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Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

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  • Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

    Note: I apologize for the length of this little report of mine. However, I feel it is of the utmost importance and everyone on the boards should know that people other than gamers now understand that Jack Thompson is, in fact, mentally ill.

    Jack Thompson.

    The name of a man who for years, has struggled to bring the issue of violence and sex in the media to the front table. For years he's campaigned against the terrors of rap music, television and video games.

    Why, do you ask?

    Because children need a hero to save them from corruption? Because no one else is man enough to step up to the entertainment corporations? Because he's just a self-sacrificing hero who won't rest until the world is safe?

    No, it's just because he's the biggest douche in the universe. And he's insane.

    Yes, Jack Thompson. The man who has taken the biggest part in the fight against Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and the hidden sex-scene controversy. The man who openly ridiculed Janet Reno because she was clearly a better attorney than he. How so?

    During their campaigning, Jack Thompson sent Janet Reno a note. The note read:

    "I, Janet Reno, am:

    (A) Homosexual
    (B) Bisexual
    (C) Heterosexual"

    Yes, the man actually did that.

    In addition, Thompson has rallied against games like Manhunt for excessive violence, Killer 7 for its solitary sex scene which is something you'd see in a PG movie these days (but later abandoned this fight when he realized that the game, and thus he, was not getting enough publicity), and even The Sims 2, calling it a "pedophile's paradise." Yes, Jack Thompson attempted to point a finger at EA for making it possible to see all the Sims, even children, completely nude, baring realistic genitalia and other obsene body parts. When EA claimed that such content was strictly an issue of third-party, independed modding (the truth), Thompson flipped out and claimed that EA was cooperating with "hackers" (since he thinks all modders are evil hackers). When he realized that even more people were growing aware of his obvious mental handicap, he shutup.

    So, after The Sims 2 incident, Thompson found himself with nothing to do, since he had already conquered Grand Theft Auto, and clearly one victory which anyone could have pointed out is enough for this man to consider himself almighty and famous. In his downtime, Thompson mainly spent his days calling back all the people who sent...unhappy...emails to him, ranging from violent threats to intellectual criticisms of Thompson's character. Thompson's main target was the gaming culture media. Webcomic artists such as CTRL-ALT-DEL's Tim Buckley to VG Cats'
    Scott Ramsoomair.

    Over time, it was apparent that everyone who didn't care about Jack Thompson was beginning to forget he even existed. He hadn't been on TV in a while, he hadn't been on the radio in a while, and he hadn't even been interviewed by some website that hated him. Thompson decided to take a day-off from the strenuous job of calling people and yelling at them, so he decided to turn to the profession no one expected: a video game designer.

    Or rather, some crazy ex-lawyer living in a cardboard box who comes up with random stories, and decided to make up a videogame and cause some commotion. Thompson, desperate for publicity, decided that since he was too greedy to give money to charity out of the goodness of his heart, he'd only do it if someone did something for him in return. I know what you're thinking. That completely destroys the concept of charity. But this is Jack Thompson we're talking about, people. The man is clearly insane. He did so in one of his many "open-letters" that no one takes seriously:

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The Golden Rule

    This writer has been saying for seven years that violent video games can be "murder simulators" that incite as well as train some obsessive teen players to be violent.

    I've been on 60 Minutes and in Reader's Digest this year explaining how an Alabama teen, with no criminal record, shot two policemen and a dispatcher in their heads and fled in a police car--a scenario he rehearsed for hundreds of hours on Take-Two/Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto video games.

    I have sat with boys in jail cells, their lives over because of murder convictions, after they, with no history of violence, have killed innocents while in a dreamlike state. Said one cop who investigated such a murder in Grand Rapids, Michigan: "The killing was like an extension of the game."

    The video game industry, through its lawyers, its spokesmen, and its head lobbyist, Doug Lowenstein, the president of the Entertainment Software Association, all say it is utter nonsense to suggest that what is dumped into a kid's head hour after hour, day after day, year after year, could possibly have behavioral consequences. Cigarette ads can persuade kids to smoke, but interactive simulators in which these same kids punch, hack, bludgeon, and maim affect not a wit their attitudes and behaviors, notwithstanding the findings of the American Psychological Association, published in August 2005.

