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Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

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  • #16
    Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

    I was wondering when someone would post this.

    I havent got much to say, honestly i'm tired of this whole thing, it's exausting and i'ts turning into some ridiculous affair, it's SAD!

    I bow before Penny Arcade, true sports they are, props guys! I wish i were half the cool you are.

    This Jacko guy needs to shut the hell up, he clearly has no clue, stop disgracing yourself man! Offering money he doesnt have just shows how SAD he is... and then the "idiotic geeks" at Penny Arcade offering the money in his place... god i think i'd kill myself in shame!

    "... your fine police department..." - Jacko Thompson, this is the PINNACLE of patheticness, you sir, are a fucking moron.

    All hail Gabe and Tycho, i wish i had your babies.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #17
      Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

      Thanks for posting this Pai, it was a very interesting read. I just love how when we have all these wars, political corruption, drugs, unsolved murders, etc. the most important thing to these people is cleaning up video games or public airwaves. They can't solve real problems so they just decide to try to run our lives the way they see fit. I'm really glad this asshole got what he deserved and I hope all the others ones get theirs too.
      You kill one man, your a murderer
      Kill many and your a conquerer
      Kill them all... your a God.


      • #18
        Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

        Gar! Maybe he mauled the police officiers with a PS2 controller, like a chained-mace! The gun shots were just some sick cover up.

        Yeah, I don't like this "lawyer".


        • #19
          Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

          I understand that Jack Thompson is against violence and sex in video games and stuff, but I haven't followed this too much... out of curiousity, what does he propose be done about adult content in video games?


          • #20
            Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

            Basically, that it nolonger be allowed at all.
            Its that whole "freedom of speech" thing that keeps biting him in the ass ><
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #21
              Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

              I have to agree with Pai Pai Master here.

              The content of a game, is no differant than the content of a movie with one exception:

              You are interactive with the enviroment.

              Saying that one should control the content of a game is no differnt than controling the content of a movie. We all know of(and have probley viewed) pornagraphic and excessivly violent movies. You can see almost every kind of violent and sexual act real or not in the adult section of a movie store. Making video games like this is no differnt than the movies.

              What in my view should be done is to create a stronger control of the MARKETING of said games. Somthing like grand-theft auto (if its next releace is worse than San Andreas, which I promptly sold to my co-worker after playing fifteen minutes of, Vice City was MUCH better.) should be put in the 'Adult' section of movie stores, as opposed to in the toys/electronics section of your local general store, right next to "Finding Nemo 2, the Video Game."

              Video games have evolved to the level movies have at this point, its time we regard them with the same discretness. If someone wants to make/market somthing perverted, hide it in a corner where the perverts go and be done with it. Its no use pointing the finger at video games when there are so many other direction moral corruption comes form. Parents have it hard these days keeping kids away from. However it is no excuse for the current lazyness of dicilipline I see in current children today.

              Pai2M (Ha ha, whitty shortcut name, thats what I get for being up too late >.>; is right, its not the games that should be stricter on content, its the parents who should be stricter on their kids.

              Art done by Fred Perry.


              • #22
                Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!



                Jack Thompson got pwnt.


                • #23
                  Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                  lol, I can't lie, thats pretty awesome.


                  • #24
                    Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                    A lot to say, I hit the thread awfully late. In any case, I thank my parents for the ass whuppins I got. I thank them for making me read books as a child. I thank my mom for not getting me a PS1 until 1999. Ya know why? Because they gave me something that not a lot of people have, good ol' common sense.

                    Its true. I yelled at an aunt of mine. At a barbeque, I called her a fucking moron, because I was talking to my cousin and she said, exact words "Ya knoe I brought (cousin name) that 'Gran Theft Auto' game, and it was SO violent! Can you believe what they are putting in games nowadays?!"

                    Yes bitch, I told her, I can. Because I read the news. And I tell my mom whether or not to buy games for Devin (my little brother). The fact that you have the nerve to bitch about the game, despite the fact that you bought it without previous knowledge shows that you're just a fucking moron.

