I think FFTACTICS had the best story and if tactics doesn't count I would say FFVI.
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What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
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1. FFVIII (im a sucker for romance like Squall and Rinoas)
2. FFVI (Really nice story that caught my eye quickly)
3. FFX (I thank god everyday that i decided not to play X-2)
4. FFIX (Very emotional, Zidane broke the "im a knight so i must be the hero" mold)
5. FFIV (Cecil would have been cooler as a drk but the game came together and won me over ....damn spoony bard, you know im gonna use that one in FFXI)Grever---Bard 32, War 30, Rdm 20, Pal 15, Mnk 10, Rng 25, Thf 15....most others around lvl 7.
AIM= Johnnyramonex4
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1. FFT
5. FFIII (Go Onion Knights! )
FFVII was the first one I played; thought it was great and played through all the previous games. Found most of them to be even better. VIII and up were all great games, just didn't seem to be as great as their predecessors.
P.S. Worse FF game ever is FFT: Advance. The GBA's story was so simple and childish it made me sick. Gameplay seemed much simpler than original (like no casting time:mad:!)
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Originally posted by Reiki
P.S. Worse FF game ever is FFT: Advance. The GBA's story was so simple and childish it made me sick. Gameplay seemed much simpler than original (like no casting time:mad:!)
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As do some people, I think FFVII is overrated. It's the only FF where I shook my head, stood up, and went to go turn off my machine.
On the positive note, I liked FF: Tactics. Now THAT is a great storyline. It has everything: romance, irony, betrayal, and a good flow that makes you wonder what the hell's gonna happen next.Hear my voice...
The voice of pain.
It's hard to handle life as it is.
Sometimes I wish I could actually see all my buddies from this forum because I know that they're truly the ones who listen.
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Final Fantasy II (You cant go wrong with these)
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy
Fianl Fantasy III (Go Onion Knights):spin:
Final Fantasy IV (Worst games on the planet)
Final Fantasy VIII
Final fFantasy X and X-2 :mad:
Final Fantasy XI (These games are GOD!)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy II is the best of all!Sincerely,
Feelin' Groovie
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Originally posted by Popoie
That is truely sad. FFTA was an awesome portable. You must not have played all the Final Fantasy games... try Legends 1-3. Also, FFMQ sucks too, but it was made for beginners and was made by Squaresoft of America.
I didn't even think of Legends; I played 1 and 2 and the storyline's were not too bad. But considering they were on the original gameboy, gameplay was pretty good. Also, don't forget FF Adventure; it was an action/rpg in one and is my favorite of the gameboy FF's. I've never played FFMQ so I can't comment on it.
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Originally posted by Foamingpanda
Honestly, if you're looking for a strong story line driven game I'd suggest:
1. The Bauldur's Gate series
2. Morrowind
3. The Suikoden series
4. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
KotOR was also quite predictable. The end (which I won't spoil) kinda saves the whole thing, at least if you follow the light side.
Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+
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FFT had the best story. The character developpment was really good and the story was really well done. It was realistic and adapted for a mature audience, which is something I really liked.BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20
San d'Oria Rank 10
Zilart Mission 14
CoP Chapter 4-2
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Originally posted by Unwell
Some of the reasons we may like the earlier games of the final fantasy sieries is probably because we were all a bit younger, and more easily impressed. It's just a theory. :sweat:
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FFVI - Best story.
A lot of people like FFVII better, but that's because it was the first they played, and what made Final Fantasy so popular in the US. It wasn't bad, but not as good as FFVI.
FFIV - My Favorite.
This is the first one I played, and what got me hooked on Final Fantasy, and all things RPG related. It's not the best story, but better than most.
FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX were also good in my opinion, and I have yet to completely finish FFI-III.
Final Fantasy Online web site did a special top 25 Square games, and I thing they did a good job of putting the games in the truly best order. Check it out and I bet most of you will agree.
Be like a Paladin.
Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.
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VII was lame, lame villain, lame main character. Seph was a try hard Kefka but failed in all fields whereas Kefka actually managed to destroy the world and become a god.
My favorites were 4 and 6, 10 was close behind. 7, 8 and 9 all sucked.I need a good seraph LS, gimme a PM.
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