    The video game industry says Sticks and stones can break my bones, but games can never hurt me. Fine. I have a modest proposal for the video game industry. I'll write a check for $10,000 to the favorite charity of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc's chairman, Paul Eibeler - a man Bernard Goldberg ranks as #43 in his book 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America - if any video game company will create, manufacture, distribute, and sell a video game in 2006 like the following:

    Osaki Kim is the father of a high school boy beaten to death with a baseball bat by a 14-year-old gamer. The killer obsessively played a violent video game in which one of the favored ways of killing is with a bat. The opening scene, before the interactive game play begins, is the Los Angeles courtroom in which the killer is sentenced "only" to life in prison after the judge and the jury have heard experts explain the connection between the game and the murder.

    Osaki Kim (O.K.) exits the courtroom swearing revenge upon the video game industry whom he is convinced contributed to his son's murder. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" he says. And boy, is O.K. not kidding.

    O.K. is provided in his virtual reality playpen a panoply of weapons: machetes, Uzis, revolvers, shotguns, sniper rifles, Molotov cocktails, you name it. Even baseball bats. Especially baseball bats.

    O.K. first hops a plane from LAX to New York to reach the Long Island home of the CEO of the company (Take This) that made the murder simulator on which his son's killer trained. O.K. gets "justice" by taking out this female CEO, whose name is Paula Eibel, along with her husband and kids. "An eye for an eye," says O.K., as he urinates onto the severed brain stems of the Eibel family victims, just as you do on the decapitated cops in the real video game Postal2.

    O.K. then works his way, methodically back to LA by car, but on his way makes a stop at the Philadelphia law firm of Blank, Stare and goes floor by floor to wipe out the lawyers who protect Take This in its wrongful death law suits. "So sue me" O.K. spits, with singer Jackson Brown's 1980's hit Lawyers in Love blaring.

    With the FBI now after him, O.K. keeps moving westward, shooting up high-tech video arcades called GameWerks. "Game over," O.K. laughs.

    Of course, O.K. makes the obligatory runs to virtual versions of brick and mortar retailers Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and Wal-Mart to steal supplies and bludgeon store managers and cash register clerks. "You should have checked kids' IDs!"

    O.K. pushes on to Los Angeles. He must get there by May 10, 2006. That is the beginning of "E3" -- the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- the Super Bowl of the video game industry. O.K. must get to E3 to massacre all the video game industry execs with one final, monstrously delicious rampage.

    How about it, video game industry? I've got the check and you've got the tech. It's all a fantasy, right? No harm can come from such a game, right? Go ahead, video game moguls. Target yourselves as you target others. I dare you.

    Jack Thompson is a Miami lawyer who has for 18 years been involved in efforts to stop the marketing of adult entertainment to minors.

    Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 10-14-2005, 09:38 PM.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

  • #2
    Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

    Clearly, it is just another publicity stunt, and a stupid one at that. Thompson doesn't seem to realize that the cost of developing, producing, promoting and marketing such a game will cost tens of millions of dollars, and that no one in the right mind would even bother to buy a game with Jack Thompson's name in the credits.

    Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik (AKA "Gabe") retaliated:

    10 grand is pretty weak man. Through our charity gamers have given over half a million dollars in toys and cash to children’s hospitals all over the country.

    Gabe, along with his partner Tycho, founded a charity called "Childs' Play" which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in video games, toys and cash for sick kids across North America. This year, the charity is going global. It's apparent that Gabe simply wanted to point out the fact that Thompson is an idiot, and Child's Play is a perfect example that one cannot stereotype gamers as violent maniacs who only care about themselves.

    Thompson thought it would be a good idea to prove otherwise.

    Gabe seemed to forget that he had put his cell-number in his email signature. When he received a call from a number he didn't recognize, he looked at his longtime friend and wondered if Jack Thompson was actually calling him.

