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Video Game Villany

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  • Video Game Villany

    Ok, so on my favorate .dat thread the subject of two villans and their differances, and the question of who was beter was brought up. So I decided to create in the Video Game forum a thead on Video Game Villany.

    Baisally, this is a compare and contrast thread on the villans of video game history. Who could beat who? Who did the most damage? Who had the larger fanbase, and who would you fear more?

    Heres a start for you, the two villans that were debated ealier:

    Sephiroth Vrs. Kefka

    I'll let people make opening statments before I put my two cents in.

    Art done by Fred Perry.

  • #2
    Re: Video Game Villany

    sephiroth definetly has more popularity. as for power...i'm not sure. i can' t really remember just how powerful sephiroth got at the end when he looked all weird and all, and i think i remember kefka becoming as powerful as the gods. it's been awhile since i've played either of those games. now, as for who i would fear more it would definetly be kefka. the guys unstable and unpredictable. if i were locked in a room with sephiroth, i know what's coming. he's going to kill me quick like with his stupidly long sword. real down to buisness like. as for'd definetly would be more creepy and eerie. like he's going to kill me, but how and when? he's insane and would go into hysterical laughter while doing it.


    • #3
      Re: Video Game Villany

      pardon the ignorance, what game is kefka from?
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: Video Game Villany

        Y'know... There was a similar battle such as Kefka vs. Sephiroth on Eyes On Final Fantasy. And I believe Mr. Kefka made an appearance in FFVI. As far as fearing which of the two... Can't really say. For all we know after getting his butt kicked a few hundred times, Sephiroth might've gotten stronger and/or wiser.


        There once was fish,

        Whom made a perfect dish

        To a giant fish.

        The giant fish was caught,

        By a Mithra which sought

        To fill her hunger.

        The Mithra was slayed,

        By a monster whom would raid

        The land.

        What have we learned?


        • #5
          Re: Video Game Villany

          The real battle is... who has the better fashion sense. I think we know who all won that.


          • #6
            Re: Video Game Villany

            Zemus could hands down destroy any other FF villian. His powers would allow him to manipulate them into their own doom.

            CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


            • #7
              Re: Video Game Villany

              Sepherioth used the planet's lifestream to make himself more powerful, and he had three forms...except that the first form was just a wacko version of himself. "Bizarro Sephiroth", was the name.

              And then there was that interesting story about Cloud and all that bs... I recently completed FF7 (about 10 years late) and it was an engrossing story. Really felt very emotional, personal, too. So I'd say Sephiroth = Winnar.


              • #8
                Re: Video Game Villany

                Kefka is FFVI, Caspian.

                I dunno. Sephiroth may be pretty put-together in the beginning, but they're both nuts. Sephiroth's just the cooler wacko, and he doesn't look like a freakin' clown.
                PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                Rockman - Fairy

                WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                Currently Playing:
                FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                • #9
                  Re: Video Game Villany

                  All I have to say is that in the game Kingdom Hearts, the voice of Sepiroth is done by Lance Bass of N'Sync fame. No one would be struck with fear hearing that voice. In fact, now that I think about it, SE makes me sick with that disicion. Anyway, Sep is a badass but Kefka is defently more of a psycho. Do you remember that he poisoned an entire towns water supply even before his powers? Also Sepiroth had the bigger fan base and I think that was proven by Caspian's remark.
                  You kill one man, your a murderer
                  Kill many and your a conquerer
                  Kill them all... your a God.


                  • #10
                    Re: Video Game Villany

                    Kefka is pre-zOMG-FF-IS TEH GREAT-era.


                    • #11
                      Re: Video Game Villany

                      Originally posted by DrivenTooFar
                      All I have to say is that in the game Kingdom Hearts, the voice of Sepiroth is done by Lance Bass of N'Sync fame. No one would be struck with fear hearing that voice. In fact, now that I think about it, SE makes me sick with that disicion. Anyway, Sep is a badass but Kefka is defently more of a psycho. Do you remember that he poisoned an entire towns water supply even before his powers? Also Sepiroth had the bigger fan base and I think that was proven by Caspian's remark.
                      if i remember correctly, se didn't make that decision, disney did.

                      also, the same voice actors who did the voices for the japanese kingdom hearts also did advent children...

                      lance bass as sephiroth in ac, potentially?
                      observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                      • #12
                        Re: Video Game Villany

                        Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
                        Kefka is FFVI, Caspian.

                        I dunno. Sephiroth may be pretty put-together in the beginning, but they're both nuts. Sephiroth's just the cooler wacko, and he doesn't look like a freakin' clown.
                        Thanks Pai

                        Originally posted by DrivenTooFar
                        Also Sepiroth had the bigger fan base and I think that was proven by Caspian's remark.
                        Sad but true. I played a couple of the early ones LONG ago, but 7 is the one that got me into the series. I'm a sell out what can I say?
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #13
                          Re: Video Game Villany

                          Doesn't Sephiroth just have a bigger fan base because he's constantly making an appearance? And maybe because his clothes...


                          There once was fish,

                          Whom made a perfect dish

                          To a giant fish.

                          The giant fish was caught,

                          By a Mithra which sought

                          To fill her hunger.

                          The Mithra was slayed,

                          By a monster whom would raid

                          The land.

                          What have we learned?


                          • #14
                            Re: Video Game Villany

                            Ok, I think its time to put my point of view in.

                            The biggest problem when you run into comparisons between these two villans is that they are enitrely two differn genras of Villany.

                            Sephiroth is casted in a more modern timeline, based off a dark, gothic like appearance and demeanor.

                            Kefka for the most part, is your comic releif villan thoughout most of the first half of the game, then he becomes intimidating. Also he was casted in a pesudo dark ages enviroment, and yes, he litterally dressed like a clown.

                            Even their very style of combat is differnt. Sephiroth, weilding the extensivly long Masamune, did favor physical contact with a splash of magical prowace. Kefka, on the otherhand avoided physical confilict as much as he could throuout the game (asside from flinging a flail around for kicks) and was much more reliant on his raw magical power.

                            As far as fanbase, Sephiroth clearly had an advantage, beling releaced as the first 3d rpg villan in the final fantasy universe. (I personally beleive the character was designed to take full advantage of that too...) If the games had been releaced in reverse order, and FFVI been releaced as a 3d game, we might have actually seen Kefka make a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts instead.

                            So where do you compare these two terrible titans? I personally preferred Kefka's sheer madness, but I wanted to be biased on judgment in this, as it is so difficult to compare. So I compared based off accomplishments in villany.

                            Sephiroth was far less distructive as a bad guy. In his acts of cruelty he only assistnated 3 major people in the plotline, (Tsen, Shinra President, Aeris) and a handful of non-important characters (The clones during Reunion, shinra office staff, the shinra boat, and nibelhelm)

                            Also, it is still in debate wither Sephiroth is the true villan of this game at all, or rather was he a puppet of Jenova, who would be manipulating both he and Cloud throuout the game.

                            Development Wise, with the excpetion of the flashback, there was very little foward motion with Sephiroth's character, he litterally was just a 'looming darkness' waiting for the heros to get over thier own personall issues to come up and face him. There are only two keypoints of his rising into power, both happening very quickly, they were the Reunion, and his attainment of the Black Meteria. Other than that he generally remains the same.

                            Kefka, however, was an outright force of distruction. His acts of cruelty include betrayl of his empire (killing both the empror and one of its generals, that is, before completly whiping the empire out...) Poisoning an entire kingdom down to a single survior, a more direct form of mind control (via crown) and the near complete ahnilation of a race (The espers). He is also the only final fantasy villan in MY knowlage every to suceceed in his primary goal. (which was to become a god by absorbing the powers of the Statues) While most villans are at the brink of dominating the world by the time the heros intervene and stop them, Kefka had already brought the world under his heel (what was left of it), and was litterally waiting for them.

                            Kefka goes through a rather intresting transition through his madness, he starts out as a boss to laugh at, sorta like final fantay's verson of Team Rocket from pokemon. But as the plotline progresses he becomes more and more intimidating. As he decdends further into his madness, he accends in power more and more, even into godhood. Kefka really is the origonal wicked clown.

                            As far as who would I fear more, it is Kefka without a dout. With Sephrioth, he might just ignore me, or if I am in his way, I would be dead before I know it. Kefka, weither I was in his way or not, would most likley want to see me suffer, panic, go crazy, etc. for his own sick enjoyment. He'd then probley mail my still-twitching remains to my loved ones for fun, before killing them too.

                            Who would win in a verses match? That I dont know. They pretty evenly matched in their final forms, both having various differances in style. If Kefka was reincarnated as a KH boss vrs Sephrioth, he would most likley be a Mage style, keeping his distance, but I would still see it more as an even match throuout the battle. If either side were to win it would be because of a crazy-slipup on Kefka's side, or a Hesitation on Sephiorths side (Like pausing the brag about his powers)

                            So as far as the 'coolest character' I would have to say Sephiroth without a chalange. However I strongly beleive that Kefka by far was the better villan.

                            Art done by Fred Perry.


                            • #15
                              Re: Video Game Villany

                              I believe the sorceress from FFVIII would be the most diabolical - she was going to absorb all of reality into her powers, anihilating existence itself!! On another note, I thought it was great playing the villan at the start of FFIV, robbing crystals, burning towns.. it gave intrigue and depth of plot right from the get-go.. so my favourite FF villan is Cecil the Dark Knight!

