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Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

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  • #16
    Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

    . . .

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .


    /em waves her cane around wildly!

    /em wears herself out and sits in her rocker...

    /em grumbles to herself "Back in MY day, we would have...."

    I remember when the RE5 trailer first came out. I watched it, turned to my husband and son, and said "Oh lord, watch out. There is gonna be a s**tstorm about racism or some crap over this." They laughed. A week later I sent them both an article where people were pissing and moaning about blacks being targeted yadda yadda yadda. I guess the 4 other games where the zombies were white was okie dokie though. lol Politically correct....must all times....
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #17
      Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

      You're completely forgetting the fact that RE4 was set entirely in Spain, so you were killing only Spaniards, not even just generic white people.

      This is also forgetting the fact that Biohazard is made in freaking Japan, and I don't recall ever hearing about Asian people in RE. (Ada, maybe, but not really)


      • #18
        Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

        Meh, details, I don't care if zombies are green or purple or whatever.

        Now, where's my Benelli?
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #19
          Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

          Really? A shotgun? Now give me something like an ak and I'll be happy. OR I wouldn't mind dualing a pair of Browning 9's or desert eagles.....which I personally do own irl. I sold my S&W snub nosed 357 like a moron. It had beautiful walnut grips on it and I kept it nice and shiny. Biggest mistake I made besides selling my uzi. But when your kids start growing up, people look down their noses at you if you have guns in the house.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #20
            Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

            Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
            . . .

            . . . . . .

            . . . . . . . . .


            /em waves her cane around wildly!

            /em wears herself out and sits in her rocker...

            /em grumbles to herself "Back in MY day, we would have...."
            It's finally happened, folks, she's gone senile.

            I'm not a huge fan of the RE series, that's more my ex-husband's bag, but I have to admit it looks pretty good. I'm disappointed that it's no longer Nintendo exclusive though.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • #21
              Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

              I don't want it to be Nintendo Exclusive, it's just that the game plays so damn well with the wiimote. I have no problems with, say, RE:UC being released with a light gun on another platform, or something closer to classic RE being on something without the pointing controls, but the main series is just a huge loss.

              Really, I'm surprised there hasn't been much more work on FPS for Wii. The best one I've heard of was Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. I only heard of that last week, and it's been out for nearly a year.

              And Metroid fans, it's an action/adventure game which takes place in first person, not a first person shooter.


              • #22
                Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

                Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                Really? A shotgun?
                Yup a I love getting close and personal when fighting zombies, and like Ocelot I love reloading in the middle of the battle, it really makes fights more fun.

                And when I'm saving shells I usually go with a pistol (like Red9) and go for the headshots instead. That's why I always end up never using automatic weapons or the magnum unless I run out of ammo.

                Edit > I also have the tendency of knocking zombies down with the shotgun and then finishing them off with the knife if needed.
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • #23
                  Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

                  Feba the reason I say that about Nintendo exclusive is the fact that I'm really just a huge Nintendo girl at the bottom of it all, and I see my favorite platform slowly losing out to the other two. Having some really great exclusive titles may be a way for Nintendo to keep its fans, and maybe even gain some more.

                  RE is just one example, I'm sure there are more that started as exclusive to Nintendo but then branched to other platforms.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • #24
                    Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                    I'm sure there are more that started as exclusive to Nintendo but then branched to other platforms.
                    Hi. Welcome. *cough*

                    Anyway, exclusives can help, but I doubt many people bought a Gamecube just for RE4 (especially after the PS2 version came out with added features), or the RE remake. I don't remember ever even hearing about RE0, until I was looking up horror games for Wii/GC.

                    The Wii is a great little console in it's own right, it doesn't need exclusives to sell it. The controller is easily my favorite (and that's not even including motion controls on games like Wii Sports), for as much as people talk about it being less powerful it looks great, it has some very useful and easy to use features (for example, the Nintendo and Internet channels). It's the cheapest console this generation, as well as the smallest (and I believe the smallest console evar); and in my opinion sharpest looking (as long as it's horizontal. ALL consoles look retarded vertical). It's biggest downfall is it's lack of storage space, and Nintendo will probably address that soon enough with a USB drive.

                    The Wii is also the best selling console this generation, and shows no signs of stopping (really, although there aren't any major announced titles on the way save Star Wars: Force Unleashed, that will change as we get closer to E3 and the holidays) despite the fact that it's library is weaker than the 360, and not very much better than the PS3. The only thing that should exclusive to it are things which are entirely reliant on the motion controls, like wii sports; and maybe a FEW games which are reliant on the pointer function (RE4 and Okami's Wii pointer is a gigantic improvement, but obviously it's playable without it. Trauma Center, on the other hand, not so much with an analog stick)

                    *note that I'm referring to consoles as home gaming systems. PSPs and DSs not included; although the DS demos channel might get some DS owners to get a Wii.


                    • #25
                      Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread

                      RE is just one example, I'm sure there are more that started as exclusive to Nintendo but then branched to other platforms.
                      RESIDENT EVIL series debuted on the PlayStation, actually, but I know where you're coming from. It's always hard for a fan to see exclusive series he or she loves move to other platforms, but the bigger picture is that even more people get to enjoy the games you love. Multi-platform is a great, great thing.

                      And uhh. I really don't think Nintendo has to worry about losing anyone right now. They're kinda destroying their competition to the point where they're not really competing anymore.

                      And Feba, I know your concern. Even as a multi-platform owner I want to see more serious RESIDENT EVIL releases from Capcom for Wii. Given the fact that both their Wii RE releases have sold over a million units worldwide, I think it's only a matter of time. They probably have a team working on something to complement the 2009 PS360 release of RE5 with a Wii release of some sort as we speak. Rumours of a direct sequel to RE4 featuring Leon Kennedy have been abound for quite some time in the form of a Wii-exclusive release.

                      Even if RE was originally a PlayStation-iconic franchise Capcom has shown tremendous support for Nintendo platforms with the series. RESIDENT EVIL 2 was ported to N64. The first 3 games were remade for Gamecube. RESIDENT EVIL 0, to this day, remains exclusive to Gamecube (and now Wii). Don't think that just because RESIDENT EVIL 5 is exclusive to HD consoles means that Capcom's left them in the dust; they've shown tremendous support for both the Xbox 360 and Wii so far this generation and they are easily the most progressive third party studio working on multiple platforms today.
                      Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 05-23-2008, 12:35 AM.
                      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                      Rockman - Fairy

                      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                      Currently Playing:
                      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                      • #26
                        Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

                        Nintendo lost a lot of people due to the GameCube, they are doing quite well now, but who's to say when the next consoles come out that they'll be able to compete? I just don't see them winning a longtime war against the other two.
                        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                        ~I has a blog~~
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                        • #27
                          Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

                          No one knows what will happen next generation. Nintendo's thrown any chance of predictability out the window.

                          In the end though, does it matter? Nintendo being beaten to a pulp by Sony last generation brought us the Wii. Now Sony's getting a taste of their own, and they'll probably retaliate with something in effort to put themselves out in front once again. Microsoft...will be there losing money and building up some sort of massive Xbox userbase with which they will eventually take over the world or something.

                          The intense competition we've seen in the games industry in the last decade is the best thing that's ever happened to it, so let them wage war with each other endlessly. As long as Microsoft and Sony fight for exclusives and price drops, and Nintendo fights to stand on top (or on the side) of it all, we the gamer will reap the benefits.
                          Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 05-23-2008, 01:21 AM.
                          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                          Rockman - Fairy

                          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                          Currently Playing:
                          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                          • #28
                            Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

                            Well, can't argue with that logic, I'm just really tied deeply to Nintendo so I will be sad if they end up losing.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • #29
                              Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

                              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
                              Rumours of a direct sequel to RE4 featuring Leon Kennedy have been abound for quite some time in the form of a Wii-exclusive release.
                              Ugh. I mean, I loved RE4, but holy shit was Leon annoying. And not even in a good way, like Tidus, he's completely forgetable. That bastard little kid? Yeah. Maybe even that radio operator. But almost all of the actual 'characters' in the game are less memorable than the monsters. Hell, even a Balthier-ripoff would make a great lead. That said, it IS good news; they could release it along side RE5 as another story as well. Kinda like how RE4 has the main story, and Ada's story; except make them about equal in length. More like Enter the Matrix, actually, I suppose.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                              but who's to say when the next consoles come out that they'll be able to compete?
                              Well, they kind-of aren't competing that much. The Wii probably isn't much better off in terms of people who play long, deep video games than the GameCube was. A lot of it's players are the people that are just looking for a quick jolt of fun-- more of a traditional video gaming experience; back before we had the memory to do much else, the Pongs and Pacmans and Galagas of the gaming universe. Incredibly fun, easy to play, but not very long or deep. Of course, it does have the ability to do longer, deeper games as well, and some companies have done very well in that. The popular fan base is also helping the more dedicated video game market-- popular things tend to spur interest in others to buy them, and obviously even a few of those people who are looking for more of an arcade experience are going to try 'great new Wii games' they hear about.

                              Nintendo is going back to it's roots with the Wii in so many ways, while also standing out as being new and different. The DS is also very close to becoming a portable computing platform more than a game console, but Nintendo needs to push that a bit more (the only Nintendo ads I remember seeing for DS were Brain Age and maybe Flash Focus, both of which will be looked at like any other video game from someone who isn't 'in touch' enough to already play games) in the US, encourage developers to make educational things (such as the My Coach series by Ubisoft), as well as do some more themselves.

                              For example, apparently they went all out in advertising an e-book program in Japan. This in a country where about every ONE IN SIX people owns a Wii. Do that stateside! Hell, they could even make a PDA-DS software to promote the Wii and DS-- have a Wii Firmware update to always broadcast daily information to DS (Weather forecast, News, Nintendo things, DS demos, Virtual Console games the user has; nothing personal like email), and sell the package with a Slot 2 memory STORAGE card (not RAM like DS internet, something you can store things on) so people can turn their DS on and off without worry. Do something to make people see the DS like they would an iPhone, instead of a gameboy.

                              I could easily ramble on for pages about this, but still, Nintendo needs to put attention back on the DS

                              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
                              Microsoft...will be there losing money and building up some sort of massive Xbox userbase with which they will eventually take over the world or something.
                              Heh. I'm honestly amazed MS is bothering with a traditional game console anymore. I mean, it would be so much easier for them to make a lightweight and simplified version of Windows, specially designed for the task, similar to MCE. Does the Xbox have a strong library? Sure. You know what has a stronger library than anything else? PCs. Really, make it a combination of the benefits of consoles and PCs (console ease of use, PC adaptability and power). Revive the PC gaming industry instead of cannibalizing your own features (DX10 would be the big one here), and try to boost yourself to hueg popularity in the process.

                              I'm not so sure about the competition being so good. It's obviously encouraged them to try to appeal to the consumer the most, but there's more to it. Hardware has become much worse. I mean, there are NES and SNES out there that are still working while month old 360s are dying. How many people have had their PS2's DVD drives die? Don't get me started on overheating. Software too; old games had glitches, but new ones are incredibly problem ridden. Link getting stuck in a cave, with no way out? Consoles freezing, crashing, or even bricking on starting up a new game? There's even things that aren't glitches, but just laziness: Okami's cover art with the IGN watermark, and GH's (or was it Rock Band? Pretty sure it was GH) shipping with mono sountracks? Game systems and games are being rushed out quicker and with less care than they probably ever have.

                              There's also the matter of exclusives. They're undoubtedly probably the single largest factor in how much of a success a console is, and they are almost always harmful to consumers. For example, the Xbox. When it came out, I didn't really want one. I had a PS2, and I was damn happy with it. Then Shenmue 2 came out in North America, and guess what console it was on. This game, which could almost certainly have run without problems on a PS2, forced me to spend how many dollars on an xbox? Of course, it's not the only Xbox game I ever got, but still; if it hadn't been for that game, I could've saved a significant amount of money. I could've bought more games with that money, or just used it for other things. Now, having Shenmue exclusive to the Xbox was probably not much of a help for Microsoft, but it was awful on me.

                              The same goes for RE fans who had a PS2 already; all of their favorite RE games had been PlayStation so far, and now they're expected to switch consoles to be able to continue enjoying it? How many gamecubes were sold, just for Biohazard? Late PS2 games too-- how many of us had already switched to a next gen console when some game came out for PS2-- you don't have your PS2 anymore, (and for the scenario, we're going to say that you have a 40GB PS3 or it's incompatible) you're not going to have that game now. That's a loss of a sale for the company, too.

                              Now, obviously, not all games can be done with a straight port. Wii motion controls would be killer to making the games non-exclusive; although they can very much improve gameplay. Dreamcast games would lose the VMU, which was occasionally very useful in games. It would be nice to see, at least, the major developers in the industry (both hardware and software) get together to make a standard for games that would run on any system (which supports it). A way to make games that will at the very least WORK on the consoles; if not run as well as a native game. A way for small publishers to make something cross platform, without blowing out their budget (for example, the BlastWorks I'm so looking forward to would probably also be playable just fine on PS3 or 360); game sales would improve, and it would be a giant boost to the library of all consoles (imagine if, say, we had this system last generation. How much of the PS2's incredible library would still exclusive to it?)

                              It'll probably be decades before it happens, of course, but the death of 'exclusive' games is one I will welcome. The ONLY benefit to them is a console's exclusive features, and those are usually non-existent (see: pretty much any multiplatform release ever). Where they are (such as Wiimote controls), multiple options could be put in for each console (there might be a special set of "wii controls" for people running the game on Wii; other games would have "generic" controls to match various gamepads) and so on.


                              • #30
                                Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL RESIDENT EVIL 5 Thread, Risen from the Dead! Braaaaains....

                                Exclusives can be perfectly fine, in my opinion. When a third-party developer decides to focus on a single platform, no matter what platform, for the benefit of their team and their project, then so be it. Those games are what make consoles unique; they're going to happen anyways. But when a developer wants to make a game for multiple platforms (see BIOSHOCK or 90% of Namco-Bandai's 360 exclusives) and a publisher goes out of their way to make that title exclusive to their platform for even a limited time, it does nothing but hurt the consumer.
                                PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                                Rockman - Fairy

                                WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                                Currently Playing:
                                FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

