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Advent Children *Spoilers*

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  • #46
    Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

    i would repost it, but my Craptasticc Blocker wont let me on Alla ;.;

    lol j/k. its hilarious. worth going to alla for
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #47
      Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

      wow excellent read wishmaster, that cleared up alot of questions I had lingering about FFVII

      Originally posted by SevIfrit
      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


      • #48
        Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

        Just doing my part. Last thing I want is misconceptions. For those that were already confused, i felt that the movie created more problems and questions than it answered. However if you did know the information along with beating the game and watching the movie, its evident that this is probably one of the most complete works ever created, literature, entertainment or otherwise. I feel that Squaresoft broke the mold they set when they made Final Fantasy VII, and it is a shame that the vast majority of the gaming world, even RPG players, dont know and cant appreciate it's depth.

        I think that the only game on it's level in terms of deep, rich quality is the original Chrono Trigger. But thats another post, another time.
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


        • #49
          Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

          FF7: Last Order might clear some of the bits up from what I hear. However, I haven't watched it yet

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #50
            Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

            Why did Kadaj and the others keep calling it Jenova's neck? Is that what they really meant or is it just a bad translation, like the zuruzuru thing?

            Also, whenever I see some anime or something on television I always figured that the stuff that was written in english was done the same time it was dubbed, but apparently after watching this there is stuff that is always written in english (the fountain they pull down in Midgar and the credits etc.) I had the understanding that few JP's could read english, is this not true? Whats the point in having both written languages? I know a lot more JP can understand english than vice versa, but didnt realize it was so many that it warranted putting some English into cinema.
            And again, wtf is up with Barrett's mesh tank top????

            BTW, great find Wishmaster. It helped clear up quite a bit. Guess Ill have to remember to go back to the mansion and Nibelheim again in disc 3. The fact that the Sephiroth from the game isnt actually the experimented on him, but in fact is a conglomeration of Jenova cells makes the fact that adding a lot of Jenova to Kadaj could bring back a Sephiroth that had all the memories of the one from the game.

            Need one other reminder from the game. I'm trying to remember a few things from earlier in the game. I seem to recall Jenova being found in the earth by Hojo and Gast and that it was previously fought by the Ancients. Is that right or did I totally make that up? Also where did Jenova come from originally? I'm pretty sure it said earlier in the game, but that was a while back.
            And lastly, Mako is part of the energy of the planet? Or is it from Jenova? How would mako and lifestream complete the 3rd innoculation of jenova?
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #51
              Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

              Originally posted by Caspian
              Why did Kadaj and <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='Search for: the others'; self.ql_skeyphrase='the%20others'; if(window.event) self.ql_sevent=window.event.srcElement; self.ql_timeout = setTimeout('ql_doMouseOver(1)', 1000); self.ql_isOverLink=true; return true;" onclick="if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); self.ql_isOverTip = false; ql_closeiframe(); self.ql_skeyphrase='the%20others'; window.status='Search for: the others';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); self.ql_isOverTip = false; setTimeout('ql_closeiframe()', 1500); ">the others</a> keep calling it Jenova's neck? Is that what they really meant or is it just a bad translation, like the zuruzuru thing?

              Also, whenever I see some anime or something on television I always figured that the stuff that was written in english was done the same time it was dubbed, but apparently after watching this there is stuff that is always written in english (the fountain they pull down in Midgar and the credits etc.) I had the understanding that few JP's could read english, is this not true? Whats the point in having both written languages? I know a lot more JP can understand english than vice versa, but didnt realize it was so many that it warranted putting some English into cinema.
              And again, wtf is up with Barrett's mesh tank top????
              they were calling jenova mother..haha or kasan(sp?) where did you get the jenova's and the zuruzuru isnt really bad translation(tho i didnt watch any of the translated version) just hard to give it a meaning in english kind of i think O_o
              Last edited by xXx; 09-19-2005, 03:19 PM.

              Take The quiz yourself!

              (' ω ` *)


              • #52
                Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                Originally posted by xXx
                they were calling jenova mother..haha or kasan(sp?) where did you get the jenova's
                It was in the subtitles on the version I saw. They would usually call it Mother. But when the two lesser guys were talking to Reno and Rude, they said something about Jenova's neck. (its during the Bahamut fight when Reno and Rude get whipped).
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #53
                  Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                  Originally posted by Caspian
                  It was in the subtitles on the version I saw. They would usually call it Mother. But when the two lesser guys were talking to Reno and Rude, they said something about Jenova's neck. (its during the Bahamut fight when Reno and Rude get whipped).
                  reno said "mother, mother isnt that just jenova's neck?"then they go like dont call our mother that, cant be forgiven etc etc

                  just edit it..its Neck my bad..but i dont know whats up with the neck part >_>;; kubi = neck i'm sorry =( my japanese still not good some word i get confuse T_T
                  Last edited by xXx; 09-19-2005, 03:28 PM.

                  Take The quiz yourself!

