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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Been playing a lot of Payday 2. I find it a great improvement from the first, especially since they have some Ex-DICE and Starbreeze people working for overkill now. The difficulty was ramped up and they didn't cop out on difficulty levels either. Playing on Overkill basically means that the AI is more aggressive when it comes to Police Assaults and rescuing any hostages you have, and they send in elite units sooner. Damage is the same across all difficulties, as is how much health people have.

    The missions are a lot more interesting than in 1 too. There's more random events and it is entirely possible to finish a mission without firing a single shot or an alarm being raised. It is also possible to do in guns blazing or just got for smash and grab tactics depending on the Heist. Usually things tend to start out stealthily until your teammate blows it and the whole thing turns into something not unlike Reservoir Dogs.

    That said, some Heists are very easy to farm and do cause a problem in the community. if you don't have C4 (which needs you to be mid elvel anyway to sucks to be you if you're new), expect to be kicked by people that just want to farm Ukrainian Job and Nightclub on Overkill because being able to blow doors and safes means you can go in guns blazing and finish the job before the police even turn up. Thankfully the Payday community is actually pretty nice and mature (for a Shooter Community), so it isn't too hard to find some people to play with and team up with with in the future. It's also VERY easy to identify the power levellers because they tend to fail at any other Heist in the game.
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Got me some nifty legendary stuffs on Borderlands 2 yesterday, sadly a lot of it quickly became obsolete as True Vault Hunter Mode is quite punishing ><

      atm I have a very glass-cannon like build I'm using for Axton that relies heavily on The Bee. My DPS goes through the roof when my shields are full, but I only have a max capacity of around 1800 after buffs which goes away in 1-2 hits from most enemies... the recharge delay is quite long as well. Still, I like getting +3400 damage per shot when shields are full :D

      Eventually I'll have to swap it out though for something more appropriate (it's only lv 29 and I'm around 38 now on TVM) as the Warrior will just eat me alive. Not to mention the damage output on higher level guns will outstrip that shield anyway at that point. And then I get to do it all over again at 50 so I can take a crack at Ultimate Mode... yay...

      Also nearly done Xillia's main story. I've been at the end of the game for a while now but been grinding for items to max out my shops. Just finished the weapon shop last night and got everyone's final weapons (I have the Devil Arms as well, but they were kinda stupid about it this go around as they don't gain full power until beating the EX Dungeon Boss making them strictly for NG+ which I find is dumb).



      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        Got me some nifty legendary stuffs on Borderlands 2 yesterday, sadly a lot of it quickly became obsolete as True Vault Hunter Mode is quite punishing ><

        atm I have a very glass-cannon like build I'm using for Axton that relies heavily on The Bee. My DPS goes through the roof when my shields are full, but I only have a max capacity of around 1800 after buffs which goes away in 1-2 hits from most enemies... the recharge delay is quite long as well. Still, I like getting +3400 damage per shot when shields are full :D

        Eventually I'll have to swap it out though for something more appropriate (it's only lv 29 and I'm around 38 now on TVM) as the Warrior will just eat me alive. Not to mention the damage output on higher level guns will outstrip that shield anyway at that point. And then I get to do it all over again at 50 so I can take a crack at Ultimate Mode... yay...
        Thank god I am here for you then. I suggest if you're using Axton you set up his turrets for slag. Since it will do x 3 the damage in TVHM. Also you're in the easy mode of the game still. Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode is MUCH worse. I'm not sure if you got the DLC for the game, but level 60+ Mobs will be able to 3 shot you no problem. If you have the Tiny Tina DLC, I suggest getting a Grog Nozzle from Moxxi along with the Magic Missile (Level 50 First) Which sends out 2 Homing Grenades, then the level 61 version sends out four. Also by the time you hit Ultimate Vault Hunter, if you're using Confrence Calls get rid of them. They tickle mobs on UVHM, you're going to want to start farming some raid bosses. Axton is okay for it, but if you want to have the highest DPS and kill them quickly go Salvador and use Money Shot. As for your shield, the next shield you're going to want is Evolution. I do believe it ups your elemental resistance to the last element that hits you. (I'll have to check). But that should keep you alive. Back to your gun, you're going to want something off-hand to slag with (Grog Nozzle) and a main DPS weapon. I like to use Moxxi's Weapons because they return health to you upon being used. Feel free to PM me if you have any BL2 questions. I played the game since release, have all the DLC and I've beaten the story too many times to remember, waiting on the next DLC which will bring the level cap to 72. Only thing I cannot help you with is Krieg. I simply hate his character.

        As for what game I've been playing, I'm preparing my body and soul for Dark Souls 2. A beta for DS2 starts in September so I'm keeping my ear to the ground for it. Invasions wouldn't be so bad if your hitbox for backstabs wasn't so damn easy to be hit by. It's ridiculous at how people fish for them. But overall the game is fun and I'm finally getting around to the Artorias DLC. I also managed to go and pick up Charlie Murder, if anyone has played it, a arcade brawler by Ska Studios (People who made Dishwasher/DW:VS/ZP2KX) The game feels like a combination of Dishwasher's action with the side scrolling ability of Castle Crashers. It's a good pick up for those who like arcade brawlers.
        Last edited by Melody; 08-23-2013, 09:26 AM.
        Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          How can you possibly hate Krieg?

          Also, the current build of Axton I'm using (i have like 15 toons going, all diff playstyles just for fun) is more of a true Commando - that is, I'm getting all the skills centered around buffing Axton himself, save for the Nuke which has been a bit of a godsend at times and I'm somewhat tempted to pair it with Longbow just so I can toss that bitch way out there for a nice big boom, and then proceed to open up a can of whoopass courtesy of The Bee :D

          I swear to God, The Bee + Shredifier is retardedly OP. Also works wonders with Hammerburst for maximum per-shot damage, but the raw dps from the Shredifier when combined with the amp damage from Bee is just stupid - I was farming the Warrior in roughly 2 min per run at level 31 lol ><

          I'm not sure what Rocket Launcher to go with though. I finally got my hands on a Nukem, and the thing is ridiculous for clearing out enemies in an enclosed space, but from what I understand The Mongol is actually the best for CC as it just sprays mini-rockets everywhere. I do like the raw damage of the Nukem though, especially given that I have a number of passives that boost and, and it's a Torgue weapon (and I just recently found this out but listen) which means it also benefits from grenade buffs. Yeah, that's pretty damn OP getting both RL and Nade buffs from a single skill.

          I haven't actually touched BL2 in a couple of days now though - finished Tales of Xillia (Milla's story) and beat the EX Dungeon, so that just leaves me with Jude's side and then trophy grinding. Still have to platinum The Last of Us (only got the 2 MP trophies to go) and possibly Ni no Kuni if I feel like it. I only need about 2 more for NNK, but they're the 2 worst - 90% of all alchemy synths and collect all 250 familiars.

          F. That. Noise.

          Lately the starcraft bug's gotten me, so I been dicking around on Unranked 2v2 ^^



          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Just try to kill me now, Ameno-Sagiri

            I dare you - just try.

            I always favor Almighty and Physical builds toward an SMT or Persona endgame with a ton of resistences, particularly given the bosses tend to have resistances out the ass and will try to kill you with everything and also massive physical and Almighty damage, so this is actually fair. Sometimes being the last one standing is the most important thing. to e fair, though, even on Hard Persona 4 Golden feels like a pushover to SMT III and IV on normal - its just they really ramp up the bosses in Persona 4's Hard more. The general enemies are more or less the same, just slightly hitting harder.

            And if feels like Golden Hands take forever to kill. They're more or less the Metal Slime/Cactuars of the game, though. Pain in the ass to kill, high EXP/Yen rewards if you do.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-24-2013, 03:01 PM.


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              To be fair Almighty is good for Physical Personas anyway, especially in P4 where Physical resistances are all rolled into one.

              Chie is your best bet for killing Golden Hands. In P4G her skills make her perfect for Crit Fishing. Combine that with a good Yoshitsune and you can farm them easily. Best place to farm them is the 6th floor of Matatgu Inaba, the big spiral room makes Red and Gold Shadows easy to spawn and the huge number of chests make farming the Reaper easy too. Heaven has the bigger packs of Golden Hands but Magatsu Inaba has a guaranteed layout for that bottom floor.

              I like now a number of bosses were rebalanced in Golden though. Shadow Yukiko was given a weakness and her damage output buffed to compensate is one notable example.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                I appreciate that Naoto was given two actually spells to start out this time around so you could decide what her niche in the party would be, the access to hama and mudo boosts also helped her be the perfect compliment to Yu as you level up his higher-level personas since Magatsu Inaba is loaded with Dark/light weakness enemies.

                Chie is great for hunting gold hands, but for now Kanji is better for bosses since he also has Power Charge and Primal Force, in addition to Matarukaja and Masukunda for buffing attack and debuffing enemy evasion.

                I'm going with Yukiko, Kanji and Teddie as my team for now since that covers healing, buffs and debuffs considerably while letting Yu and Kanji be the main DDs with either Yukiko or Teddie chipping in as they're able. Leaving Yukiko to heal by herself is a huge MP sink given that its better to give up Amarita when she gets Salvation, but having Teddie there with buffs, Mediarhan and Amarita can seriously lighten her load as healer and let her cut loose with Agidyne from time to time.


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                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-24-2013, 06:30 PM.


