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Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

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  • #61
    Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

    Kuu, I'm not disagreeing with you that the ports were rushed, infact, I realized this and picked up the only game that was not a port, and that was Perfect Dark Zero, Yea, the graphic's arn't that great, but it's still a fun game, I like it.

    I can't wait till these next generation games come in, like DoA4, ES4: Obv, Ghost Recon, Halo3, Gears of War, ect ect. Hell even FFXI will be damn good, and out preform my PC.

    And I'm not sitting too shabby on PC spec's either. I had a long debate with my friend the other day about PC vs Console. He argues that a PC is better because of the price he can get: HD Gaming, Internet, E-mail, Programing, Websurfing, ect.

    I wanted to argue with him, that for that 2000 dollar price tag on a next gen gaming rig, I could spend 400$ and just play games. That's one reason I like console's. I'm not a fanboy, I currently own every single Nintnedo System, the PSX, PS2, Xbox, and now the Xbox360 (Yes, I have a DS and a PSP as well). I will be buying the PS3 when it comes out, and I've been toying with the idea of the revolution. I love nintendo, but the revolution scares me (This is another debate in itself, Nintendo's marketing plan is really worrying me, no HD gaming? No online? wtf?).

    Yea, it's not much of a compromise, but you do have to realize, the system, was infact rushed to be put onto shelves, they could have taken another 6-8 months developing (Which I'm sure the 2nd run of systems will be fully deveolped). Hell, even right now we're just using a reg. dvd drive. Not the HD-DVD we were promised. And I read on an article awhile back that Microsoft said something like "In about a year down the line we'll be relapcing the current DVD drive into an HD dvd drive." When asked what that ment for first run buyers he said something like "I don't know, I guess they are out of luck".

    Who know's what's going to happen when the PS3 launches, I know i'll be htere, ticket in hand to buy two, one to keep, and then one to sell to moron's who don't pre-order.
    -Baka Inu!
    Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
    Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
    Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
    Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


    • #62
      Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

      Originally posted by kuu
      Ergo. If M$ engineers would of just make a louder noise about sticking a fan in the "brick" we wouldn't be discussing this, eh?

      If you didnt know there are "some" heatsinks out there that out perform fans (situation specific.) A heatsink works by collecting the heat emmited from the power source via direct contact and dispersing it through <insert metal> type appeture. As the heatsink releases the heat, it cools down and allows more heat to be collected. But guess what, there is something that the heatsink cant do without, and its the same thing fans need too. Its called airflow. Even a 1" space around the heat sink can produce marvelous results. The same goes to the X360 minus the surface its sitting on (if carpet, at least put something flat/stiff up under it since it does have vents on the bottom.) If you have at least an inch in most directions then there shouldnt be a problem providing that its not inclosed. Also there is also another thing that effects fans and heatsinks, its calle dust. Dust restricts airflow to anything. If your "brick" is covered in dust then that will effect its cooling performance as well.

      Originally posted by kuu

      It's not a computer. It's a consumer device. People have less "common sense" as you call it because common sense dictates that it's much more resistant piece of equipment.

      With that, like pai, the only thing that is consumer ready will be made by nintendo console wise. But that dosent excuse the consumer from acting a fool toward their Xbox360 and then complain why it dont work. Like TGM, read the manual. There will always be those who just dont take care of their stuff no matter what any company says in a manual or on some itntroductory video which is what the x360 should have had, and made it none skipable.

      Originally posted by kuu
      Heck a good notebook can be moved around and not break disc. The PS2 if it scratched disks at least didn't break it in one move. Do you see me throwing my ipod around? No, but should I be extra careful? No. At very least they should have warning inside somewhere to cover their rear.
      For notebooks, the cd's dvd's snap in and not free spining like a desktop cd/dvd rom. Yeah, the PS2 looks more fragile than the X360, for what conceivable reason would you move it let alone rotate something that has media that is freely spinning. Ipods are hard disk media, and like all other hard disk drives, they are attached to the chasis of the casing. I mean, people dancing around on the commercials should give you a hint that you can move it around with little trouble.

      A note about those with disconnections, espically those with wireless... wired > wireless were its possible. I know some people dont want to drill holes through walls/ceilings or just cant utilize that solution but it is the best. Wired is less suseptive to interference from outside sources. Routers... If you dont have a router that is on their list of supportive routers then you shouldnt be complaining. Netgear may say they have xboxlive certified firmware but i still got disconnected alomst every other game (and im all cat5 for my solution.) It wasnt till i bought my aunts linksys WRT54G (she had one but never used it) that i experinced un interuppted gameplay. I had no lag with playing splitscreen 3way online with my friends. The only thing i dont have is the version number. I have like v3 and they say v2 but im just happy i can enjoy it. If your unsure of your router, you can even give Microsoft a call and they will confirm your routers capabilites with xbox live.

      Like InuTrunks, i have the 2 year warranty from best buy.


      • #63
        Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

        Here is the "fix" for not having games scratched, though it scares me that this is the only option.

        What it bassicly is saying is that putting a foam pad on the TOP of the DVD drive will elimianate it being able to turn inside the tray and be sctatched by the laser.

        Am I not sastisifed that they did not do this, because they were lazy. Yes, I am pissed off, but I can live with NOT TURNING MY 360 WHEN THE DISC IS BEING READ.

        Originally posted by kuu
        Ergo. If M$ engineers would of just make a louder noise about sticking a fan in the "brick" we wouldn't be discussing this, eh?
        Eh? A fan would just use up more power, and cause more heat by the motor. The "brick" as people like to call it, because frankly, it does weigh 3 pounds, causes alot of heat, IF YOU SIT IT ON THE FLOOR, mine sit's 1 level below my xbox, and it sits on the rubber feet that are on the bottom of the power supply.

        Yea, the power supply would get really hot to burn me if I put something on it to condense the heat.
        -Baka Inu!
        Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
        Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
        Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
        Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


        • #64
          Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

          Originally posted by InuTrunks
          I love nintendo, but the revolution scares me (This is another debate in itself, Nintendo's marketing plan is really worrying me, no HD gaming? No online? wtf?).
          Are you sure Nintendo wil have no online capabilites with one of their strongest points that being able to buy and d/l classic games? Can you link the source were you got this info?

          Originally posted by InuTrunks
          Yea, it's not much of a compromise, but you do have to realize, the system, was infact rushed to be put onto shelves, they could have taken another 6-8 months developing (Which I'm sure the 2nd run of systems will be fully deveolped). Hell, even right now we're just using a reg. dvd drive. Not the HD-DVD we were promised. And I read on an article awhile back that Microsoft said something like "In about a year down the line we'll be relapcing the current DVD drive into an HD dvd drive." When asked what that ment for first run buyers he said something like "I don't know, I guess they are out of luck".

          Who know's what's going to happen when the PS3 launches, I know i'll be htere, ticket in hand to buy two, one to keep, and then one to sell to moron's who don't pre-order.
          I thought they released a statement saying that they would not sperate they fanbase by release two versions of the xbox360? That would be pretty stupid if they and i'll include a link to back it up in a moment.


          • #65
            Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

            TB, my sourse was the EBGgames "EBTV" which is a DVD that is sent to us every month. It says that they weren't doing HDGaming. I also read it somewhere, let me see if I can find the two articles for you.

            Microsoft's decision to side with Toshiba isn't surprising considering it is the only format currently supported by Longhorn. Bill Gates was also quoted last month stating that future version of Xbox 360 will possibly have the ability to play HD-DVDs. Sony has already confirmed that PlayStation 3 will use Blu-Ray technology creating a rather large installed user base for the format.


            Asked just how important online gaming is to Nintendo's view of Revolution, Llewelyn replied: "It's important. Definitely important. Obviously there's so much that we haven't said about Revolution, but the idea being that we want to reach a broad audience, and now that the technology is such that it is, it's just very exciting. With DS we're getting our feet wet and we'll just be primed when Revolution launches."

            Looks like I eat my words, I guess it was an old inverview I saw. I wonder where I got that idea?
            -Baka Inu!
            Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
            Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
            Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
            Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


            • #66
              Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

              I know they are not doing HD gaming, thats been known for a while. I am refering to the revolutions online capabilites.

              Here is the link about the HD-DVD.


              Last edited by TBoTB; 12-06-2005, 11:06 AM.


              • #67
                Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                TB, I updated my post up there ^^
                -Baka Inu!
                Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                • #68
                  Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                  Awww sorry, didnt see the updated post. ;;


                  • #69
                    Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                    See, that still angers me. I really do feel that as powerfull as the XBoX360 is, and don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad about buying it, that it was rushed to get the money of us people who were waiting for it. I guess only time will tell eh?
                    -Baka Inu!
                    Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                    Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                    Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                    Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                    • #70
                      Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                      Originally posted by TBoTB

                      If you didnt know there are "some" heatsinks out there that out perform fans (situation specific.) A heatsink works by collecting the heat emmited from the power source via direct contact and dispersing it through <insert metal> type appeture. As the heatsink releases the heat, it cools down and allows more heat to be collected. But guess what, there is something that the heatsink cant do without, and its the same thing fans need too. Its called airflow. Even a 1" space around the heat sink can produce marvelous results. The same goes to the X360 minus the surface its sitting on (if carpet, at least put something flat/stiff up under it since it does have vents on the bottom.) If you have at least an inch in most directions then there shouldnt be a problem providing that its not inclosed. Also there is also another thing that effects fans and heatsinks, its calle dust. Dust restricts airflow to anything. If your "brick" is covered in dust then that will effect its cooling performance as well.
                      It has no dust and no airflow, that's the point. It was engineered badly, or rather got management "pissed" as we like to say. They didn't want more power, they didn't want more noise, and they didn't want it bigger(even if it was big)...and most probably the reason they moved it out of the console..

                      They wanted to sell it as a consomer device without putting in the "money" to make it one...cost goes somewhere.

                      Reason the most common fix for the overheating brick is to give it more airflow and/or cooling. The most common fix offered on the web is to dangle your "brick" on a rope or something.. or put it next to a glass of water, or something cold.

                      You say all the right things, but the it's exactly what makes the "brick" giving some people problems...not all, some. Some people have hotter houses, higher carpets, worse made bricks, playing different games with different requirement(gotham racing most often quoted)

                      Originally posted by TBoTB
                      For notebooks, the cd's dvd's snap in and not free spining like a desktop cd/dvd rom. Yeah, the PS2 looks more fragile than the X360, for what conceivable reason would you move it let alone rotate something that has media that is freely spinning. Ipods are hard disk media, and like all other hard disk drives, they are attached to the chasis of the casing. I mean, people dancing around on the commercials should give you a hint that you can move it around with little trouble.

                      PS2 was design slightly better..there is actually a "compressor"(if you can call it that) on top of the DVD drive to keep it from spinning out of control. I have tiled my PS2 flat-to-vertial a few time with games spinning over the years ...I may have scratched my games, but they still work,and it's a gen1 sc001 model.

                      Though to it's credit, NA release models are refined from JP models.

                      Originally posted by TBoTB
                      A note about those with disconnections, espically those with wireless... wired > wireless were its possible. I know some people dont want to drill holes through walls/ceilings or just cant utilize that solution but it is the best. Wired is less suseptive to interference from outside sources. Routers... If you dont have a router that is on their list of supportive routers then you shouldnt be complaining. Netgear may say they have xboxlive certified firmware but i still got disconnected alomst every other game (and im all cat5 for my solution.) It wasnt till i bought my aunts linksys WRT54G (she had one but never used it) that i experinced un interuppted gameplay. I had no lag with playing splitscreen 3way online with my friends. The only thing i dont have is the version number. I have like v3 and they say v2 but im just happy i can enjoy it. If your unsure of your router, you can even give Microsoft a call and they will confirm your routers capabilites with xbox live.

                      Like InuTrunks, i have the 2 year warranty from best buy.
                      I believe a lot of the counter arguements missed a crucial point that I tried to make(but didn't really emphaised).

                      It kicks you out of your game if you get disconnected from live and not being an online game. This may have to do with how live records and scores your games that it touts. This makes it that if you are don't want to be online anytime you play games.

                      We only have the standard warrenty...but planning to ship it in once the boo-ha is over.

                      Edit: A fan doesn't really need that much power. A slow rotating 1" fan would not take more power then your digital watch if designed right. A heatsink would not help the brick much since it's enclose. Proper thought/materials can prove a big difference as Apple Mac's have proved us. The G5 for instance, had 2 slow rotating fan, and a box that create's an air "tunnel" allowing it to disperse that giangantic heat the dual G5's chips make, without a lot of noise.
                      Last edited by kuu; 12-07-2005, 07:46 AM.


                      • #71
                        Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                        Originally posted by kuu
                        For the record, our's is working fine on crash issues(brick is still hot as anything though) and luckly GUN was replaced after the scratching(smooth talking to the store). He found it kewl the the lights moved when you change positions, what can I say...he got's a console not a computer(and he does have half a brain and then some).
                        I guess you didn't RTFM either.....

                        Originally posted by kuu
                        Stand corrected...though not much of a that means they knew full well and release it anyway.
                        Seriously, this is not a notebook which is meant to be PORTABLE. This is a game system that is supposed to be set in place and left that way. Anyone over the age of 18 knows about not messing around with electronics. I'm not going to take the cd player in my stereo system (which is not portable) and move it while a disc is playing. This issue is NOT MS's fault, its just something trumped up by all the X-box/MS haters.

                        Originally posted by kuu

                        Most games are quick ports, either from pc and/or XBOX. You have your super bad ports like quake4 to the "not to shaby" looking perfect dark and cameo.
                        Missed this one....FYI Kameo is not a port. It was buzzed about in 2001 for the GC and touted to be a different version of "pokemon". LOL It was never released. You can't port something that was never even out. Also Kameo ia absolutely STUNNING on the 360. There is hardly any difference from the cut scenes to the actual play. It is a fun game that really is something fresh.

                        Perfect Dark is not a port either. This is the sequel and not the original. Again never released, so it can't be a port. I do have to say I am disappointed with it though. I stood there trying to figure out which 4 games I would pounce on launch day and I really wanted PDZ. But there was something in the back of my mind saying "Noooo don't do it!!" so I didn't buy it. (Guess it was my "gamer sense" going off!) But...I really wanted to play it and I caved later on. It feels and looks like an X-box game. but disappointing...
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #72
                          Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                          They were never release, but I put them in ports catagory simply because they were ment for another system late in dev and got switch you can't really say 360.. more like 180

                          I think kameo and PDZ were orginally for xbox, till they got wind of 360.

                          kameo is alright... the only thing really good is lots of enemies, which is where it borrows most of its power from...but seriously, it's pretty much 720p xbox style.

                          Launch is what it is.

                          On side note, when I saw soul calibur 3 I had to do a double take because it looks almost as good as 360 games...goes to show you the differences between launch and well developed.

                          Edit: Tilting, like I said above, I did the exact same thing to my PS2..and while it may of scratch my games, they still played...It wasn't DOA like GUN. It's partly MS's fault for trying to cut corners.


                          • #73
                            Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                            Originally posted by TheGrandMom

                            Perfect Dark is not a port either. This is the sequel and not the original. Again never released, so it can't be a port. I do have to say I am disappointed with it though. I stood there trying to figure out which 4 games I would pounce on launch day and I really wanted PDZ. But there was something in the back of my mind saying "Noooo don't do it!!" so I didn't buy it. (Guess it was my "gamer sense" going off!) But...I really wanted to play it and I caved later on. It feels and looks like an X-box game. but disappointing...
                            PDZ is the prequel to Perfect Dark on the N64. Joanna lacks the accent and the finess she had on the 64, plus the fact she is alot younger than she is on the 64. I do agree with you on the graphics in that they could have done alot more to it. I mean, when almost every texture has a gloss on it then something is not right. Also, its all the little things that should have been worked out. Like the repeating waterfall texture. There are PS2 games that have naturally / freely flowing water; not water that is bound by a specific course and looks like its floowing down a channel in mid air. Did i mention that on the 10th/11th mission have that dirt shines??? while in the shade??? WTF???. None the less, i like to play it, my friends like to play it when they come over adn we all like to play it splitscreen online (well, i dont like the smaller screen but they dont have X360's so :/ .)

                            I also like PGR3. I used to only like it for its addictive and streamless online mode. But once i figured out how to stream my music from the pc while ingame i was totally hooked (that gave me trouble till i realised that the options not in the menus of the game or dashboard are availbe through the guide button ) I've even built my own track out of Tokyo city and its mad viscious. Once they update X360 dashboard to to stream video from your pc its gonna be my main anime watch medium. Relaxing on the bed watching anime, get an invite for a match in a game, go straight to it (if i have the cd in the tray). You cant beat that. I hope that it has .avi support and has all the nessiary codecs. Or that is has a vid player that like VLC player or BS player that has all the nessisary stuff in it.

                            I may have skipped over this in the manual but did you know that the Brick has differnt color Leds inside of it? Like sometimes, mine will shine green (on the side were the cord goes to the x360) and sometimes it will shine yellow. I dont know if there is a red led, and dont really want to know cuz i guess that mean that its about to crap out on me. Does any else have this feature on their brick? Is it in the manual?


                            • #74
                              Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                              It has 4 colors from what I can see.

                              Orange, Red, Yellow, and Green.

                              Orange looks like when it's idleing, Red looks like dashboard, Yellow is some power, green is full power, atleast this is what I think.

                              I don' thave my Manuel on me to see, I'll dig around online.
                              -Baka Inu!
                              Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                              Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                              Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                              Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                              • #75
                                Re: Xbox360 Information, you ask, I answer.

                                Originally posted by TBoTB
                                You cant beat that. I hope that it has .avi support and has all the nessiary codecs. Or that is has a vid player that like VLC player or BS player that has all the nessisary stuff in it.
                                I don't think that will happen without hacking it..and then Live comes into play about how it'll try to punish you for hacking, or trying to update you to disable the hack.

                                Microsoft is trying to lock that can up pretty tightly. It's their cash cow to the entertainment world...the pay-per-view ideal. They want you to buy movies online.

                                Whether they will give you codecs for whatever player...that's a toss up...if they want to squeeze you towards the "empire of evil" cliche, they would only allow WMA and WMV, and DRMed.

                                In which case you'll be forced to re-encode a lot of your stuff.