                  (' ω ` *)


                  • #54
                    Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                    Originally posted by xXx
                    reno said "mother, mother isnt that just jenova's head?" then they go like dont call our mother that, cant be forgiven etc etc
                    Ah, the subtitles on the one I watched said Jenova's neck...I was like wtf?
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #55
                      Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                      Need one other reminder from the game. I'm trying to remember a few things from earlier in the game. I seem to recall Jenova being found in the earth by Hojo and Gast and that it was previously fought by the Ancients. Is that right or did I totally make that up? Also where did Jenova come from originally? I'm pretty sure it said earlier in the game, but that was a while back.
                      And lastly, Mako is part of the energy of the planet? Or is it from Jenova? How would mako and lifestream complete the 3rd innoculation of jenova?
                      Not sure if it was Hojo and Gast that found it in the ground, but it is indeed Hojo's project, and he has a fatherly attachment to JENOVA and anything associated, so it is entirely possible he was the head of the project that found JENOVA.

                      Yes, the Cetra (Ancients) did indeed fight Jenova in the past. I believe that the Cetra died off from the battle or even the resulting effects. But Aeris and her mother were the last of the Ancients. If you pay attention to the videos in Aeris's mother's house in that northern city, you can see Hojo come in. I'm sketchy about what happened, as i only saw it once, but I do know that Aeris's father was killed and I believe Aeris's mother (i tihnk pregnant) was taken to be experimented on.

                      We also know for sure that obviously Aeris's mom escapes, albeit battered, and transfers custody of Aeris at the train station to that lady Aeris was living with.

                      JENOVA basically was some sort of alien life form that came from outer space and was able to wreak havoc on the underdeveloped peoples of the planet. The only ones able to stand up to it were the Cetra, who were considerably advanced.

                      Mako is indeed the life energy of the planet converted into something usable by people for powering their cities. Red XIII's grandfather explained it, and you can see in the movie that when an organism dies, their body, comprised of this energy, returns to the great cycle of the lifestream to be born again.

                      However, Shinra was killing the planet due to them taking this energy. It was an equilibrum, and as they sucked up the energy of the planet there was nothing returning, effectively draining the very thing that made the planet live and breathe. Mako, which is converted Life Stream energy, infused directly into human beings in it's pure state creates soldiers such as Zack and Sephiroth.

                      Now it makes sense - all aspects of the story. Due to Shinra draining the planet, JENOVA was able to control her physical embodiment of Sephiroth to summoning Meteor. Without a suitable defense, Holy was pretty much ineffective at stopping Meteor. However, Aeris's last wish was to use the Lifestream to assist Holy and it evidently worked to an extent.

                      But ironically, the planet had it's own vendetta. And thats how Advent Children came about. I'm impressed that they took a basically complete story and added another loophole that sucessfully filled any gaps. Cloud is now a complete character, he accepts Aeris and Zack's death, etc etc etc.

                      I have seen Final Fantasy Last Order and it was very decent. They fudged up on a few aspects and those effectively throw many things out of proportion. I was, quite frankly, insulted to see Tetsuya Nomura's name as a part of it =/

                      Spoiler: Final Fantasy: Last Order

                      I want to write more, and i will later, but I have to go to an NHS meeting. They're required so I can keep my scholarship =/
                      Last edited by WishMaster3K; 09-19-2005, 04:58 PM.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #56
                        Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                        Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                        I'm sketchy about what happened, as i only saw it once, but I do know that Aeris's father was killed and I believe Aeris's mother (i tihnk pregnant) was taken to be experimented on.
                        Correct. most of the videos are Gast questioning Aeris' mother about the WEAPONS and such. The last video they decide a name for the girl she's pregnant with when Shinra and Hojo come in and demand Aeris' mother so that he can experiment on her and the soon to be born Aeris. Gast is killed trying to protect her and the video feed goes out.

                        Man, wish I didnt have so much to do so I could see the rest of this storyline in game. I still have to breed chocobos and lvl char's and materia. AND still go finish the underwater reactor, diamond weapon and return to midgar ><. Guess I should get started tonight after work.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #57
                          Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                          Heheh, I was a masochist for chocobos. I could create a Golden Chocobo in about an afternoon of hardcore playing. It's been a while, but I recall knowing all the stats and the racing tactics (win 2 short and 1 long for a class upgrade ^^-b) hell, once I got my standard Chocobos to S (they wouldnt have stood a chance in that class, I just raised them to that level so that i get a better chance of breeding) I would simply mate them and hope for the best First time I played FF7 was on a black and white TV, so I remember the anxiety i faced trying to see which power my Chocobo had

                          Oh yeah, Gast was the guy in the video, I remember now. Just set off a few bells in my head.

                          I think Rufus manipulated damn near everything in the movie. For one thing, he was playing both sides of the fence. I think he was doing it all to find some cure for Geostigma. When I saw him stand, I thought he was faking it, but a sharpshooter like him shouldnt have missed that much. In addition, Tseng and Elena shot the nets to cath him, indicating he couldnt have landed unassisted from such a height

                          Oh yeah, wow, he had Elena and Tseng fake their own deaths.

                          Jeez, what a manipulative bastard, I love him so much ;.;

                          Oh, and I now feel stupid for pronouncing Sephiroth as Se-Pee-Roth (or more closely, literally as Sep-ee-roth)when evidently it's Se-Fi-Roth. I've been walking around like an idiot for 8 years *cries* I guess Japanese naturally read words entirely out. I was used to canceling out the "h" sound like many words in the English language.
                          The Tao of Ren
                          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                          Originally posted by Kaeko
                          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                          • #58
                            Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                            Besides Kadaj, I think the voice actors did a very good job. I couldn't listen to Kadaj for more than 5seconds...

                            I was also surprised by the way they textured Bahamut, his wing design resembled Bahamut from FFX more than Bahamut from FFVII (Unless Kadaj summoned Bahamut Zero).

                            Sad to see that we never got to see Tseng fight though. I always wondered what weapon/fighting style he uses.


                            • #59
                              Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                              Just gonna debate alittle here... dun mind me .... :D an seriously, if people are still reading this thread then they don't need to be warned about more spoilers....

                              They made some minor changes to make Last Order fit a different format. Its really nothing to get annoyed over. Seph didn't jump into the lifestream all willy nilly for no reason, he saw his opportunity to be united with Jenova an even exclaimed to the head, "Come Mother, let us go to the Promised Land" or thereabouts before doing such. (The Promised Land being literally near the core of the planet where the greatest concentration of lifestream was)

                              A few things that peeved me were the fact that they made it seem that Zack was killed protecting Cloud on the truck. This is not the case, because we see Zack killed outside Midgar (ingame).

                              No where in the anime was it shown Zack getting killed anywhere. How can you get angry at something that was never shown? Maybe by protecting Cloud he got shot an thereafter ran with him to the cliff overlooking Midgar before finally being killed? Are you annoeyd that they didn't actually show Zack getting gunned down? O_o

                              His anger (Sephiroth's) through the entire game can relate back to the fact that Cloud basically Bitch-Whipped him, despite being considerably lower class and impaled by his sword.
                              Erm... do you even remember why he became angry an burned the town in the first place?

                              Now I'm not speaking from the original creators mouth here so this is just how I remember it, but Sephiroth was angry at the world, not Cloud. He was angry because he felt he was the last living descendant of the Cetra (which he believed Jenova to be as well), an that the world was wrongfully taken from him an his people by the current populace. That was why he wanted to cleanse the world using Meteor. Having wounded the planet so greatly from the impact, a considerable amount of lifestream would've been gathered for the planet to heal itself, which Sephiroth planned to be among the middle of an get the powers over life an death in the process.

                              Um, I'm highly doubtful that Sephiroth couldnt hear a 16 year old newbie sneak up on him, but for the most part, I suppose I'll let that infraction go.
                              Did you even read the FFVII write up (which is a good summery, but it leaves out alot of details, an is more about the complexity of Cloud's character rather than the backstory) you posted? Oh wait yah you did, you wrote that you said so... heh...

                              Cloud was never refused from SOLDIER. He never applied, out of fear of rejection. Virtually, there is no way Cloud would have been denied entry: his performance throughout the game proves that he is more than SOLDIER material. He was simply too afraid to put himself on the line, and settled for ShinRa Regular Infantry.
                              eh... i'd write somemore but its late... ok one more tidbit from somebody elses post since I'm full of FF info today...

                              Need one other reminder from the game. I'm trying to remember a few things from earlier in the game. I seem to recall Jenova being found in the earth by Hojo and Gast and that it was previously fought by the Ancients.
                              Jenova was excavated from the Northern Crater by Gast an Hojo (which both believed were the remains of a Cetra an therefore went about trying to genetically recreate one using the cells so they could lead Shinra to the Promised Land), the Northern Crater being from when Jenova first landed on the planet some odd ten thousand years ago or whatever they said. The WEAPONs in FFVII were literally massive war machines/organics that were created by the planet an the Cetra to fight Jenova.
                              Last edited by Cade; 09-19-2005, 09:15 PM.
                              "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


                              • #60
                                Re: Advent Children *Spoilers*

                                he saw his opportunity to be united with Jenova an even exclaimed to the head, "Come Mother, let us go to the Promised Land" or thereabouts before doing such.
                                Your explanation makes a lot more sense than what I had pieced together.

                                Now I'm not speaking from the original creators mouth here so this is just how I remember it, but Sephiroth was angry at the world, not Cloud. He was angry because he felt he was the last living descendant of the Cetra (which he believed Jenova to be as well), an that the world was wrongfully taken from him an his people by the current populace. That was why he wanted to cleanse the world using Meteor. Having wounded the planet so greatly from the impact, a considerable amount of lifestream would've been gathered for the planet to heal itself, which Sephiroth planned to be among the middle of an get the powers over life an death in the process.
                                Yeah, I also over looked that, good call. I had pieced together how the stage was perfectly set due to Shinra raping the planet, but I forgot about Sephiroth's motives.

                                And I seem to contradict myself despite giving valid evidence ;.; Yeah, I pointed out that Cloud was able to pick up the Buster Sword, so that comment of mine needs to be revised.

                                Nah, someone come over here and give me a good ass whuppin. That'll do the job fine
                                The Tao of Ren
                                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                                Originally posted by Kaeko
                                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