                    You need to not be let out of the house, because I'm sure that simply interacting with people forces them into a retrograde motion, regressing them back to kindergarten.

                    Of course, my uncle tried lunging at me, at which point my dad gave him a swift kick to the kidneys. Good times.

                    But the point is this, I can easily play GTA, In fact, I laughed my ass off when I ran people over in it. But do you hear stories about me? No. Because I know that doing things like that in society is wrong*

                    Some people dont beat their kids. Well, thats too bad. I dont think I'll have to, but I wont hesitate to crack a switch. My mom is from Kingston, Jamaica, and my dad was born and raised in the Bed-Stuy projects of Brooklyn.

                    Trust me, I got my ass beat for getting sent home with notes.

                    But here I stand, able to form a coherant sentence, and I am in college, unlike other people who I even went to elementary school with. Hell, the fact that I'm ALIVE and that my parents are still together after 20 years is a testament to their tutilage.

                    So I am of the opinion that this is 100% parents.

                    No, you cannot stop your child from going to a friends house, or an arcade.

                    But, you can educate your child to understand what is morally right and wrong. You can educate your child to realize that in a visual and video medium, running over people and causing mayhem is correct, but not when you do it in real life.

                    You can reinforce this by beating their asses every once in a while.

                    Sticks and Stones. . . damn straight.

                    I love you mom and dad
                    The Tao of Ren
                    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                    Originally posted by Kaeko
                    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                    • #25
                      Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                      Thanksgiving must be a joy for you. >.>

                      TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                      Personality Tests


                      • #26
                        Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                        Well idk. . . Drunk people tend to amend for their actions when they sober up. And family is family.

                        Curse you blood, for being thicker than water.
                        The Tao of Ren
                        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                        Originally posted by Kaeko
                        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                        • #27
                          Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!


                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                          • #28
                            Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                            I believe those are from the fbi website too. I saw those in a pc magazine I got at the airport a cpl weeks ago.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #29
                              Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                              Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                              A lot to say, I hit the thread awfully late. In any case, I thank my parents for the ass whuppins I got. I thank them for making me read books as a child. I thank my mom for not getting me a PS1 until 1999. Ya know why? Because they gave me something that not a lot of people have, good ol' common sense.

                              Its true. I yelled at an aunt of mine. At a barbeque, I called her a fucking moron, because I was talking to my cousin and she said, exact words "Ya knoe I brought (cousin name) that 'Gran Theft Auto' game, and it was SO violent! Can you believe what they are putting in games nowadays?!"

                              Yes bitch, I told her, I can. Because I read the news. And I tell my mom whether or not to buy games for Devin (my little brother). The fact that you have the nerve to bitch about the game, despite the fact that you bought it without previous knowledge shows that you're just a fucking moron.

                              You need to not be let out of the house, because I'm sure that simply interacting with people forces them into a retrograde motion, regressing them back to kindergarten.

                              Of course, my uncle tried lunging at me, at which point my dad gave him a swift kick to the kidneys. Good times.

                              But the point is this, I can easily play GTA, In fact, I laughed my ass off when I ran people over in it. But do you hear stories about me? No. Because I know that doing things like that in society is wrong*

                              Some people dont beat their kids. Well, thats too bad. I dont think I'll have to, but I wont hesitate to crack a switch. My mom is from Kingston, Jamaica, and my dad was born and raised in the Bed-Stuy projects of Brooklyn.

                              Trust me, I got my ass beat for getting sent home with notes.

                              But here I stand, able to form a coherant sentence, and I am in college, unlike other people who I even went to elementary school with. Hell, the fact that I'm ALIVE and that my parents are still together after 20 years is a testament to their tutilage.

                              So I am of the opinion that this is 100% parents.

                              No, you cannot stop your child from going to a friends house, or an arcade.

