yea i agree with taki...ffvii is the best storyline iv ever seen
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What Final Fanatsy has the best storyline?
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I'd say FFVI had the best overall story... VIII in my opinion was a steaming pile of mismatched crap.
FFX definately the most emotional and somewhat depressing stories. A girl that plans to die from the get go... man... that's sad.
While i don't agree with all of what Foamingpanda said, FFX-2 did kind of ruin the emotional parts of FFX... but that being said it was still a fun game to waste some time with ^_^
"Ruthless deeds return to harass their architect.
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Eh, to quiffle with cloud's little arm and giant sword seems pointless. He's a great character design, I can't say the same for StarWars, MorrowWind, or Baldur's gate (they're all decent)
why not argue the physics of a light saber when you're at it :p
I don't think FFX-2 is as horrible a travesty as people make it out to be. It's a pretty, fun game, like chocobo racing
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Originally posted by Foamingpanda
FFVII drives the fanboy, poorly cultured and tasteless, persona that embodies so many Final Fantasy players these days. The game is littered with poor dialect which suits a mascarade of cookie-cutter characters which lack any social interaction between themselves and the world. "CLOUD I AM 7 YEAR OLD CHILD BLOCKING A CRITICAL PATH BACK INTO THE CITY. YOU ARE A FULL SIZED -- THOUGH UNPORPORTINAL ADULT WITH TINY ARMS THAT COULD NEVER SUPPORT SUCH AN UNBALANCED WEAPON -- MAN. YOU MAY NOT PASS. I WILL NOT MOVE, AND YOU CAN NOT GO AROUND ME."
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No paticular order:
I personally hated VIII, X, and X-2 with a passion.
As a sidenote, I enjoyed playing FFVII very much and I can assure you it was not my first Final Fantasy, 1 was my first.
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VI was my very first final fantasy. Then i played alot of other Square games for the SNES, then i got the PS and played FFVII... graphics aside, which for the time were beyond anything, the story was great and i cared what happened to the characters, unlike VIII. I kept hoping that stupid floating garden would crash into a volcano and destroy the whole planet ending the misserable story, the detestable characters and the half-ass'd villians. But that is just my opinion.
Still haven't played IX though, but i really want too.
"Ruthless deeds return to harass their architect.
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I can't just choose one!! My absolute favourites would have to be: FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, FFTactics and FFX.Elly's quote of the week: "I beat y00!! With my crappy keyboard!!"~Me, beating random people on Street Fighter Alpha 3.
Because our Moogle wants friends.
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Originally posted by Foamingpanda
FFX-2? FFX-2 is a pile of fanboy garbage produced by Square by manipulating the orginal Japanese ending (which follows the sterotypical FF "we don't know what happens" endings; which are consqiuently TAILORED for Square to make sequeals for) of FFX. A plot hole was intentionally created so Square could alter the story as they seemed fit to maximize profits. FFX-2 remains the largest discrace to mainstream RPGS. It's nothing more than a mainstream example of the degraded quality and integrity of RPGS. You could see so many examples of popular aspects of contemporary society, WHICH SHOULD NEVER OCCUR IN A RPG SET IN A NEO-CLASSICAL ERA, all throughout the length of the shitty game.
FFVII drives the fanboy, poorly cultured and tasteless, persona that embodies so many Final Fantasy players these days. The game is littered with poor dialect which suits a mascarade of cookie-cutter characters which lack any social interaction between themselves and the world. "CLOUD I AM 7 YEAR OLD CHILD BLOCKING A CRITICAL PATH BACK INTO THE CITY. YOU ARE A FULL SIZED -- THOUGH UNPORPORTINAL ADULT WITH TINY ARMS THAT COULD NEVER SUPPORT SUCH AN UNBALANCED WEAPON -- MAN. YOU MAY NOT PASS. I WILL NOT MOVE, AND YOU CAN NOT GO AROUND ME."
Honestly, the entire Final Fantasy series isn't half of what its drooling legion of tasteless fanboys make it out to be. Serveral of the games are good, but they are by no means the pinnacle of high quality RPG's.
I'd rate the worthy FF storylines as follows:
1. FFT
5. FFX**
**It's a shame the emotional ending was defiled by a complete sellout of a sequeal.
Honestly, if you're looking for a strong story line driven game I'd suggest:
1. The Bauldur's Gate series
2. Morrowind
3. The Suikoden series
4. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
BTW, W00T for Suikoden and Morrowind!
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That's just mean man.
I don't think anyone could argue X-2 as a masterpiece of literature. It's a fan service. Noone cares that Tekken 3 is about a fighting tournament, like the 2 before, or ever fighter to ever be made.
X-2 is made for fanboys, true. Does that make it bad? Nah. You don't have to feel outraged for the sake of outrage.
Baldur's Gate: You're a mysterious orphan inhereting great powers, go adventure! Want to be evil? Let's go kill peasants!
Starwars: The Dark Side, evil, blah blah, here's your lightsaber (sure to please every fanboy out there). Trashcan robots. Universe complete with really hairy alien and really scaly alien. wow. what the hell are sword swinging knights doing in a FUTURISTIC SETTING anyways? THEY'RE WEARING ROBES! where are the shiny jump suits!? and LIGHT SABER!? that's a stupidly IMPOSSIBLE idea! Even more stupid, they can fight guns with their stupid wands. What a bunch of SELL OUTS!!!! They just whore out Jedi, jedi JEDI!?
I actually like those above games, but it just seems pretty stupid to pick on SD (super deformed) style characters considering how silly everything really is.
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