Looking at the video game section of this forum, I see that there is a ton of Playstation fans here, and rightly so since it houses the franchise we all love... Final Fantasy.
I'm not a huge Sony fan, infact I sold my PS2 because I really didn't care for them anymore. This is a huge problem for me because the huge RPGs that SqEnix makes hit that system and no others. So it's going to be a rough 2006 for me with no Kingdom Hearts II to play or Final Fantasy XII.
I am a Nintendo fan, through and through, no one can beat their games and I am going to stick by them to the very end (which won't happen anytime soon if the Nintendo DS is any indication of their future success.)
So... the point of this thread.
1. How many of you own a DS?
2. What are your favorite games for it and so on?
3. Also do any of you plan on picking up a Nintendo Revolution?
4. Do any of you own a Cube?
5. What are your favorite games for that system?
I own a black Nintendo DS. The games I currently own for it are Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, Electroplankton, Kirby Canvas Curse, Mario Kart DS, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, Sonic Rush, Super Mario 64 DS, and Trauma Center. Here in a couple weeks I'll be picking up Metroid Prime Hunters and then the New Super Mario Bros. in May. I also want to get Final Fantasy III for it, as well as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chonicles once those release.
I plan on getting a Revolution at launch.
I own a Cube and my favorite games for it would have to be: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (I know it's an N64 game but it's on the Cube), Resident Evil 4, Wario Ware, and Donkey Konga.

2006 will be the year of Nintendo.
I'm not a huge Sony fan, infact I sold my PS2 because I really didn't care for them anymore. This is a huge problem for me because the huge RPGs that SqEnix makes hit that system and no others. So it's going to be a rough 2006 for me with no Kingdom Hearts II to play or Final Fantasy XII.
I am a Nintendo fan, through and through, no one can beat their games and I am going to stick by them to the very end (which won't happen anytime soon if the Nintendo DS is any indication of their future success.)
So... the point of this thread.
1. How many of you own a DS?
2. What are your favorite games for it and so on?
3. Also do any of you plan on picking up a Nintendo Revolution?
4. Do any of you own a Cube?
5. What are your favorite games for that system?
I own a black Nintendo DS. The games I currently own for it are Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, Electroplankton, Kirby Canvas Curse, Mario Kart DS, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, Sonic Rush, Super Mario 64 DS, and Trauma Center. Here in a couple weeks I'll be picking up Metroid Prime Hunters and then the New Super Mario Bros. in May. I also want to get Final Fantasy III for it, as well as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chonicles once those release.
I plan on getting a Revolution at launch.
I own a Cube and my favorite games for it would have to be: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (I know it's an N64 game but it's on the Cube), Resident Evil 4, Wario Ware, and Donkey Konga.

2006 will be the year of Nintendo.