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It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

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  • It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

    So, I'm sure most of us could agree that it was a no-brainer that Square Enix would create some sort of spinoff game to Dragon Quest VIII, the latest installment in the freakishly popular Japanese RPG franchise.

    Square Enix announced yesterday "Dragon Quest Yangus," a spinoff RPG that would follow the adventures of Yangus, the faithful ex-thief sidekick in the game that sold 4 million copies almost instantly in Japan alone.

    While not much is known about the game at this point, it is known that the story will take place years before the events of Journey of the Cursed King, portraying Yangus in his crime-filled youth.

    I'll make sure to post more news about Dragon Quest Yangus as it becomes available.


    Here are the first available screenshots from Dragon Quest Yangus.

    The game will make an appearance at Jump Festa 2006, later this week.
    Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 12-15-2005, 11:33 AM.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
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  • #2
    Re: It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

    Yangus is FTW.


    • #3
      Re: It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

      that cute kid is yangus? o-O

      reminds me of Tolneko's adventure game spinoff from DQ4 xD or was that 3?
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

        All bad. If DQ8 forced you to play as Yangus, I wouldn't even have played it. But then again... he looks a lot better in those screenshots.


        • #5
          Re: It was inevitable..."Dragon Quest Yangus" Announced!

          I doubt it will ever make it out of Japan...but who knows, they've done weirder things...

          It looks like it's more for kids, and Yangus will probably do his rugged hard-headed thing.

          If it does go over the ocean...well...I wonder how they'll portray him...

          He was a "aniki"(big bro) generic gang-like character in JP version, but got localized to "Gu'v"(Govern'or 17th cent brit like)...and the story had to change subitle to handle that. Dang british cast

