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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Ketaru isn't alone. Having at least played them with the exception of Dream Drop Distance, I can't help but feel the original console entries are actually the weaker entries of the series. 358 and BBS both felt the most like proper RPGs while also having stronger stories about friendship.

    That and Aqua is a better protagonist than Sora. And 358's actually useful synth system makes KH and KH2's look like shit.


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      To be fair, I've only played the 1st 2 and seen bits of the others - I couldn't tolerate Chain of Memories' card-based battle system and then I just stopped caring as it was all back/side-story stuff when I really just wanted a proper continuation. And now we finally got KH3 coming so yay!

      358/2 was interesting though.



      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Ketaru isn't alone. Having at least played them with the exception of Dream Drop Distance, I can't help but feel the original console entries are actually the weaker entries of the series. 358 and BBS both felt the most like proper RPGs while also having stronger stories about friendship.

        That and Aqua is a better protagonist than Sora. And 358's actually useful synth system makes KH and KH2's look like shit.
        Dream Drop Distance is actually a lot like a refined Birth by Sleep as far as battles go. Also, interestingly enough, Sora reverts back to a younger age for much of the game. When he does, he does mellow out a bit and actually becomes tolerable. Then he grows up again in the end and is idiotic again.

        Pretty much any given protagonist in the series is a battle protagonist than Sora is. He's likeable in the very first, original game. That is, before he became this exaggerated mess of rainbows and joyjoy. But after that, he was just too childish and idiotic. And dull. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua were more interesting characters. Roxas was more interesting. Riku is more interestig. Hell, even Data Sora is more interesting than Sora or Kairi.

        The only weaker character so far is Kairi. For a character who is supposed to be as important as she is, it's like she hardly has a presence in any of the games.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          Well, Data Sora didn't have much spoken dialogue or sense of obligation to continuity, so yeah, he was more likable. I could also appreciate Sora in CoM because his memories were gone and so was much of his idiocy as a result.

          I see Sora as Laguna Loire minus his confidence, his introspective or insightful moments and self-depreciating humor. Make no mistake, Laguna is an idiot, but he's one you can root for even if he gets your friends lost. If Sora was more like Laguna, I'd like him more, but with characters like Riku, Ventus, Axel or Aqua around you feel like you got stuck with the dweeb for half of the series.


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            I was just thinking last night that he was good in Chain of Memories too. Some of his interesting character flaws actually showed.


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              CoM made him a bit more sympathetically gullible. You already were in on the fact he was just being manipulated, but since Donald and Goofy weren't really the best frame or reference for his past anyway and their memories were also gone, you had no choice but to see him chase the girl. I guess it also helped that Organization XIII was more intentially mysterious, but I liked their addition purely for the fact that there was more evil out there than one guy babbling about darkness.

              That said, I do hope Maleficent gets a bigger role in KH3. Honestly, she should be standing right by Xehanort's side toward the end because she really is Disney's top tier big bad. Granted, mostly because she was the first, but she's getting her own movie soon and they might want to play that up. I just wonder how Angelina Jolie is going to pull off her demeanor and voice. Well, I'm sure she'll nail the demeanor, at least.


              Finished up SMT IV a couple days ago. Wound up on the Law Ending. That's not to say "good," but just lawful. Order, control and all that. Staring over to shoot for the Neutral path since its kinda hard to undo one path once you've had the hidden math of the game set you down it. The 2nd Cycle options are more generous than previous games and since the dungeons here are still hard, but aren't padded out so much even compared to Persona, its definitely doable rather quickly.

              Of course stomping the world with high level guys like Shiva and Mastema didn't feel fair so I downgraded to a Pavarti and Pixie.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Installed Borderlands 2 this weekend and I'm having a bit of an identity crisis over it. I defaulted to Siren because I had a blast with Lilith in the original, but Maya's all gloomy and serious, plus she plays a bit different. My friend roped me into starting up a fresh character so he and I could do a play-through together and I tried Zero while he picked up the bandit. I gotta say playing Zero next to Krieg is pretty goddamn underwhelming. Here's a character who focuses on hitting things with an axe, setting himself on fire and strapping dynamite to his face. What've I got? Increased weapon swap speed? Needless to say, after a couple hours I wasn't really having much fun with Zero.

                Last night I tried out Gaige for a bit. So far I'm loving her, she's a lot more energetic than the last two characters I tried, which is good. Also good: giant death robot with claws. I'm not entirely sold on her skill trees though. The Anarchy tree looks like it could be stupid good, but it pretty thoroughly destroys any chance of ever using a sniper rifle and my penchant for constantly reloading before my magazine is empty would work against me. The electric tree looks decent, but some of the skills are pretty bland. +3% shock damage, sure, that's useful but kind of boring. The other tree just seems a little off. It's a collection of tweaks that make the game less abusive but doesn't feel like it's really adding anything fun or distinct to the experience.

                Shit, skill trees in general just feel frustrating in this series. I had similar indecisiveness in the original game so I just ended up picking skills I knew were useful rather than going for any sort of dedicated build, and all the non-Siren skill trees were just so poorly designed that it turned me off from playing the other classes entirely.

                So yeah. Kind stuck now. Don't know what character to go through the game with or what kind of build to go for.

                Also: they ruined Scooter for me.
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Terrarria Multiplayer is making me remember exactly why I don't trust my friends when trying to mine Obsidian.
                  Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                  Reiko Takahashi
                  - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                  Haters Gonna Hate


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                    Installed Borderlands 2 this weekend and I'm having a bit of an identity crisis over it. I defaulted to Siren because I had a blast with Lilith in the original, but Maya's all gloomy and serious, plus she plays a bit different. My friend roped me into starting up a fresh character so he and I could do a play-through together and I tried Zero while he picked up the bandit. I gotta say playing Zero next to Krieg is pretty goddamn underwhelming. Here's a character who focuses on hitting things with an axe, setting himself on fire and strapping dynamite to his face. What've I got? Increased weapon swap speed? Needless to say, after a couple hours I wasn't really having much fun with Zero.

                    Last night I tried out Gaige for a bit. So far I'm loving her, she's a lot more energetic than the last two characters I tried, which is good. Also good: giant death robot with claws. I'm not entirely sold on her skill trees though. The Anarchy tree looks like it could be stupid good, but it pretty thoroughly destroys any chance of ever using a sniper rifle and my penchant for constantly reloading before my magazine is empty would work against me. The electric tree looks decent, but some of the skills are pretty bland. +3% shock damage, sure, that's useful but kind of boring. The other tree just seems a little off. It's a collection of tweaks that make the game less abusive but doesn't feel like it's really adding anything fun or distinct to the experience.

                    Shit, skill trees in general just feel frustrating in this series. I had similar indecisiveness in the original game so I just ended up picking skills I knew were useful rather than going for any sort of dedicated build, and all the non-Siren skill trees were just so poorly designed that it turned me off from playing the other classes entirely.

                    So yeah. Kind stuck now. Don't know what character to go through the game with or what kind of build to go for.

                    Also: they ruined Scooter for me.
                    You should try Gaige again and go down the Anarchy path. It's a lot funnier and more effective than it seems. The way to use it is to combine Anarchy's huge bonus damage and accuracy penalty with her Ricochet skill, which lets missed shots bounce back and try to hit the nearest enemy. The cool part is, the ricochet shots don't suffer from the Anarchy accuracy penalty, so you can literally just blind fire at the ground somewhere close to an enemy and still reliably hit them.

                    This is obviously not the sort of tactic you want to use if you prefer using sniper rifles, but it's amusing nonetheless.



                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      I kind of want to do 3 play-throughs. One with a sniper Siren, one with Gaige going shock heavy and one with Gaige firing in random directions and murdering everything anyway. I just don't which to do first, and I know I'm going to burn out long before I get through all three options.

                      This game also feels like it's a lot more challenging than the original and I find myself respawning a lot more frequently. Then again maybe I'm just noticing it more because it's now a long and drawn out process that breaks the flow of the game rather than a quick hop back into the action like it used to be.
                      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                      Name: Drjones
                      Blog: Mediocre Mage


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        I love Zer0 to pieces personally. His style is very different from Krieg though;

                        Whereas Krieg is all about having a big HP pool and getting the enemy's face, Zero relies more on stealth and critical hits to rapidly drop enemies 1 by 1. He's also 1 of those characters that has a single skill tree that's entirely supplemental - you don't base a build around it, you dip into it AFTER 31+ to enhance your build. Sniping tree is for big single-target damage, Bloodshed is for striking down multiple enemies - his level 30 skill "Many Must Fall" is completely batshit, as it re-cloaks him (throwing out an additional hologram to distract enemies) and adds extra time to Deception every time you kill an enemy with melee.

                        He's also quite amusing as a character (though again, not in the same way Krieg is ^^. They're both nuts though - Krieg's a psycopath and Zer0 is a sociopath).

                        For one thing, he only speaks in Haiku. One of my personal favorites is:

                        "Critical killing,
                        Is an art unto itself,
                        And I am Rembrant."

                        He also displays various emoticons when doing stuff, incluing "

                        EDIT: Wtf like half my post got deleted....
                        Last edited by Malacite; 08-05-2013, 12:08 PM.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Been play Dust: An Elysian Tail lately. Managed to snag a 1000+ hit combo last night.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Playing Rogue Legacy until I can get Tales of Xillia and Dragon's Crown tomorrow.

                            My most successful run has been a Barbarian Queen afflicted with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Nostalgia. Nothing like having the entire screen be sepia-toned while hearing fart-noises every time you jump!


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              Well, I've plowed back through SMT IV to get on the Neutral Path. Turns out you have to stay between a hidden -8/+8 value to be considered Neutral and its very, very easy to push past those numbers either way if you do too many quests and make choices within them. Still, glad to be on that path now.

                              Trying to decide on what to play next, though. I picked up the 3DS revamp of the non-retail version of Cave Story (its essentially the Steam version) and I also picked up the Zelda Oracle games and Mighty Switch Force 2 with my $30 eShop credit. Might Switch Force 2 was more for my Jake Kaufman fix than it was to play through the whole thing right away.

                              Or I could wrap up Persona 4 Golden and Devil Survivor Overclocked, both of which I have been dallying on forever. I did get my 1k damage trophy in P4G last night via Amagidyne, which I was quite pleased with.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                OK, all done with BL2 for a while (unless friends wanna play) as Xillia is out today ^_^

                                Gonna go pick it up after my post-workout meal.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

