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Why do people continue to support

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  • #16
    Re: Why do people continue to support

    I personally use my own guide...

    My personal collection of Final Fantasy XI Alpha-Bits...

    >>> oh GREAT Alpha-Bits! How much teh gilz will I make today!?!
    <<< O O O O O O O
    >>> Damn you...


    • #17
      Re: Why do people continue to support

      Originally posted by Anson
      Now as for Radiata Stories, well I can't really express my opinion on that guide, as I have not seen it nor have I even played the game. Although I can understand why someone would need coverage that in-depth for such an expansive game, but I think the question is how many people would need it? I personally think how well Brady covers a game really depends on how good the game is and how well they predict it will do saleswise.
      That guide is a link to a Square-Enix endorsed strategy gaming guide. In other words, regardless of how well the game sold, that guide was available from the very start. Much like most of Brady Game's guide (The RS BG guide was in a local game shop 3 days before the game was even released if you can believe that)

      TGM bought the FFXI (Import) guides and I think in another thread she was saying how much better put the guide was than the ones here in the US. I have to agree. The Japanese know just how to make things accessible and easy for a beginner to find what they need to know. You should've seen the Xenogear strategy guide. Back in the day, when I just bought the fresh-release of the first printing of Xenogears game (US) It was horrible. When referring to reference on what mobs would be the best for gold farming, I hit my head into the wall several times because the information in that book was wrong -- until I discovered GameFaqs. Seriously, I don't care for GF very much and their boards are riddled with the filth of the bottom of the gene pool, but at least they have decent guides, some of them really good that I wouldn't mind paying $15 for.

      And all that extra stuff, like tidbits of information and interviews and background story. These are the things that help to create the mood better for the games that you play and just show you how much more these people care. They are gamers just like us and are passionate about it. I can't really say the same for most of the Brady Game staff, as I'm sure they're out to get a quick buck or two.


      • #18
        Re: Why do people continue to support

        i wish they would release the guides they release in japan here. they have a lot of fun facts in them. my friend was reading to me once that in this japanese guide he picked up (they come out semi periodically) that it was saying how fast flee and strider boots was in ffxi measurements. also, the range of /say and /sh to how many blocks on the grid. stuff like that would be great for a lot of ffxi ethusiasts.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #19
          Re: Why do people continue to support

          Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
          i wish they would release the guides they release in japan here. they have a lot of fun facts in them. my friend was reading to me once that in this japanese guide he picked up (they come out semi periodically) that it was saying how fast flee and strider boots was in ffxi measurements. also, the range of /say and /sh to how many blocks on the grid. stuff like that would be great for a lot of ffxi ethusiasts.
          Exactly, and from what Apple Pie was saying once, it even quantifies job trait bonuses (like the accuracy bonuses rangers get). That sounds like really handy information.
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian

