Personally I liked the story of IV the most...but was a bit lacking in character development. FFVI had a good story and the best character development I've ever seen in a game. So depending on the role character development is considered in relationship to storyline, either FFIV or FFVI.
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What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
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Has to be FFVll,then Xl close behind.
I suppose how the FF7 plot worked so well together.(Or alteast I thought so)It made me think hard and actully replay it after my first time for any events i missed w/o the Guide.
FFXl's Story line is pretty impressive due to it being online.And yet everyone can share the experiance.
The FFX's story line to me was a too bit dreamy,but i still liked it :D But in all, these are just our thoughts correct?
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Re: What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
Originally posted by Necro923
Im gonna say FFVII FFVIII was so good that i had my eyes glued to the tv for almost 3 years FFX was....... too sad for me(shed's a tear) FFIX sucked the only thing good about it was 4 ppl fighting in 1 party at the same timeFFIX was one of my top 2 favorite's
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Im not the ultimate hardcore FF player ... sadly
but ive played v , vi ,vii ,viii ,ix ,x and x-2
I would have to say that FF VII definitely has the best storyline , aswell as having the best ... well - EVERYTHING else! It must be the best in the final fantasy series ( not including 1-4 of course, as i have never played them).
I'd say that storyline-wise and in general , 8 would follow behind very closely along with FFX which I thought had an amazing storyline and amazing characters ( especially Auron..woo..)
X-2 im sure a lot of you will agree , was not so good - its storyline was too short , although it did have more replay value to compare to others. I suppose it was good in its own way , but not VERY good when you put it next to the other FF games.
thats enough rambling for me tonight - although I imagine no one will even get round to seeing it let alone replying to it ... I seem to have this tendency of replying on to threads REALLY late ... making it almost pointless ... because the whole things sort of .. welll ... died down.
anyway - im rambling again - i must be tired :dead:
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FFIX would've been so much better if they had brought the story in sooner than midway through the game. They really waited too long to pull everything together, imho. Too...disjointed.
I haven't played FFVIII, I can't remember FFVII, and I don't own a PS2 or know anyone who does. I recently tried playing FFI again and...damn. Good story, but that game is just a GRIND machine. I was three hours in and like...level 4? I mean, come on, seriously. I made it to the elf town and decided it was pointless.
For me, FFIV and FFVI will always be the top two, with FFVI taking a slight edge, even though it does get a bit tedious towards the end. Maybe it's just reminiscing of the golden days of the SNES, I don't know, but those two games are just incredible memories.61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
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Re: What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
I couldn't stand the blocky people in FF7 to enjoy the story. But I played it and the story was good.
I cannot stand anything about FF tactics.... HATE IT... horrible graphics and pointless gameplay.
My favorites would have to be FF8 and FF10.... what can I say I like my people to look like people that way I can concentrate on the story and not be annoyed by how I look nothing like a short blocky guy with spiky anime hair carrying an oversized sword
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Re: What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
Year old bump FTW!
And let me just state that those that dislike FF7 either dislike it because
A) everyone else likes it
B) The want to say "I played the Old School Final Fantasy's, I'm better than you"
C) The Characters looked funny
D) Anti-FF7-Bandwagon-Bandwagon Riders
The sorry point is that FF7 was the most complete game ever created by Square, and evidence of this is the fact that they can continue to create relevant character content. By simply stating you didnt like it for cosmetic reasons, thus hindering you from "enjoying the story" is like saying "I don't like sex cause of all the work involved"
And then there are the "leet" ppl who feel that since they played the other final fantasy's before 7, they reserve the right to call those who didnt noobs and underappreciatos.
Well, I played the first dragon quest when I was 6 and my uncle was taking a Japanese course, so there. No one is better for coming into RPGs at a different time than anyone else. Get over it. FF7's story was better than the Cecil and Kain story, and, yes, i'm saying it, deeper than Final Fantasy 6.
Final Fantasy 6 was merely a setup to see if Final Fantasy 7's angle would work. 6 was a bold move for the series, a move that CONTINUED on into FF7. Hence, FF7 was every bit the game that FF6 was and more.
Also, keep in mind that without there being a FF7 to throw RPGs into the mass market, only 1/5 the ppl who claim to like FF6 more would have even heard about it, let alone play it.
Face it, FF7 was so great, it made people buy the previous versions to understand how great it was.
This link is something on, and for the purpose of my post, it is required reading. Of course, if you'd rather be an Anti-FF7 Fanboy, scroll down to the bottom and proceed with your flame like we all know you're going to do. But if you really care about this series as a whole, you'll investigate this editorial. Trust me, you'll learn something.
Now with that out the way, let me explain why FF8 could content for worst FF ever- The story made no sense. Seriously. The main character suffered from anxiety due to a sister figure in his life leaving him at a young age. He never trusted anyone ever since. Due to excessive GF usage, he forgot she existed, but the unapathetic attitude remained. Thus, he, essentially, is going around being mopey, but forgetting what made him mopey in the first place. He's an Emo's idol.
What's more, the main "bad guy" for a good 2/3 of the game turns out to be you're Commander's ExWife. Too many puns relating to spousal retribution, so I'm not going to hurt myself by putting them in. But wait, what is this? lo and behold, Cid and Edea get back together again and all is well.
My FAVORITE part of FF8 was when it was revealed that some unknown enemy, all powerful, btw, was calling out to helpless ol sweetie, Rinoa. Furthermore, she could compress time. Mmmmm. Yeah, FF8 is making tons of sense in a world that relys on demons, magic, technology and steampowered airships all on the same planet.
FF9, THAT made sense, even tho it dealt with cross-dimensional planets and an end-boss that came out of nowhere, for the sole purpose to destroy the galaxy.
FF8? No sense at all. Half the time I'm running around with the retarded payment system, the random Limit System, the easily harassed Junction system that was ultimately broken because using the nigh powerful spells you painstakingly Drew from something meant your stats dropped, and the GF system that was in turn nothing more than overgrown and overspoiled Tomagachis.
FF8 best or favorite Final Fantasy ever? Great.Last edited by WishMaster3K; 11-30-2005, 03:28 PM.The Tao of Ren
FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011
If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?Originally posted by KaekoAs hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.
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