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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Order of Ecclesia mostly.

    Can't seem to bother myself with the new Zelda or Bravely Default til I'm done there.


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. Meanwhile, my brother got the HD rerelease of Final Fantasy X/X-2. Never played the original Tales of Symphonia, but there's a clear difference in the remake treatment. Not the least of which because the music of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles still sound like cheap midis.


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Finished inFamous: Second Son on good path, working on evil path now. Not particularly liking the evil power upgrades as much as the good ones.

        Also tooling around in FFX HD on PS Vita (have the PS3 collector's edition, but it just arrived in the mail yesterday). New sphere grid is weird as heck now that I'm digging further into it. Standard grid is better overall, but the Expert sphere grid is interesting in that you can push each character in any direction you like, more or less, and it's much faster to get to various abilities, at the cost of end-game strength.

        Bought Fez last night but haven't fired it up yet.



        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          You can still max everyone's stats, but you have less nodes to work with so you have to erase older ones.

          Not that max stats are in anyway necessary. The only things you need are gil and Yojimbo



          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            You still end up weaker in the long run. Here is one example of a stats comparison if you complete both paths.

            Basically with Expert Grid, you get an easier early game since Yuna turns into a beast with a small detour to get -ra spells, but a harder endgame since you have 50 nodes less.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              On the subject of Final Fantasy X, I've always been disappointed it was the first entry in the series to really seem so un-RPG-like. It felt as though the game didn't care to immerse you in its world and it was unashamed of how it was a tunnel. It's hilarious the game's radar feels the need to tell you "Go this way", when the whole game is a one-way street.

              It always amuses me whenever people seem to omit XI and XIV as if they aren't really part of the flagship series, since they are far more RPG-like than JRPG's to date, given that they're entirely player-driven rather than interactive storybooks.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                By that definition the only FF games that are RPGs are X-2, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns, since every other game in the series has a very railroaded plot, with very little choice as to what the next destination is, and what order you complete the main story quests in in addition to having the whole map locked in the beginning. X and XIII decided to just do away with giving an illusion of being able to free roam and just gave you a long corridor.

                Hilariously, the majority of criticisms brought up about XIII can be levelled at X or even VII or VI, but don't tell the fanboys that about their precious favourite game in the series.
                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                Reiko Takahashi
                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                Haters Gonna Hate


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  [insert JRPG vs Western RPG Extra Credits video here]
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    The place I'm coming from isn't even one of western vs Japanese than so much one where tabletop games are involved. Where RPG's actully statd. I wasn't even calling X, or even games like IV, VI, or VII, bad games. But can you still call it an RPG when there's so little "role playing" involved? So little decision on the part of the player at least. Definitely not on the level of say, Pokemon. You can go ahead and call me out for making a fuss over semantics. But the more I think about it, it's easy to call it an RPG. It's not so easy to call it a roleplaying game.

                    Could even go ahead and re-open the one about whether or not The Legend of Zelda ought to be considered an RPG. By JRPG standards, certainly not. But is Ocarina of Time really so different from, say, Skyrim which people would most certainly consider an RPG? Yet there are posters on this very forum who insisted that Zelda​ is not. Kingdom Hearts also resembles Zelda in many ways, but yeah sure, Kingdom Hearts​ is an RPG. You've even got side scroller platforming RPG's these days.
                    Last edited by Ketaru; 03-27-2014, 08:18 AM.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Patch 2.2 is really good so far.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        FFXIV - mainly on ps3 but got the ps4 ready and waiting for that version. Any1 know what day in April it's due for release?

                        FFX - on Vita. It's good but I prefer XII

                        DarkSouls2 - though the boy has still got it Grrr.

                        South Park - The stick of Truth - yes I occasionally enjoy some immature humour
                        "OH NO! A BOURGEOIS BIG-BOLLOCKED BOILER!!!!! THATS ALL I NEED", Conker The Squirrel, 2001
                        Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                          Patch 2.2 is really good so far.
                          please expound
                          75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
                          RANK 10 Bastok
                          CoP: Done
                          ZM: Done
                          ToA: Done
                          Assault rank: Captain
                          Campaign Medal: Medals
                          Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

                          Originally posted by Etra
                          This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Battle on the Bridge was some of the BEST fan service ever. OMG totally worth it (no drops though which kinda sucks but the fight itself was a blast)

                            Zodiak quest is kinda shit though. The return of the almighty RNGesus.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              City of Ampdor is a huge fanservice pack rolled into one as well for FFXI players. The entire zone is basically Promyvion and Pso'Xia rolled into one with Diabolos as the final boss, which is one of the more fun puzzle bosses I have fought in a long while, especially when on SCH.

                              DIdn't have time to try Brayflox HM, Halatalli HM or Gilgamesh last night but will by trying them later.

                              Zodiac Weapon farming is bullshit though. It's Trials of the Magians all over again so if you want a BiS weapon while also having a job to keep a roof over your head, you're shit out of luck.
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Do all of these new zones / raids automatically unlock if you have the regular mode active, or do you need to go hit up an npc to unlock them?
                                75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
                                RANK 10 Bastok
                                CoP: Done
                                ZM: Done
                                ToA: Done
                                Assault rank: Captain
                                Campaign Medal: Medals
                                Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

                                Originally posted by Etra
                                This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.

