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Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

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  • Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

    So... I finally installed japanese version of windows.
    I can now confirm you, you need japanese edition windows to play this game.
    As soon as I installed my japanese edition, the game just works like a charm
    Installing all drivers and the game was quite a task, everything are in japanese.
    Luckily icons still look the same.
    Run POL, patch the game, click play... my heart beat so hard...
    and BAM the game runs through!

    Just be warned. If anyone planning to import this thing,it may not work on your windows.
    But if you can, come to casedoria to play together ^^b カセドリア

    This is the starting screen.

    on my normal windows XP, clicking start cause the screen to go black.
    And crash to desktop.

    But with japanese edition windows, there are some pop ups with jp texts in it.

    I can't believe THAT small little texts were what crashed my game before....

    You are limited to 2 ID for this game which is kinda weird.
    And when I clicked play.... I got stuck again.
    The game just stay there giving me "waiting...." message. for almost 10 minutes.
    Then I saw some texts floating on top of the screen that they will perform
    some emergancy maintenance in a few hours.
    So it's not just me hopefully.
    After all the trouble still don't get to play the game :mad:

    anyway here are some screenshots and translation of the char creation menu.

    1. Body Type
    2. Face Type.
    3. Hair Type.
    4. Next.

    Inside each one gives you similar options.

    1. change your form 2. change your color.
    and to keep your change, you have to click 3.
    if you don't it will just return to what you look like originally.

    So here are my 2 char. Feels good to see Jaza back to a bearded man again.

    Hopefully i'll get to play tomorrow after class.... no wait I have a quiz on friday. crap...
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

    You're doomed XD...

    Why do i have a feeling this game looks and feels too much like Ragnarok Online?
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

      I think it looks like FFT. big gloves, and some armors are exactly FFT thing.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

        I said it looked like FFT earlier, but somebody made a point that it also looked very similar to another game SE developed, which I can't remember the name of. They all seem very similar to each other.


        • #5
          Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

          SaGa Frontier II probably.


          • #6
            Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

            Art Style looks terrible...............
            for a game of this day & age.

            CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


            • #7
              Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

              From what he's said so far, I don't think he's set graphics all the way up.
              FFXI can look *terrible* on a low res, too.


              • #8
                Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

                Art style doesn't get outdated, graphics do.

                In this case it's for the same reason WoW's graphics are outdated, they want to be able to have hundreds of players fighting onscreen at once.


                • #9
                  Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

                  im playing at the lowest settings, 800 600 texture at 1/4 all shadows turned off. still getting lag during war @@;
                  sometimes it gets really bad i can't aim anything lol. I wish they have even lower settings.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Re: Fantasy earth. Screenshots and warning.

                    Originally posted by Jei
                    im playing at the lowest settings, 800 600 texture at 1/4 all shadows turned off. still getting lag during war @@;
                    sometimes it gets really bad i can't aim anything lol. I wish they have even lower settings.
                    Need something like this ...

                    And other upgrades, I'm sure. =P

