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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    ^ I know what level your on, Feba. Keep working on those fusions. Ideally you want to go into that particular battle with a Persona that is at least resistant to physical, if not immune/reflect, and you'll want some way of dealing with Exhaustion.

    Other than that, high attack power (physical) is useful, as are defense down debuffs as I recall. You need to be able to dish out a lot of damage in bursts or the fight can get really ugly.



    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      You're already that far along, Feba?

      Yeah, that guy's a bit but you certainly want to hit him with some debuffs,get his evasion and defense down and your evasion up at the very least. There really isn't a character that's going to be totally impervious to to his attacks unfortunately. Making him waste those extra turns is key.

      I would take Chie out and use Kanji, though. For now, he's your best physical attacker, though Chie does eventually surpass him. You're going to have to weather Yukiko's big weakness - sadly, without certain items, you can never cover up that weakness, but Teddie also eventually gets to be a pretty good healer.

      This reminds me, I need to put the P4 guide on Amazon or up for grabs or something. I recently parted with the remainder of PS2 collection. Yes even the SMT stuff. I just don't care to go back to PS2 and I all this stuff will be downloadable or remade for handhelds or something one day.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-28-2010, 11:02 PM.


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        You're already that far along, Feba?
        You know how I am. I can go weeks without playing anything, but when I do play, I tend to play long stretches. MGS, I pretty much always play beginning to end without stopping. Can't do that with Persona, but I can damn well put in eight hours a day since it's going to be at least a couple weeks before I have anything better to do. I think my in game timer is at 32 now, obviously a couple hours longer than that with deaths. Fun story: When I first played P3F, I played it for 20 hours straight. After having been up 6-8 hours already. I eventually had to call it a night when I was in the love-hotel dungeon, and managed to sleep through the boss fight. I literally couldn't remember anything that had happened there.

        Icemage, I haven't seen anything in the way of phys. res/imn/rflct/drn Personas so far, but my MC has some Purple Shirt or something; good Evasion and Counter rate with it on. The physical hits aren't that bad, under %50 HP, it's just keeping everything up at once that gets rough-- and of course once he starts spamming two-three spells at a time. I like Black Frost anyway, drain on the Mabufulas is helpful when he decides to use that.

        I'll definitely play around with stat penalties-- I have a bad habit of just assuming video game bosses are immune to anything unless I've seen otherwise (Phoenix Down on Zombie Evrae, for example, is some messed up shit.) I do remember P3F having a boss that I just completely shut down with debuffs though, so I suppose I'll get into the habit of at least trying things out.

        I haven't been using Chie much since I got Yukiko; even less since I got Teddie. At one point I got to a boss that clearly would've been easier if I'd had her in the party (ice-weak, between MC's King Frost, Teddie, and Chie could've had it down all the time), but didn't have any problems with that. As for dealing with exhaustion, I may just grind the hell out of the rest of this day, leave, and buy the stuff that treats it; unless that was the one thing you couldn't buy, I can't remember. Also, Teddie abuse. Too bad you can't change equip mid-fight like in most FFs, would be nice to have Patient Collars on at first, then switch to Paper Armband if those run out. Or put Teddie in a Volt Suppressor until he decides to start spamming Mabufula. Or something. I don't think he'll be too big of a problem though, with a bit of grinding. I got him down to around a third health on my trial runs before he shelled up and starting doing that Gaziodyne or whatever it was AoE shit. With Agiodyne on my MC, plus the %50 Fire Amp, I should be able to wipe the floor with him; plus I think some of my party members are near nifty looking shit too.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          I just checked and you're probably only around level 44 or so at that stage of the game. One hint I can give you is that you need a defense against Fear. Fuse Yatagarasu (Sun type, level 41 or so if I remember correctly). He has the Null Fear trait, which you can then pass on to something else.

          Offhand I recall my team for that fight was Teddie and Kanji, and I went in with a variety of personas stocked. I used Eligor to get Resist Exhaust as a trait and transfered it to whatever I ended up using, might have been Triglav, but it's been so long I can't remember for sure. Most of the Chariot type personas have physical resistance (Eligor and Triglav included).


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Started Bioshock 2 last night, and enjoying it quite a bit so far.

            Yeah, the reviews were 100% right in that it's just more of the same, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. While I agree that Bioshock honestly didn't need a sequel, it's still welcome all the same as it's very well done. Really wish devs/MS would stop adding freaking MP achievements already though.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Beat Splinter Cell: Conviction.....GOD DAMN I ACTUALLY BEAT A GAME!! lol I usually quit at the last boss or very near the end but this game surprised me. I didn't realize it was that short and it pwned me. lol
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Think I'm nearing the end of Castlevania: Order or Ecclesia, which has been fairly fun. I clearly just got the bad ending though, kinda lame the game autosaves on the bad ending and kicks you back to prior fight. At least they gave you a hint on what to go one to get the good ending this time, though. Between SotN and every other Castlevania save for Dawn of Sorrow, the requirements for a good ending and extended game have been rather damn obscure.


