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Any Nintendo Fans out There?

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  • #16
    Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

    shame the cube couldn't get its footing quite as well as ps2 and xbox. It just sits in my closet, waiting to be played, but I just can't find any games worth buying, or even renting for that matter. I will pick up the twilight princess when it comes out, then say goodbye to the grandeur of my nintendo console.

    Originally posted by TheGrandMom
    I buy all systems on release.
    You are teh awesome. I wish my grandma/parents were into gaming as much as you are.


    • #17
      Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

      Awesome on the Nintendo support there Grandmom. You picking up Metroid Prime Hunters?

      I am glad in a way that the Gamecube wasn't a huge success. I mean I spent 5 years supporting the system and not getting a whole lot out of it but I don't think we would be seeing the, new innovative Nintendo that an attitude, that we see today. The Gamecube and Nintendo 64 eras taught them alot about their business and the videogame market as a whole. From now on we're going to see a completely new Nintendo. (NOTE: New does not equal "mature" games).
      MPH Code: 2105-2096-0964
      TETRIS DS Code: 540649-893584


      • #18
        Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

        Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
        I am a huge Nintendo fan.

        In the last decade I've come to disagree with most of their decisions, but in my opinion they still maintain their position as one of the best developers in history (2nd only to Square Enix in my book!) and easily the top first-party developer in comparison to Sony, Microsoft, or Sega. Since 2005 and the massive success of the Nintendo DS, it's become very apparent that Nintendo has finally become a more aggressive force and, in my opinion, are finally making all the right decisions, moreso that SCEA or Microsoft.

        I'm not going to continue speaking about this, however. Most people know I'm a Nintendo fan, and I'm sure even more know that I am extremely biased in some instances. Suffice to say that while I love the Playstation brand and everything that comes with it, and I think I'm one of the most eager PS3 fans out there, the Nintendo Revolution, in my opinion, will be the best "new-generation" game system, as the Big N themselves would put it. Not because of the controller. Not because of the price. Not even because I'm already certain that I'm buying a PS3 and I couldn't care less about the Xbox 360 (whoops!). It's because of, surprisingly, the games.
        I certainly agree with most of that.

        I'm hoping the Nintendo Revolution upsets the other two consoles myself too just to humiliate Sony and Microsoft. Right now, both companies need some major humiliation, and Sony will definitely feel the most humiliation using Cell/RSX technology... which will surely be good for us the consumer... :D


        • #19
          Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

          1. How many of you own a DS?

          Yes, planning on getting the lite version when i move to tokyo next week

          2. What are your favorite games for it and so on?

          Id have to say Mario Kart and Advance Wars atm. Waiting to get my hands on the Bleach game, apparently its to be like Super Smash Brothers.....SWEET!

          3. Also do any of you plan on picking up a Nintendo Revolution?

          Hells yes! More zelda and a new smash brothers? *bows head for nintendo*

          4. Do any of you own a Cube?

          Yes 2 actually got a black one after the blue one came out

          5. What are your favorite games for that system?

          Super Smash Brothers Melee, Windwaker (oh how i love that game), RE4 (simply amazing), Fire Emblem and of course, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (such a beautiful game *sniff*)

          So far i love nintendo for one main reason, it does not go the same direction as Playstation or Xbox (Im a huge Ps fanboy) but i enjoy nintendo since it thinks of new gaming possibilites rather than just focusing on sheer power. Yes more power is good but new way to utilize that power is better I must confess im a little skeptical about the Rev controller though..... But with the great history Nintendo has i expect greatness!

          Btw i hope Goldeneye will be one of the downloadable games for the Rev (Goldeneye = One of the greatest games of all time!)


          • #20
            Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

            I love nintendo games, i have both the DS and the game cube. >.> i have so many gamecube games im not gunna list em, but i will say that i have Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS just in case anyone wanna meet me on it or wanna get whoops in mario kart ^_~

            please note that i do not have the dalmatica or the relic staff, sig is just for show.


