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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Just finished The Waking Dead: Episode 5... yeah, the game definitely deserves a spot on my top 5 games list.

    Jumping back and forth between Skyward Sword and Minecraft 360 now.
    So ends the tale of Nestama the Galka in FFXI~


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Just got Dishonored today, only think I don't like. Guards have the ability to leap at you from half a map and cut your health down to ribbons. Unless you parry right, consider your life forfeit. Just got the Summon Rats power to level 2 and my god I am loving it.
      Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        Been playing ZombiU, Super Mario Bros. U Tank Tank Tank, and Nintendo Land since Sunday ;p really enjoying this new system, a lot of fun, and better then I honestly thought it would be.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Playing Sine Mora (PC, Steam). Great little game, I think BBQ also mentioned it before.

            The Good :
            - Pretty good gameplay, Bullet Time included as a game mechanic.
            - It is still tough even in the lowest difficulty, but it isn't frustratingly difficult or anything of the sort.
            - It's a beautiful game, you'll get killed a few times just because you get distracted looking at how well made the stages and the bosses are.
            - Relatively high replay value, you'll probably want to finish it at least a few times just to unlock stuff and get the true ending once you can beat the higher difficulties.

            The Bad :
            - Very short, you'll finish the campaign in about 2 hours.
            - It's 9.99 on Steam right now. Which wouldn't be a problem at all if it was longer, but considering how short it is you may want to wait until it's discounted if you don't want to pay full price.

            It really is worth it even at the current price. And the story while short does manage to make the world richer than you would expect, specially when you see the many little details scattered all over the levels that show a much bigger picture. Plus this really isn't a children's story.

            PS > This review (Force) has about 1/3 of the main story and gives you a very good idea of what to expect, but then spoilers. You've been warned.

            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              well, 2D shooters tend to know to be short. There's just not a viable way to get extra length out of many of them without turning it incredibly boring. Its a genre thing.

              Sine Mora also launched on PS3 and Vita this week. So its good to see it getting around now.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Also playing Deadlight (PC) right now continuing the 2.5D trend.

                And of course:

                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Currently playing Persona 4 Golden on PS Vita, which is turning out to be a very nice upgrade to the original. Not a ton of changes, but a lot of very thoughtful ones, like a Search function during Persona Fusion that lists all of your current potential fusions, and allowing you to select which skills are inherited. A couple of extra social links and more books to read make time management an even more crucial factor, as well.



                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    I just bought a few titles that I had been needing, not sure when I will get to them as I am still playing ZombiU, but Persona 4 Arena and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 games are in my collection now, along with Persona 2 and YS Seven for PSP
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                      Currently playing Persona 4 Golden on PS Vita, which is turning out to be a very nice upgrade to the original. Not a ton of changes, but a lot of very thoughtful ones, like a Search function during Persona Fusion that lists all of your current potential fusions, and allowing you to select which skills are inherited. A couple of extra social links and more books to read make time management an even more crucial factor, as well.

                      Those features were inherited from Devil Survivor Overclocked and SMT Strange Journey. Search is kind of useful except that the DSO version also teased you with fusions you could have in the future. All of these games like to borrow each other's upgrades.

                      Don't understand why they bothered with the online revival gimmick for P4G, though. Waiting around to be anonymously revived doesn't sound fun.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-26-2012, 03:36 AM.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        This weekend I finally found a workaround for my issue and began playing Bioshock. It sort of reminds me of the aesthetic from Fallout. An odd thing to pick up on, but using the pistol in this game is really satisfying. Kudos to the team that was in charge of designing that thing.

                        Oh, and I also picked up Skyrim again since Dawngaurd went on sale this weekend. There goes all of my free time ever.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Those features were inherited from Devil Survivor Overclocked and SMT Strange Journey. Search is kind of useful except that the DSO version also teased you with fusions you could have in the future. All of these games like to borrow each other's upgrades.

                          Don't understand why they bothered with the online revival gimmick for P4G, though. Waiting around to be anonymously revived doesn't sound fun.
                          Fusion search in P4G only shows you what you can fuse right now with the personas you have on hand, so no problems on that front. It also means you aren't completely hand-held in terms of fusing any persona you may have missed at some point.

                          As for the online connection, it's not online revival. You just send out an SOS after a tough battle that saps your resources, then just go about your business. If you're lucky (most of the time), by the time you enter your next battle someone will have responded and you get a small HP and SP recharge for each person who responded at the beginning of the battle. You don't know if anyone has responded until you enter combat, but I've gotten responses in as little as a few seconds. The longer you wait, the more responses you tend to get, though I've yet to see more than 5.

                          If you get KO'd, it's still game over as usual.



                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Sounds like something that would drop off in usefulness months down the road, so hopefully they left the fox at the main entrance.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              Sounds like something that would drop off in usefulness months down the road, so hopefully they left the fox at the main entrance.
                              The fox is still there. It's a neat perk for the first dungeon (Yukiko's Castle) before you get access to the fox, however. I think the team did a good job in making the social links ever so slightly harder to achieve at max (2 extra social links!) while giving you just enough extra perks to make things easier elsewhere. This version feels "busier" than the original P4 does, without - quite - feeling like you're going to be overwhelmed with time demands.



                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Finally managed to get past the first two levels of Super Hexagon. Its not so much that I suck and took like three months to get good enough so much is that's how low my attention span is for iPhone games. Its one of the better ones I've played, though. Just stinks that all that work landed me somewhere in the 10,000s on National rankings and some sicko has lasted over 20 minutes on level 1 to get #1. I'll never get that good.

                                About halfway through Adventure Time. Its feeling pretty short, so I'm not too inclined to rush through it. I didn't mind paying what i did for it, but I think it would have been in Cartoon Network's best interest to just throw it on the eShop for $15 since it feels on par with most of WayForward's digital offerings. I say this not because its bad or even mediocre -its excellent -its just WayForward brings bitesized excellence at bargain prices on a regular basis. I think its only short as it is because CN pushed for a holiday release, too. Kind of the same sad story for Hotel Transylvania (a Metroidvania also by WayForward, rushed by Sony Pictures) and Epic Mickey (by Dreamrift, rushed by Disney to coincide with the console versions).

                                Left to their own devices, these guys can do a meatier retail effort - games like Aliens Infestation prove that - but I guess it also can't be denied that its just the climate of games is also changing and its expected this sort of thing should be a touch cheaper, even if amazingly talented folks like Paul Robertson and Jake Kaufman are working on it.

                                It is rather cute Nintendo launched the 3DS version of Zelda II this week right behind Adventure Time. Interesting sense of timing anyway, AT sought to emulate that game.