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  started Hexyz Force today, the gameplay is smooth and so far Levant's story is interesting. I like the oldschool feel of it. Reminds me of my SNES/PSX days. I think a lot of new rpg titles are squandared on trying to create their own unique battle system that just ends up being wonky. Menu turned based is where its at, and usually end up with great characters and a nice storyline.
                  It's like a sickness. Haven't played in so long I'm dreaming about playing. Time to reactivate that old account.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Yeah, seems RPGs makers think that since HD stuff has boxed them in so much that they have to go all action or some other weird shit to sell. PSP and DS RPGs haven't had the same kind of pressure to perform and profit thanks to a considerably lower budget.

                    Of course, just watch Sony fuck that up with whatever the next iteration of PSP is. And watch Nintendo and Apple continue to trounce them.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Ecclesia was pretty damned good, it's my 3rd favorite in the series (behind SotN @ 1st and LoI in 2nd. Don't give a shit what anyone says, Lament was great. Still haven't tried curse of darkness though.)

                      I beat Bioshock 2 tonight (yay whooped it on easy in like 16 hours lmao and got most of the achievements). While it was a decent sequel, it just didn't have anywhere near the same impact the original did. The Gathering parts with the Little Sisters, while flavorful, just got annoying.

                      My biggest beef with the game however was that it was 100% linear - you can not go back to previous levels. Incidentally, this again boned me out of two achievements (all weapon upgrades and 100/138 audio logs) as I thought I'd explored everything but apparently I was wrong.

                      The ending was what you'd typically expect too, though there was a slight twist I didn't see coming. Definitely worth renting (which is what my bro did with a free coupon XD) but wouldn't not buy it, even for the MP (which I hear sucks anyway)

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        Anyone else think games are getting too short these days.
                        I swear soon I'll have a new game press start and just be presented with "The End" It's rediculous what happened to the games companies giving us our money's worth?
                        last weekend my dad completed two CSI games and mirrors edge, Whilst getting sleep and my sister and the kids visiting.
                        I think I'm becoming grouchy at the ripe age of 26 lol.

                        Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Just started playing Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising. Definite step up in difficulty over the first game but a load of fun.


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Originally posted by Satori View Post
                            Anyone else think games are getting too short these days.
                            I swear soon I'll have a new game press start and just be presented with "The End" It's rediculous what happened to the games companies giving us our money's worth?
                            last weekend my dad completed two CSI games and mirrors edge, Whilst getting sleep and my sister and the kids visiting.
                            I think I'm becoming grouchy at the ripe age of 26 lol.
                            For a long time I've classified games into two types, in terms of length.

                            The long single-play games, which can take anywhere up to 80 hours to finish properly, and the short repetition-play games, which are usually between 8-12 hours to finish the 'story'.

                            Long games have a lot of hidden stuff that's only available on the single run-through, if you miss it, either continue on or go back to previous save/start new game. These generally do not have difficulty levels, or few. Also they usually have lengthy stories, even if the story itself doesn't have anything surprising.

                            Short games have a few hidden things, but as you have a 'Finished Game' save or 'New Game +' the unlockables or extra items are usually accessed via upgrading equipment or defeating certain enemy X times etc. Generally also have at least 4 difficulty settings, the hardest being unlocked after the first play-through. Story is most often short thanks to game length, but usually involves a few plot twists or surprise ending.

                            Either way, if I enjoy a game and play it a fair amount I think I get my money's worth. It is entertainment and it can be costly, but I find most people forget videogaming was originally designed as a past-time, not an actual hobby to spend Y amount of hours a week on like it seems to be today.

                            Oh and ah... on topic.

                            The Last Remnant. Again. Can't seem to get this battle system right....


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              Feba since you're playing Persona 4, I thought you might appreciate this, so I'm linking it.

                              This guy does comics of various games, Persona 4 is his most popular one. They're rather long and may take a bit to load, though. Depends on your computer, so I'm not direct linking the comics


                              He's not reached a point you haven't in the game, so its a relatively safe read.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                What's to get? TLR's battle system is actually pretty easy to grasp for the most part.

                                However, what I learned is despite what the game tells you you actually want to avoid long "levelling" sessions and building up a huge battle chain (unless you're going for the achievement) because that raises your battle rank, which in turns makes enemies (and more importantly Boss Battles) much harder.

                                The only time you should really grind for anything is skills with the Rush Grind Trick, which I suggest you look up over @ GameFAQs or w/e 'cause I can't remember the details other than it only works on the 360 version.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

