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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
    Just started DMC Devil May Cry.

    Finished 1st mission, seems "OK" to me.

    * Combat doesn't seem as dumbed down as people are whining about. You still have to work pretty hard for SSSensational ratings. I only managed to get one SSS on that first mission, and that's because the boss glitched and stopped moving (lol) so I was able to beat him down with any combo I wanted. I'm sure I could have done it anyway, but it certainly made it simpler. The only difference seems to be that the style meter doesn't drain like in past games. You still get diminishing returns for repeating a move, however, so stylish players are going to get to SSS a lot faster.

    * Art style isn't as ugly as I was afraid of, but it still lacks some of the over-the-top elegance of past titles.

    * Dante looks OK. In fact, there's a funny joke near the end of the first mission about him not having white hair. It certainly made me laugh.

    * Lowered frame rate definitely is a slight problem, but it doesn't make the game anywhere near unplayable.



    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      It's 30 FPS as opposed to 60, which should have been a major issue but I guess NT found a way around that.

      A lot of swearing in it too, and I mean a lot. I still much prefer classic Dante, but at least the game isn't turning out as horribly as it all looked (and honestly it was not looking good at all for a long time). Funny that they basically ripped off Diablo and just decided to make him a Nephalem instead of a half-demon this time around. The GT review says the cast & acting is supposed to be very good, which would be a series first lol... much as I love me my classic Dante, some of those lines... yikes.



      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        It's 30 FPS as opposed to 60, which should have been a major issue but I guess NT found a way around that.

        A lot of swearing in it too, and I mean a lot. I still much prefer classic Dante, but at least the game isn't turning out as horribly as it all looked (and honestly it was not looking good at all for a long time). Funny that they basically ripped off Diablo and just decided to make him a Nephalem instead of a half-demon this time around. The GT review says the cast & acting is supposed to be very good, which would be a series first lol... much as I love me my classic Dante, some of those lines... yikes.
        Are you posting this because you're playing the retail release, or just regurgitating what you've read elsewhere + demo impressions?

        There's not nearly as much swearing in the retail release as you might think from the demo. One of the criticisms leveled at Ninja Theory was that dialogue has always been a strong point for them, and the demo left a poor impression of that. From talking with other people playing through the game right now, though - as well as my own impressions so far - there's not really a ton of profanity outside of the sections in the demo.

        Granted, the writing isn't as strong as, say, Heavenly Sword's, but considering the source material, you can't really expect miracles.



        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          By now, you've probably already finished Chapter 2. If you haven't, you get a lot of new weapons in Chapter 2. It's a lot to absorb all at once, though I'm probably going to go back to Chapter 1 later to see what I missed and improve my score.


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            It was in the GT & Destructoid reviews (I think it was destructoid, might have been Kotaku).

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              It was in the GT & Destructoid reviews (I think it was destructoid, might have been Kotaku).
              Seriously, there's this weird impression that people have that DmC is as potty-mouthed as Bulletstorm, and it's simply not even close to true. Sure, the original Dante never swore at all, so by comparison the new one swears more, but that's a pretty big sliding scale.



              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Maybe you're just not far in enough? Or maybe it's just that 1 clip they used where he exchanges F-bombs back & forth.

                Either way doesn't bother me. Still hate the NY accent he has now.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Went back to PSP gaming. Decided to pick back up on Birth By Sleep. I got about halfway through Aqua's campaign. Finished it by the time I went to bed. Took me 16 hours. So about a day and a half worth of gameplay if your going for the story, skipping all the side missions, arenas, treasure hunting, so on and so forth. I have to do Terra and Ventus now. Not sure if anyone would like to see this, but I'm not sure if its real but a small snip of what appears to be the cameo for FF 13's Lightning. I'm not sure if she was supposed to be in KH3D or what, but all I know is that I found it while looking up KH3 stuff.
                  I can't really see her fitting in with Sora and the rest of the group without being a total and complete bitch to them. Even then I did a little bit more digging and Laguna Loire from FF8 was supposed to be in BBS and be the manager for the Arena challenge's however, if they did that he couldn't appear in Dissidia, so SE dropped the idea and put him in Dissidia. However BBS got the trade off of Zack, since he was supposed to be in Dissidia as well. So I am wondering if Lightning got dropped in KH3D will she appear in 3? Hmm...gonna go bug J9 about this....Oh J9....*Pulls out tranquilizer gun*
                  Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    It was in the GT & Destructoid reviews (I think it was destructoid, might have been Kotaku).
                    Also bears mentioning that Destructoid gave it a 9 and Kotaku thinks its something people should play.

                    That anyone worries about language in a game is honestly beyond me. Anyone that worries about story and character doesn't remember how laughable those things were before and forgot how much DMC prides itself on being stupid. Apparently DmC succeeds in stupidity, has better platforming than any prior entry in the series and manages to succeed in making the game more accessible while not reducing it to a pile of mopey emo garbage like DMC2 was.

