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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    PSOne Classics on Vita listed (it's already gone stupid) -Destructoid

    Sony said over 100 PSOne Classics would be available on the 28th. Europe is getting half of them. America is getting nine. EU gets the better deal, but Sony still gets an F in basic math.

    If I had a Vita right now, I'd have waited several months to have access to one of the twelve PSOne games I already own on PSN and this week it would only be FFVII.

    Meanwhile all my DS and DSi games work on 3DS. Except Flipnote Studio, but that's a small price to pay.


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      You'd think Sony would've fixed that regional crap already. But nope, they are still in self-destruct mode it seems. /facepalm

      Meh, I'm not getting a Vita anyway, the PSP has way more games that interest me for a portable.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        I plan on getting a Vita, but not for a good while (AKA when PSO2 is released for it in US) ;p
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          Finished Mass Effect 3 and got the "good" ending with 3200-and-change Effective Military Strength. I was pretty obsessive about the whole planet scanning thing. Wanted everybody in the galaxy to get along because I'm such a goody-good.

          As stated by others here, the planet scanning side quests were an incredibly weak part of the game that distracted from the core gameplay. I hated doing it and I hated having to watch out for the Reaper alertness thinger. I think the problem is that it's trying to substitute as actual content. But, to me, it just meant more and more time between the true missions. Going around scanning galaxies, running back to gas stations in Krogan DMZ to fill up because the Reapers destroyed all the other gas stations, having to flee and come back later because the Reaper alertness meter was getting really high (often with 1 unsuccessful scan). A million trips to the Citadel. Which wouldn't be quite SO awful if the loading times were more tolerable.

          Mass Effect 2 felt like it was loaded with missions. This game feels like it's trying to cover up for lack of missions.

          Curious. The salarians were nowhere in sight during my final missions and the ending. They aren't still mad about that whole Genophage thing are they? They need to get over it...or maybe they've been wiped out while everybody else was getting along.


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Yes, if you cure the Genophage you lose them permanently. But I'll take the Krogan over them any day.

            If Kirrahae is alive, when you meet him on their homeworld he will offer the STG as a war asset as thanks for your assistance on Virmire. And yes, the whole planet scanning was a piss poor attempt at filler content to ME2, which had a very good balance of action & story. FYI, every time you dock at the Citadel your fuel is refilled for free. You should *never* have to buy any fuel whatsoever if you use the guides and scan only where needed (and use Drift when flying to other systems).

            Like I said though, nothing you really do matters anyway so long as you have the Extended Cut and a high enough EMS from playing a bit of Multiplayer (which is a total joke as so many people just spam bronze games with level 20 characters using the best guns, so you don't even have to do anything but survive.) You get +3% readiness to every sector if you chose random for maps.

            The quest log was a joke too - in ME2 it was perfect, it regularly updated as you progressed but then in ME3 it was just 1 huge cluster fuck. I also really, really hate it when games use timed sidequests (barring certain exceptions for massive, game-altering events like the Adaphagos in Tales of Vesperia or The World of Ruin in FF6). ME3 is still a good game, but there are too many major flaws (the biggest of which is still the bland, piss poor excuse for "endings") that keep it from being a masterpiece.

            It really better not win any GotY awards, and when Bioware gets around to making the MMO (we all know it's coming) I hope they get their shit together and we don't have a repeat of Star Wars.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              Once they're done downloading, I'll be playing The Walking Dead game series. It was JUST NOW that I realised I still had around $20 in my American account :D
              So ends the tale of Nestama the Galka in FFXI~


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                Just tried Dungeon Fighter Online.

                Wow, that was bland. I think I'll hold out for Code of Princess since that's made by the folks behind Guardian Heroes.


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Minecraft. Never got into it before, it's not much fun alone (although I did appreciate the absurdity of being able to implement digital circuits.) Got together with 3 of my RL friends to test out the new LAN feature, we played all day. Liked it enough to rent out a dedicated server for $4 a month so we could keep working on the world we started during the week.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    All-time top ten PS Vita games of all-time on PS Vita -Destructoid


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      The best one is at the end.

