Soooo we get out of our ls exp pt (sorry guys
) and we race around to get ready to go. Of course, you need to grab all the essentials like your PSP and your DS and your digital camera! Don't forget some hard candies to suck on and something to drink! So while I'm racing around to get ready and compile all of this stuff, what does my son do?? Goes outside, starts the car, and plunks himself down in it. He lets me get all the crap together and carry it all out! >.< Soooo of course I forget something and the worst thing of all to forget! The camera!!
Man, I was so pissed when we got down there too because I wanted to take a pic of all the people camping at Best Buy. There were a ton of tents down the sidewalk! I also wanted to take a comparison pic of our line where we were a warm safe mall eating Domino's Pizza and drinking Pepsi. (Ya I had 2 cans of liquid caffiene....I was a baaaaaaaaaad girl!!) Yes the Gamestop I go to had a little buffet set up for their customers, it was awesome! Then when you got inside they had a sweet little setup of free goodies! A load of t-shirts and pins! So we grabbed a couple of those too!
So we get there and they did it screwy. You had to stand in line, then go in and pay for everything first and then go back out the door with a number and stand in line again. So we go in and we had the system and one extra controller paid for but there were a couple of things we still needed. So we pick up Call of Duty 2, the wireless networking adapter, and the wireless play and charge kit. Alright the last 3 I had to pay for and the networking adapter is $100, the play and charge is $20, and the game was $60, for a grand total of $180 + tax. Well the guy says that will be $99. I thought WTF? but I just paid it because it was a huge cluster f**k there with all the people. I just figured he forgot something and I would check when I was in line.
So we get outside the store and back in line and then we check our bag. Well everything was there except the extra controller. Ok, we grab the manager and point out we had paid for the controller 2 weeks ago and didn't get one. He goes back in and about 10 mins later comes out and says that we were credited for the controller partially but we would have to pay another $10 for it. So I pay the $10 and get the controller. So now I'm up to $109 for $180 worth of stuff. Someone was smiling down on me and gave me a break for once! Yes there was a smattering of guilt but after plunking down $700 +, I found it hard to feel bad for them. Especially since I visit about once a month and plunk down around $300 each time!
Well once we had our hot little hands on the system and were giddy as school girls, I felt the need to let my fellow geeks know how lucky I was! So I told my son we were going to whiz by Best Buy! He was like "OMG NO Mom! Your not going to do it!" I said yes I was and he insisted that I NOT do it. (This just made me want to do it MORE!!) So we drive up to BB and see this huge line of tents. It was truly amazing! We asked someone towards the back of the line how long they had been there. They said since 6PM. Not too bad, I've waited longer. Then they peered in our car and saw our 360 and said "Shit I see you got yours already! Where did you guys get yours?" I told him and they looked like sad little puppies (cold ones at that!) so I couldn't rub it in. I'd also like to note that my son is sitting there very quietly disapproving of my little drive by! LOL Well I drive up near the front of the line and ask the guy thats 4th in line how long he has been there. He says that he got in line at 6pm. I said oh thats not bad then..........but then he corrected himself and said 6pm YESTERDAY! I almost busted a gut! Then he stands up, opens his jacket, and proudly displays his Minnesota Vikings jersey saying "YA who won the game tonight??? Who!!? Huh WHO!!?" (Minn. played Green Bay and we live in Wisconsin.) Well I guess that was the breaking point for my disapproving son! He quickly lifted up the 360 box so the guy could see it and said "Oh ya well who's got the 360!!?? HUH WHO???" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Soooo about 3 guys started to get up and dislodge themselves from their sleeping bags and I wasn't waiting around to find out why! I didn't think they all had to pee at the same time! LOL So we sped off with our 360 and left our fellow geeks to freeze their collective buttocks off! And thus ends our odyssey!
Here is the loot!

One of the t-shirts they were giving away:

This is the extra controller, play and charge unit, and the network adapter:

These are the games we got and the free buttons they handed out:

Man, I was so pissed when we got down there too because I wanted to take a pic of all the people camping at Best Buy. There were a ton of tents down the sidewalk! I also wanted to take a comparison pic of our line where we were a warm safe mall eating Domino's Pizza and drinking Pepsi. (Ya I had 2 cans of liquid caffiene....I was a baaaaaaaaaad girl!!) Yes the Gamestop I go to had a little buffet set up for their customers, it was awesome! Then when you got inside they had a sweet little setup of free goodies! A load of t-shirts and pins! So we grabbed a couple of those too!
So we get there and they did it screwy. You had to stand in line, then go in and pay for everything first and then go back out the door with a number and stand in line again. So we go in and we had the system and one extra controller paid for but there were a couple of things we still needed. So we pick up Call of Duty 2, the wireless networking adapter, and the wireless play and charge kit. Alright the last 3 I had to pay for and the networking adapter is $100, the play and charge is $20, and the game was $60, for a grand total of $180 + tax. Well the guy says that will be $99. I thought WTF? but I just paid it because it was a huge cluster f**k there with all the people. I just figured he forgot something and I would check when I was in line.
So we get outside the store and back in line and then we check our bag. Well everything was there except the extra controller. Ok, we grab the manager and point out we had paid for the controller 2 weeks ago and didn't get one. He goes back in and about 10 mins later comes out and says that we were credited for the controller partially but we would have to pay another $10 for it. So I pay the $10 and get the controller. So now I'm up to $109 for $180 worth of stuff. Someone was smiling down on me and gave me a break for once! Yes there was a smattering of guilt but after plunking down $700 +, I found it hard to feel bad for them. Especially since I visit about once a month and plunk down around $300 each time!
Well once we had our hot little hands on the system and were giddy as school girls, I felt the need to let my fellow geeks know how lucky I was! So I told my son we were going to whiz by Best Buy! He was like "OMG NO Mom! Your not going to do it!" I said yes I was and he insisted that I NOT do it. (This just made me want to do it MORE!!) So we drive up to BB and see this huge line of tents. It was truly amazing! We asked someone towards the back of the line how long they had been there. They said since 6PM. Not too bad, I've waited longer. Then they peered in our car and saw our 360 and said "Shit I see you got yours already! Where did you guys get yours?" I told him and they looked like sad little puppies (cold ones at that!) so I couldn't rub it in. I'd also like to note that my son is sitting there very quietly disapproving of my little drive by! LOL Well I drive up near the front of the line and ask the guy thats 4th in line how long he has been there. He says that he got in line at 6pm. I said oh thats not bad then..........but then he corrected himself and said 6pm YESTERDAY! I almost busted a gut! Then he stands up, opens his jacket, and proudly displays his Minnesota Vikings jersey saying "YA who won the game tonight??? Who!!? Huh WHO!!?" (Minn. played Green Bay and we live in Wisconsin.) Well I guess that was the breaking point for my disapproving son! He quickly lifted up the 360 box so the guy could see it and said "Oh ya well who's got the 360!!?? HUH WHO???" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Soooo about 3 guys started to get up and dislodge themselves from their sleeping bags and I wasn't waiting around to find out why! I didn't think they all had to pee at the same time! LOL So we sped off with our 360 and left our fellow geeks to freeze their collective buttocks off! And thus ends our odyssey!
Here is the loot!

One of the t-shirts they were giving away:

This is the extra controller, play and charge unit, and the network adapter:

These are the games we got and the free buttons they handed out:
