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What games are you currently playing?
Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Dishonored is the only game this year that made me want to start a new playthrough immediately after finishing the first. For me this has much to to with its story, characters, its level design, how choice is implemented and having some really great first-person platforming, which is rare to come by.
I like it when choice is reflected by gameplay and not just dialogue branches. Dishonored did it entirely by gameplay.
And the villains were so slimey, such horrible people I couldn't bring myself to kill them, I wanted the satisfaction of knowing they'd suffer and be miserable instead.
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Originally posted by Malacite View PostWhatever you say.
I got bored with it pretty fast. Had a lot more fun with DX:HR than Dishonored.
Looking forward to Bioshock now :3
For reference, I've been slowly making my way through Dishonored for the past three weeks, maybe 1 gaming session every few days, and it's held my attention even though most of my time is still invested into Persona 4 Golden. I don't like the relentlessly negative atmosphere of Dishonored as much as the glitzy-but-still-dystopian setting of DX:HR, and if that's what you're fixating on, fine, but in terms of gameplay, Dishonored is still better than DX:HR.
It's not as "difficult" when playing in full stealth mode because - as you noted - enemies who find unconscious bodies don't usually sound a general alarm unless they're actually near an alarm device, but that doesn't mean the game is a horrendous pushover. I'm still punished if I don't pay attention to what I'm doing and I generally have to reload some segments a few times as I try and take down particularly problematic enemies.
I suppose I could make it easier on myself by simply bypassing some enemies, but by and large I like to do things meticulously when I play games of this nature (something that drives me absolutely bonkers when playing MGS4, for instance, since this sort of knock-everyone-out approach is often not a sane option in that game). I don't have to do this, but I choose to as a personal playstyle preference, and as an added layer of difficulty.
Also: DX:HR's boss fights just plain suck. Dishonored's mission objectives are a lot more creative and cool.
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
"Knock everyone out" was a pretty sane option for MGS Peacewalker, though. So long as you had enough balloons to justify that, anyway.
Then again you built a base by kidnapping an army that way.
I appreciate Dishonored for being another game where you don't have to kill at all. I think that's something we could stand to have a little bit more of in games. Not for the sake of appeasing critics of violence in gaming so much as maturing the narratives and choice mechanics of games a little bit more.
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post"Knock everyone out" was a pretty sane option for MGS Peacewalker, though. So long as you had enough balloons to justify that, anyway.
I appreciate Dishonored for being another game where you don't have to kill at all. I think that's something we could stand to have a little bit more of in games. Not for the sake of appeasing critics of violence in gaming so much as maturing the narratives and choice mechanics of games a little bit more.
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Of Orcs and Men is a terrible terrible game and you should not buy it.
I got suckered in by the cool trailer and then discovered that both the gameplay and the writing in it are pretty bottom of the barrel. The concept is brilliant, but that only makes it even more frustrating.
I uninstalled it before I even got through the first hour of play. It's just that bad.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
No, no they do not.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
I'm in the middle of playing Alice: Madness Returns. By god American McGee did a masterpiece with that game. Capturing Alice's psyche so perfectly with the game. I'm going to read the book as well as the...I think Through The Looking Glass Wars, from the Mad Hatters perspective I believe. The watercolor art is brilliant.Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
My brother and I actually have several binders full of design notes for a game we want to make, though he's in the process of learning the programming aspect. D:
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Using Unity 3D and my knowledge of Blender, Photoshop, After Effects to try and make some kind of "classic" adventure RPG game for the PC that would also work on the Unity web player platform that works great on any browser.
Could be for pretty much any console too but since I don't own any consoles that'd be hard to run debugs and testing on.
Incoming details even though no one asked.
So far I got this dude that spawns in some woods and there's a bonfire that he can put off and collect some wood from it in case there's any left to start another fire if he wants or use the left over wood as a component to make a weapon somehow because pretty soon you likely be eaten by a grue. The initial goal is to be able to set up camp using resources you find along the way, this camp is an area where you can do stuff like talk to party members, craft things and what not somewhat like in breath of fire 4.
My idea is to make a game that's pretty "hardcore", healing wont always be instant (when it is, it will come at a price), some tough battles to keep you on your toes while going around the game areas (random battles), switching characters will be important, kind of like in FF10, no magic? see ya in 20 minutes after you defeat that flan-type enemy, money wont come easy and trade-skills like gathering wood and food will be necessary because the world will end and only you can prevent it, the government isn't about to help you or arrest the bad guy, that'd be silly.
And SE added that auto-battle thing I think to a recent release, I wanna do that... you know, for when you go back to the initial area and squirrels attack you at level 100, even considering the option of not spawning any battles if you are just way too strong on a certain area, unless you turn that option off in case you want to farm stuff or level up that character you hated at the start of the game but is now needed to overcome a boss. Because I'm not about to let you power-level any characters, if a dude can't swing a sword, what experience does he get after his friend kills the snake for him? None.
By using skills, those skills become better, but you don't... just because you healed a lot in battle doesnt mean your HP will go up. Something else will be put in place to grow your stats, and that can either come from actual fighting or other events in game.
As the game progresses you obviously become more powerful in more than one front, but all of that obviously is just for one goal: become stronger and kill the final boss.
- - - Updated - - -
This is exciting!
I'm glad I learned to program software
And unity uses C# and/or javascript... which I use all the time at work.
I just lack creativity to create a good looking character and scenery, and music.. ._. but I'll make it work somehow.
It'l be ready in 2050, when new software and hardwoare exists that lets people easily make astounding games at the mere press of 3 buttons and a thought-processing system.
The 3D animations alone are incredibly time-consuming if you want to get stuff done right how you're imagining it... I imagine motion capture equipment is not inexpensive.signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: What games are you currently playing?
Holodeck programming is a bitch -.- ....I need to take some lessons from Data ^.^-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.
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