                      At any rate, virtually every new console that launches without more than 1 killer app gets a tongue-in-cheek article like this. I remember seeing them for the PS3, the 360, the PSP, and the 3DS. The only system I can recall not getting one was the Wii (irony).


                      Been playing Darksiders II the last few days. The PS3 version plays great when it isn't crashing (happened to me 3 times in as many days thus far). Otherwise it's pretty awesome as long as you aren't totally OCD. Combat feels great, platforming is well implemented, level design is clever, and even the puzzles are fun. RPG-lite upgrades feel meaty and cool, equipment upgrades feel substantial and useful, and getting around is simple because of fast travel.

                      On tap after Darksiders II is the Ratchet and Clank HD collection.



                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        No see, this is a big part of why the ending to ME3 is utterly retarded. Literally EVERY DECISION YOU'VE MADE up until the last 10 minutes of the big "WTF Moment" is nullified by it. Basically it boils down to Red/Green/Blue explosion, each pretty well resulting in ridiculously similar outcomes. The rest of ME3 was amazing up until that point, and I was truly enjoying it... until the ending. Hell even the original ending is almost preferable to giant cockslap that was the extended cut. As long as your EMS is high enough, you can pick whichever "ending" you want, the consequences of all your previous actions be damned. I never thought I'd see a worse ending than Resistance 3's but I was sadly mistaken.
                        I'm probably not thinking about it as hard as some of the series' more long term fans. But I always thought it was a little strange to see so many people getting so upset over the ending (extended cut or otherwhys) before I played it. Having seen the optimal ending hasn't done anything to change why I'm still confused as to how come people find it so bad. Seems like it adds closure enough.


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          Read this and you'll understand why Bioware shouldn't be allowed to make another ME game (or at the very least, never allow Casey Hudson to write the ending BY HIMSELF ever again. Seriously fuck him)

                          Mass Effect 3 Ending-Hatred: 5 Reasons The Fans Are Right | GameFront

                          Also episode 3 is out now for the walking dead. I'm still choosing to wait until all 5 are out though, in hopes of a bundle or at least enjoying all 5 back to back. I really dislike episodic content >.<

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          Read this and you'll understand why Bioware shouldn't be allowed to make another ME game (or at the very least, never allow Casey Hudson to write the ending BY HIMSELF ever again. Seriously fuck him)


                          Also episode 3 is out now for the walking dead. I'm still choosing to wait until all 5 are out though, in hopes of a bundle or at least enjoying all 5 back to back. I really dislike episodic content >.<

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                            I'm probably not thinking about it as hard as some of the series' more long term fans. But I always thought it was a little strange to see so many people getting so upset over the ending (extended cut or otherwhys) before I played it. Having seen the optimal ending hasn't done anything to change why I'm still confused as to how come people find it so bad. Seems like it adds closure enough.
                            Its because people are dumb expected the impossible from a studio rapidly being destroyed by EA.

                            People have had this irrational hard-on for Bioware since Knights of the Old Republic, some people think Bioware even invented choice in the RPG. There were five years of games, spin-off novels, comic books and DLC and all game content was said to affect the ending of ME3.

                            Never mind the fact that the entire journey of ME was, in fact, the ending of every storyarch and choice you made - only the endpoint matters. I've even seen this idiotic mentality of the end reward having great importance grafted onto reviews for New Super Mario Bros 2 even. Since when was beating a Mario game the point of a Mario game. Peach makes Mario a cake or pecks him on the cheek and that's about it - did people seriously expect to get something for collecting one million coins aside from colleting one million coins?

                            These people don't care about the journey, just the destination and that's rather sad whether its Mass Effect or Mario.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              The thing is, the destination does matter when you've been making so many critical decisions along the way trying to influence the final outcome. Maybe not as much as the journey, but that ending just left too much of a bitter taste.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                We've already beat the dead horse of the ME3 endings and sent the corpse off to the glue factory. Can we give it a rest, or at least send that line of discussion back to the ME3 thread?


