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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Finished Lufia, playing Lufia 2 and Manhunt 2 in between bouts of Modern Warfare 2. Really starting to piss me off every time I come close to a Nuke...

    Anyhoo, Lufia was OK plot-wise, but it was a terrible game over all. I'm not that far into 2 (which is actually the prequel detailing Maxim's life) but it's so completely different it's not even funny. L2 has much more depth to it and a lot more fun elements. The game's take on dungeons is just freaking awesome, makes me wish they'd make a new one for PS3/360 (and a new Lunar for the love of crap)

    As for Manhunt 2, it's the Wii edition and 2 things;

    1) The usual crappy hardware issues are of course horrible in this game and it makes me wish for a controller & sticks, especially when handling that damn sniper rifle. WHY IS METROID PRIME 3 THE ONLY DECENT FPS ON WII?!

    2) WTF @ the censoring?! Even using the Ocarina codes to uncensor the game, the scenes are still way, way toned down compared to the unrated PC version. I don't even get why there's so much controversy over it; There is no shortage of movies with far more graphic and disturbing violence in them, so why water it down just because it's a different media?

    It just seems silly to me that Nintendo is trying to break this "kiddy only" mentality by having Mature titles on the Wii (MH2 is actually rated AO and with good fucking reason) but then they go and tone it down. Basically my point is for developers/publishers to quit half-assing it. It's freaking Thrill-Kill all over again (that game was pretty nasty for it's time but if you ask me Mortal Kombat is way more over the top)



    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Playing FFXI.

      For great justice.

      (Also some NSMBWii and Super Mario Kart on the side.)
      Originally posted by Armando
      No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
      Originally posted by Armando
      Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
      Originally posted by Taskmage



      Originally posted by Taskmage
      However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
      Matthew 16:15


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Malacite
        1) The usual crappy hardware issues are of course horrible in this game and it makes me wish for a controller & sticks, especially when handling that damn sniper rifle. WHY IS METROID PRIME 3 THE ONLY DECENT FPS ON WII?!
        Maybe because Retro Studios is the only one that tries, but the Metroid Prime games are not really first person shooters. They are action adventure games in a first person perspective. And yes, that is a difference.

        Yes, there is shooting, but I don't know many FPS that say "Pick this gun type to open this door" or "roll into a ball and climb the ceiling to use your bomb's kinetic energy to activate a node." Its like saying Deus Ex is an FPS - how many FPS are out there where I can talk my way out of anything? You could go through the hole game and not shoot a damn thing, but its still in first person.

        Anyway, Manhunt was a shitty game on PS2, it was a shitty game on PSP, so what did you expect to change when it went to Wii? Rockstar wanted to cash in, just like anyone else and cash-in because they KNEW some territories would ban it. They don't care..

        The game is not mature, its just some sicko's demented fantasy given virtual life. This game failed because it was sick and wrong even even by video game standards. Even Mortal Kombat looks dignified by comparison, hell, its Shakespeare to Manhunt..

        The better question really is: Why are you playing that absolute bottom-feeding crap? There are plenty of Wii games that use good motion controls and you just pick that one at random? Go get No More Heroes, seriously.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          I kinda like it. It's like MGS... but a hell of a lot more violent.

          The game's way too long though, I'm near the end (16 levels total) and by about level 6 or 8 I'd had enough of the repetition. It's cool all the sadistic ways you can kill people too, holy crap some of the executions are horrifyingly brutal (as I saw in the youtube 8 minute reel)

          Not sure what's worse now tbh; this or the Punisher, 'cause Punish was pretty f'ed up too, especially with that Woodchipper execution omg...

          Yeah who am I kidding the Woodchipper takes the cake for most brutal, horrific kill I've ever had the pleasure of inflicting on an NPC

          Absolutely love games like this. I hate gory movies (with a few exceptions like the SAW series, though I just opt not to watch the really horrific shit as I'm in it more for the plot) because of the level of realism and detail. With games like Manhunt, it's all animated and not so life-like, so it's not as gross.

          You still get the same kind of shock and disgust, but without the physical feeling of sickness (I still can't take that opening scene in Saving Private Ryan where the dude gets his head blown open...). Wonder if there will be a Manhunt 3 for Move or Kinect o-O though I'm doubtful of that last suggestion... I got a feeling that's crossing a line that's not meant to be crossed.