                    It doesn't seem to be as hard, but if that's your concern you have Metal Gear Rising Revengence and Bayonetta 2 coming down the pipe. The genre isn't exactly dry this year.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Made a push to finish the Mass Effect trilogy. It was about 88 hours from start to finish, though I skipped some side missions in the first game. I imagine it could easily have been 100 hours. Still, glad I had the opportunity to have Wrex as a party member. Always felt odd having the squad members have a history with him that I, as a player, personally didn't.

                      Now I can concentrate on DMC Devil May Cry and, on Tuesday, Ni no Kuni.

                      but all I know is that I found it while looking up KH3 stuff.
                      With all the stalling they're doing, I'm surprised there's any stuff to look up at all.
                      Last edited by Ketaru; 01-17-2013, 08:45 AM.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                        Made a push to finish the Mass Effect trilogy. It was about 88 hours from start to finish, though I skipped some side missions in the first game. I imagine it could easily have been 100 hours. Still, glad I had the opportunity to have Wrex as a party member. Always felt odd having the squad members have a history with him that I, as a player, personally didn't.

                        Now I can concentrate on DMC Devil May Cry and, on Tuesday, Ni no Kuni.

                        Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                        With all the stalling they're doing, I'm surprised there's any stuff to look up at all.
                        Well were supposed to be seeing KH HD soon. I hope they do a re-release of Dream Drop Distance on PS3. But probably due to the 3D nature of the game, it might stay ported to 3DS only. -sigh- I started Final Mix last night, english patched, Critical Mode as usual. I can't play on any lesser of a setting since it feels like I will breeze through it like I did the last 2 KH games I played. This is "fan speculation" but I was told that KH3 is to be released sometime around when the HD collection is supposed to come out. Highly Doubtful but one can dream yes?

                        Also I got Ni No Kuni ordered on Gamefly, I plan on diving into that once it gets here. I haven't had a good RPG in a very long time and Ni looks amazing, the art style reminds me of a mix of Steamboy and the digital/watercolor crossover that Hayao Miyazaki did in Princess Mononoke. In a sense of recent major console games I've been play Infinite Undiscovery and I am highly dissapointed with the overall story.The fighting mechanics are neat and allow you to have that many people on the screen at once. But it pains me to go through such a badly made story. But this will do rather than me play the non-existant game people call Final Fantasy 13.
                        Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Started up Magicka. On Chapter 7.

                          Shield Magic is fun as all get out. Especially when you get to play geometry with Arcane Beams.

                          Playing with someone would be nice, too, so I won't have to listen to that fairy any more.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Originally posted by Melody View Post
                            Well were supposed to be seeing KH HD soon.

                            I hope they do a re-release of Dream Drop Distance on PS3.
                            *snort* *guffaw*

                            But probably due to the 3D nature of the game, it might stay ported to 3DS only.
                            PS Vita is more a tiny bit more likely than PS3. It's got the touch screen to make a port that has sensible controls, but obviously less install base.

                            I was told that KH3 is to be released sometime around when the HD collection is supposed to come out. Highly Doubtful but one can dream yes?
                            Square-Enix wouldn't dare not actually produce a product they've announced, would they? They've never done so, ever. Nope. Never. Ever.

                            Of course not!

                            Also I got Ni No Kuni ordered on Gamefly, I plan on diving into that once it gets here. I haven't had a good RPG in a very long time and Ni looks amazing, the art style reminds me of a mix of Steamboy and the digital/watercolor crossover that Hayao Miyazaki did in Princess Mononoke.
                            This is why we cannot have nice things. If you wanted to play it that badly and you love the artistry behind it, why not actually reward the creators by paying for the product?



                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              Yeah I'm on the fence about that game. It looks kinda weird... but I adore Miyazaki.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Just finished the Fire Emblem Awakening demo.

                                I've always been a small fan of Intelligent Systems and heard the game did better than any other franchise entry in Japan, but this still took me a bit by surprise. It builds on the Gamecube and Wii entries concepts, but has a few nice touches of its own. For one, your occasional serious role as Tactician seems to have been substantially upgraded to someone that can actually fight, be customized in appearance and gender from the outset and get a hand-drawn 2D cutscene sprite to boot. I've never seen that little hand-drawn bonus happen in create-a-character mode before.

                                The rest of it is just a class act all around. the 3D anime cutscenes look great, voice acting is solid and the combat is as fluid as ever, but with nice little touches. they still keep the 2D overhead spirtes, but battles are in 3D and units placed next to each other can offer stat boosts and additional attack turns There were also three difficulty settings before you had the option to choose classic or casual modes, so I guess I can forgive the casual thing in light of the added diffculty. I went for Hard and the demo forces Casual, but when I took hits on my archer and healer the damage taken was pretty substantial. Fair enough.

                                The initial cast is pretty well-rounded, too. I took a liking to Sully almost the instant she showed up, in addition the foppish, cowardly and arrogant archer skirt-chasing her.

                                All in all, this sets a pretty high bar for the rest of the RPGs hitting 3DS this year. And its already looking like a damn good year for RPGs. This and EOIV in Febrary, Monster Hunter in March and Soul Hackers in April.

                                And Pandora's Tower got a US date for Wii! Guess I'll have to pick that up for when I get my Wii U. Killer Is Dead for PS3 and 360 this summer, too, so I'll get my annual Suda 51 fix, I guess.