            • #21
              Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

              , Hmm, I dont own a DS yet. Im holding out till the DS Lite comes to the states. I might import it when it becomes more available in Japan... when ever that will be. The games i would get for it i dont know but i bet Metroid Prime Hunters will be one of them so i can smack Pai around =p. I own a GC and my most Favorite game would have to be Resident Evil Remake (RE1.) Then comes Metroid Prime, i havent bought Echos yet but will soon. I'm like Oba-chan ^_^ i buy all the systems. If the PS3 does get a confirmed Fall release and the Revolution stays at their planned release date, ill just have to save up twice as hard for the big Fall blow out.


              • #22
                Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                Originally posted by arcadia9

                You are teh awesome. I wish my grandma/parents were into gaming as much as you are.
                Well thank you for the compliment but its really more of an addiction than anything! LOL I could seriously be the poster "child" for GA (Gamer's Anonymous) if there was one!

                Metroid Hunters.........heh yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The only way I wouldn't is if I were locked in my house! .......hmmmmm....wait a sec.......I'd have the internet to buy one!! ^^
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #23
                  Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                  Originally posted by Nemesismo
                  Goldeneye = One of the greatest games of all time!
                  I figured this was coming. I realize it brought FPS's to consoles and made them popular on that platform...However, Perfect Dark perfected (pun not intended) them. I can not even begin to guess how many straight hours my friends and I played on the challenges trying to beat them all, day after day after day. The Farsight gun kicks the crap outta anything Goldeneye could come up with.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #24
                    Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                    I admit i bought the Perfect dark game with the "expansion pack" memory thing (the graphics enhancer thing) And yes the game absoulutely kicked some big a**

                    But i sadly have to say in my opinion it was golden eye that made the game amazing. Perfect Dark in my eyes was more like a Goldeneye with eye candy, new weapons more colorful areas and more dual wielding action. But still nothing beats the 007 agent going crazy with proximity mines

                    Btw one major plus and minus at the same time was the sniper rifle in Perfect Dark which allowed you to shoot through walls and see the enemy. Yes it was cool and fun for a while but after having shot your friends 10 times in a row thanks the fact you see exactly where he is all the time, it kinda makes it unfair.

                    All in all Perfect Dark continued the greatness of Goldeneye, but i would still rather play Goldeneye instead of Perfect Dark


                    • #25
                      Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                      I think we played PvP on Perfect Dark once ever. We did the challenges all the time though. Those in my opinion are what made the game.

                      I think the proximity mines in Goldeneye are what ruined it for me. Played with some friends one time who had all the spawn locations memorized and you would die literally 10 times before you set off all the explosions and could move safely for more than half a second.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #26
                        Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                        Goldeneye to me is one of the all time greatest games. They have not been able to capture that excitement in any other Bond game made. I think its one of the most used cartridges in our house. LOL While I enjoyed Perfect Dark, Goldeneye is just so much more appealing to me. I guess maybe its because, as a woman, I get the sexay Bond!!

                        PD for the 360 was so incredibly disappointing to me. It may have been because they hyped it so much that I just had too many expectations but to me it was a waste of my money.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #27
                          Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                          goldeneye......good times, good times. I used to play that game all the time with my friends. We used to play goldengun matches, and everyone would always be hounding over the one lonely goldengun. Then there's the occasional rocket launcher/grenade gun matches on stack ( I don't particularly care for ballistic weapons, but that's just me). As for the singleplayer, some levels I really enjoyed playing were facility 1 (I looooved sneaking around with my pp7, really added depth to the level) and the train level.

                          The bots on the train were extremely cheap, as they could detect you the moment you appeared anywhere near them, and Janus and Xenia aggrevated me, most of all! I would attempt to quickly kill the general, and then shoot Janus/Xenia, but half of the time, they would escape, and the other half, Natalia would end up being shot. LOL. I had a lot of fun with that level. Kept me entertained, at least.
                          Last edited by Mog; 03-14-2006, 10:52 PM.
                          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                          • #28
                            Re: Any Nintendo Fans out There?

                            1. How many of you own a DS?
                            I don't, but will get one soon.
                            2. What are your favorite games for it and so on?
                            I plan on getting all the classic rpg remakes.
                            3. Also do any of you plan on picking up a Nintendo Revolution?
                            I do.
                            4. Do any of you own a Cube?
                            5. What are your favorite games for that system?
                            Mario Party, Mario Kart DD, Tales of Symphonia