          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Finally got around to finishing Castlevania: Order or Ecclesia. It was sort of annoying how I just stopped right before Dracula. I had the strategy down and everything, its just that beating Dracula means its over and I had so much fun doing all the other stuff.

            Well, there is Hard Mode to play through as Albus next time. DS is now freed up for Dragon Quest IX tomorrow.

            Wrapping up Zelda: Twilight Princess today, too. The dungeons have actually been pretty solid. Temple of Time, Sky Temple and the Twilight Tower have been my favorites so far. Its really the bits in between the dungeon that are kind of a drag in this one, I'm pretty confident from the interviews about Skyward Sword that there will be more to like about the moments between dungeons next time. Twilight Princess and Wind Waker have really been the only games I can recall where the overworld was pretty weak.

            That aside, very much enjoying Persona 3 Portable. The female side of it has been enough to make it worth playing through again. I still think Yukari is an icy bitch, though. She thinks she can just go off and cram for midterms when there's Tartarus to explore. Well, fine, I'll just take Junpei with me!


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Finished Manhunt 2, was rather disappointed towards the end. The game started out awesome enough, but it was simply just too damn long. They could have easily removed half or more of the levels (16 was way too much) and fleshed out the plot with more cut scenes.

              Right now I'm considering whether or not I want to tackle the Ancient Cave on Lufia 2. I've read it can take as much as 10 hours on a good run and that's all in one go because you can not save inside of it and it resets your level and equipment when you enter.

              FFX-2's 100 floor Dungeon and Nyzul Isle got nothing on this place.

              Interesting side note; Lufia was started by Taito, which SE now owns...

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Yes, Mal, S-E owns Space Invaders

                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  OK, Zelda: TP done.

                  After that, I went back through Metroid Prime to get that last 4%. It was just as I figured, I had to retrace my earliest steps to find the last three missile expansions.

                  Sound off.
                  Tallon Overworld
                  Chozo Ruins (1)
                  Magmoor Caverns.
                  Phendrana Drifts (1)
                  Pirate Research Facility (1)


                  Now I just have unfinished business with Super Mario Galaxy on my Wii. Then I'll roll on Metroid Prime 2 and No More Heroes.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Dragon Quest IX..... this game is gold

                    also playing Darksiders and Disgia 2
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                      10 hours on a good run and that's all in one go because you can not save inside of it
                      Pause/Menu screen -> Turn off TV -> walk away.

                      Come on, I can't be the only guy who ever had to play so ghetto he didn't have a memory card.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        Out to get DQIX now! Yay.


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?



                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            I almost wanted to hurl the other day when I heard DQIX had randomized dungeons, at least, until I learned how it was executed. You'll find treasure maps throughout the game and many have randomly generated elements. The maps are just generated on creation, though, not re-randomized each time you enter.

                            There's also a Tag Mode and these maps can be passed on to other players. Some girl in Japan got a dungeon generated that had nothing but Metal King Slimes on a particular floor.

                            If you know your Dragon Quest, that means this girl became the most sought after DQIX player in Japan for a while. I think that was a cool way of doing randomized dungeons. Meet up with other players and get fresh maps when you do.

                            Another cool thing was that they decided to keep the Tag Mode and multiplayer elements region-free. So if you went to Japan with your US DSi and US version of DQIX, you'd still be able to get maps.
                            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-11-2010, 10:25 AM.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              DO:A crashes a lot. That is all.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                I almost wanted to hurl the other day when I heard DQIX had randomized dungeons, at least, until I learned how it was executed. You'll find treasure maps throughout the game and many have randomly generated elements. The maps are just generated on creation, though, not re-randomized each time you enter.
                                See that's the other thing about the Ancient Cave. Far as I know, it's fucking random every time.

                                Meh, not touching that shit on my 1st play through I don't care how awesome the gear is. After you beat Lufia 2 once you unlock an "easy mode" (forget the actual name) where you earn 4x EXP and Gold, and after that is GIFT Mode that lets you pick your team when you enter the cave (on top of said 4x EXP/Gold) but idk if I care to play through it 3 times as some of the Dungeon puzzles are quite aggravating.

                                As a side note, I'm enjoying the hell out Abyssea right now and really, really pissed at SE even more for pushing XIV so early. I've made up my mind to join in on 14 on day 1, but I'm still mad because I'd love to see where XI is going with the next 2 updates, especially the remaining Abyssea add ons but I refuse to pay for 2 MMOs, that's just absurd both financially and in terms of using my time.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

