        SKYRIM, MOTHAF***A!

                        Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                        99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                        99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                        Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Kicking myself for screwing up a couple of things on my current DX:HR playthrough - namely forgetting to check the e-mail after winning the argument with Sarif. I thought I did but nooooo.... so now I gotta go all the god damn way through to the 2nd visit to Detroit. Awesome.

                          Really wish you could develop your augmentations further though, and I seriously hope they expand on that more later. A few examples would be;
                          • Recharging more than just the 1st battery
                          • More conversation options via CASIE
                          • Multiple (3+) enemy takedowns
                          • Reduced Energy Consumption
                          • Night Vision (for dark areas, if they ever include using lighting for stealth)
                          • Optic Scopes (basically built-in zoom for your eyes)
                          • Ability to stack items/more inventory space
                          • Haggle with vendors (CASIE)
                          • 2nd Jump Height Boost
                          • Sprint even faster
                          • Dual-Wield
                          • Permanent Silent Movement/Actions (probably too OP unless it costs a tonne of Praxis)
                          • Faster Hacking (Capturing/Fortfy)
                          • Detect items & helpful NPCs (though the game does this already on easy mode)
                          • Increased range for Typhoon
                          • Activate Typhoon immediately upon landing when using the Icarus System
                          • Non-lethal/stun variant of Typhoon
                          • Improved hearing (louder enemy footsteps, pick up conversations from much further away or from behind a wall etc)

                            And that's all I got for now (it's really late and I'm tired) but I'd also like to see them fix a few things I've mentioned before such as the conditions for Ghost, perhaps by making a distinction for alarmed states - blue for suspicious (say you throw a box or create some other diversion without revealing yourself) then yellow if they actually catch a glimpse of you (thus letting you know Ghost has been lost, but you haven't been fully detected) and then Red for hostile.

                            The main thing though is just to give players much more choices when spending points on augments, to really enable unique playstyles for multiple approaches to every situation.

                            For example, what if rather than focusing on Combat abilities or Hacking, I just want to go all out stealth? I should be able to then, to cater my points towards cloaking, energy consumption & agility. You already can do that, but there are serious flaws as noted in some of my suggestions.

                            Namely that cloaking is extremely energy intensive (as it should be) especially when paired alongside silent walking/running. The ability to move heavy objects and jump 9 feet is awesome and really helps in some parts, but it'd be great if I could run even faster, or run totally silent without putting extra strain on my battery usage when cloaked. At the very least, it'd be wonderful if all batteries would recharge over time and not just the first, cutting down energy item usage to emergencies rather than pausing the game while running around invisible to magically whoof down a protein bar to keep up my invisibility.

                            The AI is selectively retarded as well - how the fuck can someone 2~3 stories below me hear a crossbow bolt sailing through the air, YET IF I HURL A GOD DAMN VENDING MACHINE IT GOES UNNOTICED?! OK then Eidos... not that they never pick up on those, but all too often I'll be fumbling with some heavy crates, mostly just brushing them aside as I move past and they fail to hear it.

                            Oh, but they certainly heard that muffled gunshot, or me strangling the guy in the other room... I got a huge list of BS I've noticed in the game but I"ll get to that later.

                            Good night for now.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            So basically, what Mal is saying is he wants DX2.

                            While I don't think it was that bad, it had gutted a lot of the survivalist edge and consequence. It streamlined waaaay too much, which is why I can understand why people dislike it. Its also why I'm baffled that Mass Effect 2 got a free pass for doing the exact some thing. They're not bad games, but on the gameplay end, they are pretty damn gutless.

                            I just think they're wrong about the story for DX2, which wasn't bad at all and the faction element was still fully intact.

                            DXHR went back to most of what the original DX did, which is why fans consider it as good or better than the original.
                            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-04-2011, 11:32 PM.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              ^ Actually DX:HR and ME2 share many of the same problems. Mostly inconsequential "important" choices. Overly streamlined RPG elements (you get far too many character points to invest by the end of the game). I like both games, but perfect they are not.



                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                                ^ Actually DX:HR and ME2 share many of the same problems. Mostly inconsequential "important" choices. Overly streamlined RPG elements (you get far too many character points to invest by the end of the game). I like both games, but perfect they are not.


                                You have apparent;y forgotten a bit about DX2, then.

                                The real problem with DX2 was:

                                (1) Universal ammo
                                (2) Multitool became able to lockpick and hack, rather than force a choice between the two
                                (3) The ability to freely respec biomods at any time.

                                It was hated for these very reasons because part of the choice and consequence in Deus Ex lies deeply in gameplay and how you gear, not just dialog branches.

                                The kind of freedom in DX and TES is a breath of fresh air in contrast to the inane story flavoring and restrictive morality points of a Bioware game.

                                Why do I need to have so many Paragon or Renegade points to say what I feel my character should say? Can't my words and actions define my character and gameplay? Because they do on DX and TES.

                                I can enter that police station illegally rather than go the route Sarif suggested and the scenario changes and becomes more difficult and stealth based, I barge in an expect a firefight or I can talk to the guy at the desk and just walk into the morgue with no conflict.

                                That's three gameplay scenarios that work within the story compared to the one scenario I'd get with two flavors of story in other game.

                                Give me that rather than shackling me with the limits of consistent storytelling.

