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And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

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  • #16
    Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

    This is what happens when you rush a console without finding out what is gonna cause it to crash, lock up or over heat. Plus this goes to show that being first isnt always the best,(Sega learned that lesson) and besides the games aren't that great. Its going to have to release a game thats gonna make every one want the system but since its an american system I think japan will only release the games they think will make it over here not the games that people want.

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    • #17
      Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

      its common sense not to put electronics in closed spaces why put a big power supply brick that gets extremly hot in a closed space? one word incompetence


      • #18
        Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

        Originally posted by triggerhappy604
        its common sense not to put electronics in closed spaces why put a big power supply brick that gets extremly hot in a closed space? one word incompetence
        This is true. I have my system in an entertainment center but there is lots of air getting around it so it doesnt overheat

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        • #19
          Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

          That's ridiculous...just send it back and get another one. That's what a warranty is for, and as far as I can remember with new systems, they all had problems like this.

          Just Be.


          • #20
            Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

            Originally posted by Atenze
            That's ridiculous...just send it back and get another one. That's what a warranty is for, and as far as I can remember with new systems, they all had problems like this.
            How can you send it back when they are having major problems getting them into the stores?
            -Baka Inu!
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            • #21
              Re: And now it's Xbox's turn. Class Action Lawsuit Powers Activate!

              In other news, I'm sending mine in for repairs now. It started displaying the hardware failure sign on the ring of light a few days ago, and now it doesn't stop. Every customer service rep I talked to told me to unplug the HD, but I don't have one. It seems they know those are problematic, but now my Xbox 360 is going to be out of commission for a few weeks.

              I keep my Xbox 360 in the basement where the average temperature in the winter is around 40F even with the heat on. Our "entertainment" center is a large metal bar set of three shelves, so ventilation isn't a problem. The games would either freeze up while playing or the console wouldn't restart while changing discs.

              At least they were nice about it.