    According to Tycho:

    Conversation one is where Jack Thompson asks Gabe if Gabe has ever donated to charity. Of course, we have - it's usually a couple Gameboys a year for Child's Play, but the "take" from the distributed gamer metamind is over five hundred thousand dollars in two years. This answer did not satisfy him. He suggested that if Gabe mailed him again, he would be sued so fast that his head would "spin," and that he, Jack Thompson, had given more to charity that Gabe could even imagine. Gabe isn't very good at math, so he may have a point. I'm told that humbers larger than ten give him a headache. What's more, his donations were more valuable, because he wasn't some flush-with-cash game company. Which I guess is relevant to us, because... Well, I guess it's not relevant. Then he hung up.

    This next mail elicited a second call.... Gabe's own voice rose triumphantly throughout this phase, I thought perhaps he was just getting into the rhetorical spirit of the thing, but the reality is that Jack screamed at him the entire time.

    About 6 hours after Tycho wrote the article regarding the actual conversations Gabe had with Thompson, he followed up by linking an article which he said "would make a lot of you happy." reports on an incident involving an organization Thompson claimed to represent:

    National Institute on Media and the Family distances itself from vociferous lawyer

    Florida attorney and anti-videogame campaigner Jack Thompson has come under fire from America's National Institute on Media and the Family for claiming to have the support of the group in his regular open letters.

    The decision of the group to distance itself from the attorney and his headline-grabbing tactics comes despite the fact that like Thompson, the institute is a vocal critic of games such as Manhunt and 25 to Life for their violent content.

    The institute's founder, Dr David Walsh, wrote an open letter to Thompson, a copy of which was obtained by US website Game Politics. The letter was also sent to the likes of senator Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates and Doug Lowenstein of the ESA - the same Doug Lowenstein whom Thompson has previously compared to Hitler.

    It begins with Dr Walsh explaining that he established the institute ten years ago "to engage in research and education about the effects of media on children's health and development." Walsh writes that one of the areas of most concern to the institute is the effects of violent media.

    "I know that you share that common concern and I am well aware that you have frequently cited me and our organisation as a source of scientific information," Walsh continues.

    "However, over the past few months, I and members of my board have a growing concern that your use of our name, without our permission, has had a negative influence as we try to educate the public on this important issue.

    "Your commentary has included extreme hyperbole and your tactics have included personally attacking individuals for whom I have a great deal of respect... Some of the people that you have publicly criticised are not only people of integrity, but are people who have worked to improve the lives of children."

    Walsh goes on to note that Thompson has been using his name in correspondence even though they have no formal relationship, creating the impression "That we condone these tactics. We do not.

    "The result is that our position and reputation as a research based, non-partisan, solution-focused organisation has been jeopardised.

    "Consequently, I ask that you cease using the institute's or my name in any way that would give the impression that we support your efforts." Walsh also requests that Thompson remove the link to the institute's website from his own site.

    Walsh's letter comes just days after Thompson issued an open letter to the videogames industry in which he outlined his idea for a game where the CEO of fictional company Take This, Paula Eibel, is murdered along with her husband and children. Should anydeveloper agree to make the game, Thompson will donate $10,000 to the charity of choice of Paul Eibeler, the CEO of Take Two.

    Mike Krahulik, the artist behind popular gaming culture comic Penny-Arcade and a founder of the hugely successful Child's Play charity, contacted Thompson after he made this offer to point out that Child's Play has raised over half a million dollars for children's hospitals around the USA since its inception.

    Commenting on, Krahulik reports that Thompson proceeded to call him directly - keen, no doubt, to congratulate such a successful fellow organiser of videogaming-related charity efforts.

    Or perhaps not. "Jack actually just called and screamed at me for a couple minutes," Krahulik said. "He said if I email him again I will 'regret it'. What a violent man."

    So there you have it, folks. Pretty soon, Wacko Jacko will be reduced (once more) to a hobo living in a cardboard box with no one to back him up when Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto 4 corrupts America's children and selling millions in the process.

    Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 10-14-2005, 09:44 PM.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


    • #3
      Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

      Yeah, I recently read an article in some PC magazine I bought at the airport. The editor had printed some charts he found on the fbi website that showed violent crimes in the last 20 years and compared them to the rise in video games over the same timeline. I'll have to check again, but it was something like a 75% drop in violent crimes in people 14-30 or something.

      I do believe there is a line however on what should be in video games and what should not. For instance, the video game where you were Lee Harvey Oswald trying to kill JFK...thats just in terribly poor taste. There are some things that should be taboo and should be so for a reason. Making light of real life tragedies won't make you go out and kill people, but it is emotionally and mentally unhealthy. You dont show rated R movies or pornography to a 10 year old. Ofcourse if you are a game maker and want to make a game that does some of these things, then that is your right. Freedom of speech protects the things you dont like as well as those you do.
      As was said though, Jack Thompson is severely unbalanced and needs to reign in his ego.
      Last edited by Caspian; 10-14-2005, 06:54 PM.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

        I disagree.

        Videogames should be allowed to contain whatever the developer sees fit.

        It's not a matter of developers or stores targeting minors. The problem lies solely in the parents. Like parents failed to control what their children saw in theatres so many years ago, parents need to pay attention to what games their children play.

        I'm an adult. If it were in my tastes, I should be able to buy and play Grand Theft Auto whenever I want. However, no matter how many times I go to EBgames, there's always a parent buying their 10-year old son an Xbox and a copy of Halo.

        Jack Thompson is the kind of crazed lunatic who's condemning the wrong people. The CEO of Take-Two, who Thompson imagines his "OK" character brutally murdering in his "modest proposal," is not to blame for the millions of kids who who got to see the poorly designed San Andreas characters humping eachother. Sex in a videogame suddenly becomes a problem, even though parents were buying a game that's already rated Mature for excessive graphic violence conducted on innocent civillians and policemen, strong profanity, excessive use of drugs/alcohol, excessive criminal acts and strong sexuality, even before the "Hot Coffee" issue.

        ESRB Ratings do nothing when parents are too irresponsible do anything more than follow a suggestion by a ratings board. Before Grand Theft Auto, I'm sure 90% of parents thought their kids were still jumping on Goombas and Koopa Troopas instead of conducting drive-by-shootings and having sex with prostitutes.
        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
        Rockman - Fairy

        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
        Currently Playing:
        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


        • #5
          Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

          I wasn't questioning that. Nor do I disagree with developers making whatever they want. I dont think its all necessarily healthy, but its fully w/in their rights, just as its fully w/in my rights to not buy it.
          I've always put the majority of the blame on the parents (my aunt falls right into that group) for buying games like GTA for 10 and 12 year old kids.
          Lets see, fifty years ago it was rock music. Years later it was comic books. Then it was rap music, and now its video games. Its a witch hunt, pure and simple. There is never anything more than cicumstantial evidence to support any of these, and there is always truckloads of counterevidence the prosecuting party is totally unwilling to recognize.
          Its like when psychologists say you shouldnt spank your kid b/c Hitler was spanked....thats one freaking example. Where were timeouts when I was a kid?
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

            He had it comming >_> I agree to an extent that you shouldnt put just ANYTHING in a game...but at the same time dont push off freedom of it as well. I do blame parents more than anything though, i do also see parents buying their kids an FPS often. -_-

            Its like when psychologists say you shouldnt spank your kid b/c Hitler was spanked
            I DECLARE JIHAD ON YOU!....oh wait..


            • #7
              Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

              About the only thing we can do about the content of games is let them know with our money. Don't rent/buy a video game that is in poor taste. Visit gamers forums and post your thoughts, especially forums run by the company. There are games that have no value to them at all being made and only for the $$ of putting something in it that will attract a young person. Back in the day, studios who made games where small and did it with love of the genre. Nowadays the big studios eat up the little studios and has little to do with making a game many times. All that matters now is how much $$ its going to make. Yes there are may game developers that have for the genre and try to show that in there games but remember the usually work for the studios that tell them what to do, how to do it, how much to do it, and when to have it done. Thats why the quality games just aren't out there as often anymore.