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Borderlands 2 is pissing me off. There are parts of this game that were very clearly not designed with single player in mind and it is goddamn infuriating.
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Naoto learns all of the -Dyne spells, so she fills multiple niches and isn't a liability in boss fights any more. She's actually one of the best party members now for Margaret and the bonus dungeon, with Kanji and Chie kind of being liabilities given that the Repel Physical can't be removed with items.

                    That said, Kanji, Chie and Naoto is one of those setups where everything in sight dies.
                    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                    Reiko Takahashi
                    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                    Haters Gonna Hate


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                      Borderlands 2 is pissing me off. There are parts of this game that were very clearly not designed with single player in mind and it is goddamn infuriating.
                      Yep. They did a shit job balancing a number of spots and I'm amazed they never patched it.

                      I believe I've said this before, but the game basically forces you to side quest to have enough EXP to keep going, which is retarded because they're supposed to be optional. Pretty much everything past the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve is multiplayer oriented, and even that area is a rather huge PITA if you're not prepared (It's got 1 of the 4 bosses that absolutely hose melee builds, not counting DLC).

                      The most egregious I find is the assault on the Bunker. Making your way up thousand cuts is utter horseshit solo. Even if you're at a decent level (25) and well-geared, the 2 Jet Loaders at the very beginning can drop you 1 shot with a missile AND THIS IS ON FUCKING NORMAL MODE. On top of that you got Hyperion Engineers who are armored (yay...), shielded, and can throw down turrets that shoot electricity (bye bye shields) and then the War Loaders and just ugh.

                      Never mind the fucking Badass Constructor that literally nukes you. I hate constructors with a fiery passion. Firstly, I'm opposed to enemies that can't be slagged at all but even moreso to Constructors because they continually spawn more enemies.

                      Again, BL2 suffers from the gameplay being too basic and at times ridiculously hard, ala Diablo 3's Infernal pre-nerfs. The world and characters are interesting, and there's a lot of cool stuff in the game but the combat can just send you into a complete rage at times. I don't understand how the F'd it up that bad, while D3 actually managed to get the pace and balance of combat mostly right (health globes, proper goddamned defensive gear stats and skills...)

                      I love the BL series, but I may just skip 3 if they don't at least add more defensive equipment because just having a shield doesn't cut it. Making the enemies stupidly strong to compensate for shitty AI/lack of tactics on their part is poor design.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        I am doing all the godamned side quests and the issue is still coming up...IN THE FUCKING SIDE QUESTS.

                        It's ridiculous.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Some of them kinda suck, like "Mighty Morph'n" early on... even with 2 people, those Super Badass Varkid are stupidly strong.

                          I don't even want to see them on Ultimate.

                          Not gonna lie, I'd say like 75% of the time I get put into last stand I have no idea who or wtf hit me...

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Ducktales Remastered

                            Why must this game not have a downloadable soundtrack?



                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              I'm pretty sure Jake Kaufman puts most of his soundtracks up on BandCamp at reasonable prices, its just in this case there are probably a ton of licensing and royalty issues in the way.

                              And Capcom.

                              At any rate, his take on the Moon Theme is as glorious as you'd expect. The again, everything the guy does is amazing. He did a Queen-style take on the "Maria" theme in Balance and Ruin: Final Fantasy VI and his work on last years' Adventure Time game and the Mighty Switch Force games are really great stuff.

                              That aside, I strongly believe Scrooge McDuck should he the protagonist of every Disney game. I think Remastered is Alan Young's final performance of the character, though to be fair the guy is 94 and its impressive he was still willing to reprise Scrooge. I'm sure there's another actor out there that will do right by the character, but it always impresses me how long voice actors can go on.
                              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-25-2013, 04:26 PM.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Was happy to hear Alan Young as Scrooge again. I was actually convinced Birth by Sleep was going to be the last I've heard of him. The game actually would not have been as enjoyable (to me) had it been someone else.

                                I understand that there is a higher standard for games these days, but I'm shocked when I find people complaining about the story of Ducktales Remastered. It's a remake of a NES game based on a children's cartoon. And the game does provide a way to skip the cutscenes. As for the story itself, it seemed very much in the spirit of the original show.

                                As for The Moon theme, it's definitely gained a following based in the people who are going to play this game in the first place. There are quite a few instances where it turns up in the game beyond The Moon stage. There's a piano version of it played during the credits. It's hidden in the present day Himalayas theme. In fact, I just noticed it hidden in the theme of Scrooge's office. The music, as it's used in the game, sound great. Still, it would be even better if I could also hear it while I'm out for a walk.

                                If I have any complaint about Ducktales Remastered, it's that the cane attack doesn't always seem to be responsive mid-jump. Ends with me landing on obstacles and enemies with a regular jump and taking damage. Speaking of damage, I don't know about the other two difficulty levels, but I'm playing the game on Hard and the game is surprisngly...hard.
                                Last edited by Ketaru; 08-25-2013, 04:57 PM.

