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I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

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  • I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

    Gungho (The guys who bought up Gravity games, as well as part of Gamearts (Owned by Square-Enix)) has announced Grandia Online.

    Grandia was the first RPG I ever played on my PS1 (I played FF7 on a friends before but eh doesn't cound) And it was a very unique and intresting RPG. It had an original battle style (Later "stolen/modified" for FFX) and had an original Character Development system.

    I already blew the last 50 bucks on my Prepaid credit card (That I use to pay for FF11) on buying Grandia III preordered.

    If Gungho, Gamearts and SE all work together Grandia Online could be an awesome game. I just can't wait.

  • #2
    Re: I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

    I'll have to check it out. As for FFX-2 stealing Grandia's battle system, I'm not so sure about that, I quite frankly thought it was horrible. Grandia's battle system was much better. The only thing the battle system in FFX-2 did was make you press buttons faster.


    • #3
      Re: I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

      I wouldn't say FFX's battle system is stolen or modified from anything for that matter. It's a simple turn based system and the least innovative battle system the game has seen since before the ATB.

      Grandia is a quality series and Gamearts is one of the best developers of all time, so I'd say I have high hopes for Grandia Online.

      I wouldn't bet myself leaving FFXI for it though. If it comes here I'll try to check out the beta, but I'll keep FFXI ruling my MMO life for a while, as long as Fantasy Earth turns out to be incredible.
      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
      Rockman - Fairy

      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
      Currently Playing:
      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


      • #4
        Re: I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

        Originally posted by Balgas
        I'll have to check it out. As for FFX-2 stealing Grandia's battle system, I'm not so sure about that, I quite frankly thought it was horrible. Grandia's battle system was much better. The only thing the battle system in FFX-2 did was make you press buttons faster.
        I said "FFX" not "X-2"

        Final Fantasy X uses an ATB "Clock" Which shows you where each player/monsters turns are in the order they will happen. So that with the proper planing and useage of skill you can effectively counter, critical, and cancle attacks.

        Gamearts invented that for Grandia 1 long long ago. FFX took it and modified it but its the same idea. Just Grandia's is prettier.


        • #5
          Re: I may be throwing in the towel with FF11

          Ah, sorry about that. Guess I read the post a little too fast.

