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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    I think when you're done with an envisioned trilogy and go on to make more games in a series you run that kind of risk. When you drag things out it can become a bit more meandering and safe, like what Kingdom Hearts has more or less turned into and what Assassin's Creed has already became before completing its original arch. Thankfully, God of War probably doesn't totally lose it because it has a stronger literary and cultural basis for its mythological narrative than those franchises do,

    Its kinda how like Metal Gear Solid still remains relevant even though Solid Snake's story is over and all the key players are now dead. Kojima just looks at history, his characters and finds a basis within history to go with. Its rather amazing to think soon Big Boss will have had as many series entries as Solid Snake did and even The Boss might get her own game.

    Its still a risk, but its one I feel safe leaving Kojima and his studio to take at this point. I've not yet played Revengence, but it seems there's just enough there to keep it plausible within MGS4's post-war economy narrative.

    I think the only weakness for Sony and their studios is just how reliant they are on the cinematic narrative to pull the story through. They could use a few more Icos, SotCs, Journeys and No Heroes Allowed games to remind themselves it doesn't all have be some movie-like romp. Kinda like how Fire Emblem games or Xenoblade remind me not all Nintendo games have to keep a minimalist narrative to be enjoyable - though really, don't let Sakamoto do a cinematic Metroid game again. If it must be done, clearly, let the Fire Emblem writers have a go at it.


    Just spent the whole evening on Fire Emblem again, maxing out Donell and reclassing him to Hero (though maybe a trip through Mercenary would have been better first). Just doing that puts up on part with some Lords at endgame in other series entires.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-16-2013, 03:22 AM.


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Still playing Xenoblade, gonna start my Brutal playthrough of HotS soon.

      I *love* using Melia now instead of Shulk as my primary. Holy crap is she capable of dealing a tonne of damage. I'm rather liking Melia + Dunban + Sharla combo, as Dunban is far stronger offensively than Reyn is (he's basically an evasion tank whereas Reyn sponges hits). Still can't quite wrap my head around why Riki has so much freaking HP though; he's a Thief class (more or less) and yet has more base HP than anyone else... and he's a freaking Nopon...




      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Riki is awesome. Drop Sharla in favor of him. Not only is he a better healer than Sharle (no loltastic cooldown for him), but he deals more damage than her too. Oh, and he can steal stuff and backstab. What's not to like?



        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          He has a metric F-tonne of HP too.

          I only have 1 healing skill for him atm though I think. I"ll try subbing him in though (he is so freaking ADORABLE right now omg I gave him like this kitty-helmet thing and he's got tiger paws over his... flaps, or whatever those are lol. Point is he's insanely cute atm XD)

          I just got to Melia's home town (trying to avoid spoilers) and I think I'm about to get my 7th character soon? (I know it is sadly, *that* little tidbit got spoiled on me while looking up timed quests god damn it >< some jackass just blurted it out)

          Also finished Dead Space 3: Awakened. Very good DLC, but overpriced/too short; They could have set it at 500 points and it would have been perfect. It's 3 short chapters, but the quality of the content is right up there with Dead Space 2 - it was far better than anything in the main game and a badly needed dose of actual horror. The ending sets up Dead Space 4, which I won't spoil.



          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Okay, I realize this is a major longshot given there's no info on either GameFAQs, Youtube, or either JP/NA Wikis but...

            For the love of God, does ANYTHING in the Eryth Sea drop Eryth Armour? I've gotten every piece of the set for every character (slotted) save for the damn body and there seems to be absolutely no info as to how to obtain it. Supposedly you can get it from Zebeba or w/e his name is in the marsh (the recluse Nopon in the cave) but I haven't seen it nor gotten one from overtrading.

            It's pissing me off too, as I bought a regular body from the store in Alcamoth just to see what it looks and it's freaking epic - the whole set is just beautiful to look at (and it's good gear for where I'm at now so it's stylish AND functional) and it's bumming me out that I have to go with slotted Shell Armor instead :/

            I want my Angelic armor... I especially wanna see how it looks on the 7th character :3

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Try the lizard guys at Eryth Sea and NMs in their family in that area.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                I've been farming the hell out of them, and I only ever get Shell or League Armor from them and the Hodes...

                I've tried doing it at night as well for the increased drops, nothing. So I gave up and moved on the to the Tomb. I'll just buy up the armor I guess for kicks whenever I wanna stare at them in that gear (Sharla's is particularly sexy lol, though she's the exception in that I prefer her to wear the League body )

                Melia's Eryth set is freaking amazing.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Mana Khemia 2 dares tempt me with another play-through by being able to transfer recipes and such from Raze's story to the other character... *whine* I wanted to start playing Brutal Legend and Psychonauts already.
                  Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                  Originally posted by Nandito

                  You make me want to hurt things.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    So hours later and *still* no slotted Eryth Armour.

                    It doesn't exist.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      You can beat the game without it, I promise.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        I wantses my sexy armour though

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Yes and I wanted every possible child I could get from Fire Emblem: Awakening, but two women and one man have died on my watch, so that kind of didn't work out. The last one I had just reclassed to a Dark Flier, too. I could have restarted but I made a rule about letting permanent deaths stand should they occur in story-based battles.


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Please tell me it wasn't Cordelia! She's my favorite!


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              Finished God of War: Ascension. Not sure what to move on to right now. Bioshock Infinite is on tap next week, but still have tons and tons and tons of stuff in my backlog:

                              Assassin's Creed Revelations (PS3) - likely next candidate for completion.
                              Bioshock 2 (PS3) - I should maybe play more than 5 minutes of this before moving on to Infinite, yes?
                              Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3) - this is on loan to my nephew so it's on hold for now, but I'll come back to it eventually.
                              Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3) - specifically ME1, which I need trophies for

                              Finished my platinum trophy on Plants vs. Zombies on PS Vita, moving on to get more progress on Silent Hill : Book of Memories. God that game just haaates you, but it's kinda sort of quirky fun; not surprising considered it's made by Wayforward.



                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Originally posted by Fliegar View Post
                                Please tell me it wasn't Cordelia! She's my favorite!
                                Nah, it was Sumia.

                                Originally posted by Icemage
                                Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3) - specifically ME1, which I need trophies for
                                There's some discrepancies between the 360 original and the Trilogy version which I understand unfortunately occur on the PS3 version as well. Framerate gets really choppy during firefights in the more narrow areas of the game, it makes playing any class that likes to get up close and personal hell, particularly during that whole section of the game leading up to Benezia with all the raccni.

                                If you played it already on PC, you've already played a better version. I'd save it for a rainy day and go for one of the others you listed.

