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What games are you currently playing?

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  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

    Yes but renting still gives Activision numbers to throw around for online players.


    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

      Well finished all three Dark Fall games (over the past 3 days) Dark Fall 3 was the best, and creeped me out the most... good lord......wonder if I will sleep tonight...... anyway, time to do another character world dive on Disgaea, and then maybe one of the RPGs I bought on Steam
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

        I really, really want to know just wtf it is about COD that fucks over my connection. I've only experienced it in Halo and BF3 to a tiny degree, but I do have the odd battle where I get screwed by lag/connection speed or whatever (dude frags me in 1 shot with a pistol when I lay into him with a shotty for example at point blank).

        But ever since Black Ops this has been the case every fucking game I get into. MW2 was wonky with it's hit detection as well, but I could still reliably kill people for the most part.

        Maybe it's the absence of the stopping power perk, I don't know, but I thought a 50 ms ping was actually pretty good? And I've been told anything above 4 MB/s is actually overkill for online gaming, and I have a 12 cable modem.

        So why the hell is it everyone else on my friends list is having no issues with the fucking game but me? I LIKE CALL OF DUTY. What I HATE, IS LOSING EVERY GOD DAMN FIGHT THAT I SHOULD WIN WHICH IS LIKE 99% OF THE TIME BECAUSE OF BULLCRAP CONNECTION ISSUES!!!!

        CoD, BF and Halo all offer unique FPS styles that I all enjoy. But it's really frustrating when I can't enjoy one of those when I really want to, particularly when all my friends are on one

        There's like a million threads on the official MW3 forums as well bitching about the garbage map designs, host/lag issues, and once again how ridiculously underpowered the shotguns are. I just got out of a match where I fired the SPAS-12 3 times directly into the guy's backside (I was lucky he was shooting at a team mate of mine who I obviously failed to save...) not one pellet hit him, so I panic knifed and got the kill right as he turned to face me - not before he damn near insta-killed me of course though.



        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

          No one cares, obviously, but still, I'll post about it.

          As mentioned a page or so ago, I've been playing EQ2 on their F2P server. Well, yesterday SOE announced that they are slightly modifying the model, and going F2P on all servers (as well as getting rid of their Exchange servers, which allowed legit RMT). Thankfully, the bulk of the player base has accepted this change with good graces, and open arms. Many of the Live servers were incredibly top heavy, and newer players, or people leveling alts, felt like they were adventuring through an empty world a lot of the time.

          They released a new trailer today. Not bad for a game going into its 8th year, graphically. Though at times I wish my laptop handled it better. They appear to be working on an engine rehaul to allow the game to play better with multi-core systems, so that'll be exciting.

          Anywho, trailer.


          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

            Super Mario 3D Land

            I mean, I wasn't expecting Absolute Virtue. But this game is uncomfortably breezy. 1-ups are so easy to get, I'm at 80+ lives right now.


            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

              There are bonus worlds like Mario Galaxy when certain conditions are met, that's where the challenge is in SM3DL. I'm fine with it being easy for the main stuff, as you still have to search for star coins to unlock that stuff.

              This game is made by the Galaxy team, so I wouldn't totally let my guard down on the second half, this is just the warm-up.


              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                That's what it felt like when I played Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins last Summer...until I got to Wario's castle. I guess they've come full circle.


                • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                  Well, other than that appraisal of I guess the parts of the game I've done so far, the game is gorgeous though, and the 3D effects actually play into the game. A lot of the puzzles I've run into actually require 3D to get through, since it suddenly appears impossible if you tone down to 2D.


                  • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                    Disgaea 4 ... almost as good as the original ... didn't care for 2 and I hated 3 ....


                    • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                      I sold a bunch of PSX/PS2 Era RPGs this weekend. I made a sad face because i didn't want to let them go, in case I ever wanted to play them again.


                      • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                        Got UMVC3 and Shinobi tonight.

                        Phoenix Wright goes from wimp to total monster if you get him to his Turnabout phase. Even if you can force cancel his level 3, so long as Turnabout is active he can tear people up. Wolvie now had an E. Honda hundred claw attack, which I suppose was added to get people to stop spamming Berzerker Barrage. Mission accomplished. Ammy feels the same, but X-23's dash setups have been altered to keep her closer to the opponent as they happen, which I like.

                        I haven't tried out much else but Ghost Rider and Dr. Strange look interesting.


                        • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                          A friend lent me Deux EX, so I'm gonna give that a shot later

                          Taking a break at the moment from BF3 to play Halo: CEA - Already it's freaking amazing too. The easter eggs & extras they've thrown are just too good.

                          Pillar of Autumn

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                            PETA is mad over Tanooki Mario, you know, because they can get mad about things from 20 years ago.

                            They should see what we do to animals in Skyrim. We skin them and wear them just like Mario. He has corrupted us all.


                            • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                              PETA is mad over Tanooki Mario, you know, because they can get mad about things from 20 years ago.
                              I find it more hilarious they take offense to the Tanooki suit but not the fact that you beat up turtles left and right.


                              • Re: What games are you currently playing?

                                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                                I find it more hilarious they take offense to the Tanooki suit but not the fact that you beat up turtles left and right.
                                That's because reptiles are gross. They are not cute, fuzzy and people don't eat them. Being a wildlife conservationist would also require education, talent and dealing with things not cute. Caring about rare species of turtles is for nerds.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-17-2011, 03:54 AM.

