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Favorite Final Fantasy character

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  • #76
    Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

    Better get some friction-proof skin. O.o

    I'll have to go with Cyan. He's chivalrous and a total badass with those katanas. Plus his psycho mode is really fun to use, even if it is a glitch.


    • #77
      Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

      psycho-mode? this I am not aware about. The onry glitch I discovered was Relm's invisible sketch technique.
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #78
        Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

        It involves Berserk, Imp, and Quadra slam. I forgot exactly how it's done, it's been about 6 years since I've played the game, but there's probably info about it on gamefags or some other site.


        • #79
          Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

          From gamefags ... err... faqs:
          Psycho Cyan
          In a battle, have Cyan use Retort, then cast Imp on him. Then use an attack that kills him without triggering Retort, such as magic, or killing him in one hit. Now revive him and use the Fight command with anyone. Cyan will counterattack every move that is made, including his own. In other words, Cyan will attack his enemies over and over again, uninterrupted, until they are all dead.
          Best developed character in a Final Fantasy game is Delita. Almost a shame he isn't the main character. He goes all emo kid at the beginning of the story and then turns himself into a badass, instead of starting out all badass and going emo like all the Lucavi.

          Auron is a badass though. Even if he is pld/sam.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #80
            Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

            Yes, Auron is a badass, even if FFX wasn't worth playing except for the battles. He and Cyan are pretty similar other than the fact that Auron is an undead alcoholic.

            I liked Delita quite a bit, he had a more dynamic personality than every other character in Tactics. Just recently I started playing it again and had a hard time not referring to Ramza as "The Bosnian kid". Got past the last fight with Wiegraf not too long ago and managed to own him in two turns. The first time I ever played through that was the hardest fight for me, it went on for about 2 hours and we pretty much fought to a standstill. Then I criticaled a wave fist and knocked him off the platform. The resulting falling damage didn't matter since he was dead before he hit the water, but it was still pretty damn cool.


            • #81
              Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

              My favorite FF character of all time is Sephiroth...
              I don't have a reason except that he's awesome...
              Do you earnestly believe you can defeat me? -Kratos Aurion

              Currently Playing:
              Kingdom Hearts 2 (2nd time)
              Suikoden 5
              Suikoden 2 (So I can get Tir)

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #82
                Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                Sabin, for all you old schoolers. Seriously FF3/6 was badass. And how can you go wrong with Street Fighter-esque controls for special attacks? Was this ever done with another FF game, I cant remember...


                • #83
                  Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                  It was done in FF8 with Zell, I think his name was. Been too long since I played.


                  • #84
                    Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                    Lock(e) Cole for me; Lock in JP version, Locke in NA version lol.
                    Calin - Ragnarok


                    • #85
                      Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                      Galuf from FF5 = win
                      SUICHI IS DEAD.


                      • #86
                        Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                        Squall is just badass. :D
                        lolVIT{Paladin}{No thanks.}


                        • #87
                          Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                          Well, I'm a huge fan of FFIII/VI, so...

                          Ah, too tough to choose! I'd have to say a tie between Edgar and Sabin.

                          The Figaro Brothers were the precursors to the A-Team.


                          • #88
                            Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                            Favorite Final Fantasy Character?
                            Hmm. That would probably have to be Tifa for a multitude of reasons, the least of which being that she's sexy. I won't go into all the reasons, but there's alot.


                            • #89
                              Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                              I've been thinking Cecil and Kain were so awesome.
                              I may have to rethink my answer.
                              Do you earnestly believe you can defeat me? -Kratos Aurion

                              Currently Playing:
                              Kingdom Hearts 2 (2nd time)
                              Suikoden 5
                              Suikoden 2 (So I can get Tir)

                              Which FF Character Are You?


                              • #90
                                Re: Favorite Final Fantasy character

                                My favorite character for a long time was Tifa until I played FFX.


                                He's cool.
                                He's a samurai.
                                He's drunk.