                              But, you can educate your child to understand what is morally right and wrong. You can educate your child to realize that in a visual and video medium, running over people and causing mayhem is correct, but not when you do it in real life.

                              You can reinforce this by beating their asses every once in a while.

                              Sticks and Stones. . . damn straight.

                              I love you mom and dad
                              It's unfortunate that you use terms such as "beating their asses" "called her a fucking moron" and "a swift kick to the kidneys". I have no problem with people that use mild forms of physical punishment to reinforce something but there is a point you can go to far. I think that "beating their asses" is crossing that line. Here is a case: A toddler has been taught that playing with the vcr is naughty, yet he is caught doing so. The parent can A) Reinforce it is bad by saying "No touch" and slapping his hand, or B) The parent can grab the childs arm, raise him in the air by the arm and then crack him on the ass. It's easy to see which is acceptable and which is not. Both will teach the same lesson but B is way overboard. I'd also like to add that using any object to hit your child with is abuse PERIOD. You hand is sufficient, why do you need to use an object? To make sure you hurt them even more? That's just disgusting.

                              Parents can not always monitor what their children do and communication is FAR more important than beatings. I rarely used physical punishment on my children past the age of 6. Why? Because I taught them by my own actions and talking to them. If you start young and keep an open line of communication, then you shouldn't have many problems teaching them your morals and beliefs as they age.

                              But even with the safeguard of raising your children right, they will still do things that you don't want them to do. You wouldn't have recieved any "ass beatings" if you had learned what your parents taught you. We learn from our mistakes and kids are going to listen to others and make those mistakes. What happens after that is key to their development. If the childs parents ignore the fact that he did something wrong, its highly likely he will repeat it. If the childs parents sit down and talk to him about what he did and use some form of punishment (not physical) this will reinforce that he crossed a boundary and will make him think about it before doing it again. It doesn't mean he won't do it again but its more likely he won't. Once your child gets to the age where you can have a fairly intelligent conversation with him, you are beyond the point where physical punishment is needed.

                              When it comes to outside influences in a childs life, they can have a large impact. If the child has a relative that they love very much and that relative has different beliefs than you do, the influence of an adult in this position is detrimental! They are an adult and the child is taught to listen to adults. If the child wants something or wants to do something that his parents have said is wrong but this adult says its ok, who do you think the child is going to listen to 50% of the time? Its something he wants and that allure is great and then an adult confirming its ok......this leads to major issues.

                              A case in my own house when my children were young. My daughter was very close to my mother and my mother spoiled her. After my son was born and a bit older, they would both go stay at Grandma's. My children were taught to share with one another. If they were given one piece of cake then they would give some to the other and so on. Well my mother would take them to the store and buy my daughter all kinds of things but my son nothing. She used the logic that "boys are hard to buy for". My daughter brought up to my mother that her brother should get something and that it wasn't fair, but my mother used the "oh we'll get him something next time" excuse to ease her fears. Of course, when I caught wind of this, a call was placed and my mother was chastised and told she didn't need to spend time with EITHER of her grandchildren if this was going to continue. I also sat my daughter down and told her that it was ok to stand up to an adult if she felt that it was wrong. I confirmed that she was right and that she tried to do the right thing and praised her. Sure enough the next time Grandma had them over she tried it again and said "just don't tell your mother". But my daughter stood up to her and put down the item and said that if her brother didn't get something then she didnt want anything either.

                              Now in that story communication was key to getting the child to know the difference between right and wrong and knowing that it was ok to stand up to people who try to lead her down the wrong path. Taking my daughter and yelling at her that she knew better and she shouldn't have kept this from me etc. and then "beating her ass" was totally not needed.
                              Last edited by TheGrandMom; 10-21-2005, 08:46 AM.
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                              • #30
                                Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                                Different strokes for different folks, eh?
                                You kill one man, your a murderer
                                Kill many and your a conquerer
                                Kill them all... your a God.