              But saying that the blame lies solely on the parents is wrong too. Kids do not live their lives 24/7 in their home. Temptation is a strong pull to a child. They know they shouldn't but......OMG ITS COOL!! Their brains are not developed enough to think of the consequences. As a gaming parent, I was fully aware of game content. When my kids were young there wasn't as much to worry about but every so often there would be a game....... One huge one was Mortal Kombat, which was of course banned in our house. I also went as far as calling all my son's closest friend's mothers to tell them about the game and how I did not want my son playing it. (Yes I know that game is very tame now but back then it was quite shocking.) The conversations even lead to me making a newsletter to be distributed to the parents at all the local elementary schools at the seasonal functions. But in the end, my son played the game more than once. (Forbidden fruit is much sweeter)

              The thing is my kids and I would have talks about things that weren't allowed. They were allowed to ask questions and expect answers. So when my son said he played it, we all sat down and talked about it. He told me he was sorry and he understands why young kids shouldn't play it but he didn't think he was too young. (Of course not!! LOL) He also said he would respect that I didn't want the game in our home. This is the type of interaction parents need with kids. Just saying no to buying the game is not going to stop them. What makes them understand that the games can be harmful to some kids and realize that they are not for everyone, is to TALK TO THEM. Treat you children with respect and give them your time and attention and LISTEN TO THEM.

              But in the end the blame is not solely on the parents. There are grandparents, aunts, uncles, friend's parents, etc. that all play a role in how you child develops. Peer pressure from other students and friends also plays a role. These influences can undermine a parents family structure. I've run into it with my family as I'm sure many other parents have also. Every household has their way of doing things. I'm sure some of you remember saying something similar to your mom or dad "Why can't I?? Steve's parents let him!" As parents we can try to do our best but it doesn't mean our best will be good enough.

              With that said, many children that do violent things regardless of whether they play video games or not, need better parenting. But we have to throw in the mental health of a child into the factor also. If a child has a mental predisposition, no matter how good of a parent you are there could be violent tendencies and other issues. There are just so many variables that come into play as to why someone do what they do. It really is far too difficult to say such a broad thing as "the blame lies solely on the parents" in the case of video games.
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #8
                Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                This thread kind of goes hand-in-hand with a thread I wrote not too long ago.

                Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
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                • #9
                  Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                  I'll agree with that to an extent TGM. A lot of what I have a problem with is parents (like my aunt) who are virtually oblivious to the things their kids are being exposed to, and in some areas (this one being video games) take little to no interest in what their kids are doing. I know some parents do care, but take the stance of "well, they're going to be exposed to it anyway, so why bother with it" which basically gives the kid free reign to do whatever they want. I remember when Simpsons first debuted. I wasnt allowed to watch it because Bart disrespected his father. It seemed dumb to me then, but I realize now that it wasn't something I needed to be exposed to at such a young age. Funny now though, compared to a lot of other tv shows, like Mortal Kombat and video games, The Simpson is incredibly tame. I can definately say that if I had kids right now, they would definately not be allowed to watch Family Guy.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #10
                    Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                    yknow. if games incite violence. and his game is to kill game comapny employees. is he trying to make people kill them??


                    • #11
                      Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                      Sounds kinda like people bombing abortion clinics to protest killing babies.
                      Ofcourse, if he's such a philanthropist why doesn't he just donate the 10k to a charity regardless of whether or not they make the game?
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #12
                        Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!





                        • #13
                          Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                          LOL Go go Gabe and Tycho!
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • #14
                            Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                            This was posted on PA.

                            Jack Thompson is a sad, pathetic man.

                            TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                            Personality Tests


                            • #15
                              Re: Jack Thompson Finally Gets What He Deserves!

                              Sorry, no way a professional lawyer talks like that. Either he's the worst lawyer ever or thats faked.

                              Also, how do you train to shoot people with GTA? Wouldnt you train to shoot a gun by...I dont know....shooting a gun???? Moving an analog stick around and hitting the X button is a far cry from learning to actually steady a gun, control the kick, and brace your wrist enough to fire repeatedly.
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian

