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FFVII : Advent Children

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  • #31
    Re: FFVII : Advent Children

    DVD coming in 4 days for me


    • #32
      Re: FFVII : Advent Children

      LOL Since you can talk about and link to 3rd pt programs which are against the TOS, I figured a torrent link wouldn't be a big deal but meh. The torrents are out there and they are subbed. Just go to .

      I have the JP LE version on the way and I'll buy the US version too. So I don't feel bad one bit about d/ling it. They are getting their money out of me.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #33
        Re: FFVII : Advent Children

        well, with the MPAA on the warpath I think it's better to play it safe than sorry.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #34
          Re: FFVII : Advent Children

          Greatest movie I've ever seen in my entire life. I wont mention where I got it because I'm not sure about the torrent rules here, but I'll definately be picking it up when it hits stateside.

          Reno and Rude are awesome. Rude, you're so cool!


          • #35
            Re: FFVII : Advent Children

            -I am going to get flamed for the following comments-

            I was absolutely not impressed with this movie. It was over hyped, much like FF7. It lacked dialogue, and all it consisted of was, fight scene after fight scene. The fight scenes were nice and all, but the complete lack of story pissed me off.

            I ordered the JP release of it, so I felt no pain in downloading it. I do not plan on buying the EN release.

            Double Post Edited:
            Originally posted by Amatsu
            now not to say i condone this behaviour, buuuut if you really wanna see the movie im sure (judgeing by the HUGE ff7 fanbase) that this Japanese version will be fansubbed quicker than you can say "nooo aries dont die!!!!!" so check out your local pirates for that doozy, but i will probly buy an english copy also, but im itching to see it and i dont mind reading subs :p
            It was subbed before you even made this post hehe.
            Last edited by Vinen; 09-13-2005, 03:03 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

            CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


            • #36
              Re: FFVII : Advent Children

              lol almost everyone knows (or should know) videogame movies will probably contain no plot. Just cool graphic designs and cool fighting scenes.


              • #37
                Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                Or maybe you just have to be a little more attentive to the movie to see the plot? I among several other people enjoyed the plot. If you didn't play FF7, you're going to be lost; if you didn't even understand FF7, don't expect to understand AC; or maybe you just didn't have English subs. >_>


                • #38
                  Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                  ... I played FFVII, loved it. Thats the reason why I'm getting the DVD. And seriously, FFVII isn't that hard to understand. It might be a bit confusing at first, but since its such a great game (and has good replay value), most of the time you find urself playing it multiple times that its hard NOT to see the plot. Which means understanding FFVII AC is not a hard task. I don't think ppl will buy the DVD (or watch it) if they haven't played the game anyways.

                  Sure there are loads of movies with "enjoyable" plots, but the movies thats truly great are the ones that has "outstanding" plots. And at least for me, those are the movies that makes the biggest impressions.

                  Oh, btw, I don't need subs. I can speak Japanese.


                  • #39
                    Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                    i don't get it when people say a movie has no plot?
                    this movie in case does have a plot, but it isn't a pick up and watch without playing the game or knowing the history of the game it came from
                    there was plenty plot and great action
                    "no matter where you go you are what you are playa
                    and you can try to change but that's just the top layer
           was who you was when you got here"


                    • #40
                      Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                      I loved this movie (just finished watching it), and I will go and buy the english version once that comes to Australia. I thought it could of had more dialogue, but I think I got an idea of the plot (need to watch it again). It was good be in the FF7 excitement again! *wipes tear from eye*

                      I wish they had a bit more time to play around with, but oh well, I still loved it.

                      "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                      • #41
                        Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                        Just watched AC during the maintainence. Absolutely incredable. I realyl couldn't have wished for a better film.


                        • #42
                          Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                          Good movie. Definitelly not for anyone who hasn't played ff7. For a video game continuation, of course fight scenes are going to be put on a higher focus then dialogue.

                          If you wanted a drama, then don't expect it to be ff7. Heck if you wanted a drama, you wouldn't need a big budget cg, just use actors and stick in some futuristic backround.

                          There are some things that are run across way too fast, but it mostly has to do with the game, and more to refresh your memory then anything else. The only thing this movie lacked was a backstory to the children, which is going to be explained in the PSP Vincent game. Shameless promotion, but hey, the movie is already as long as it is, can't explain everything going on.

                          Fans of FF7 should definitelly pick this up, it's way nastalgic, especially with the inside the cellphone and the glasses joke.

                          For casual watchers, well it's an action movie, as plain as that, think too much will alway get you in trouble.


                          • #43
                            Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                            I'd like to mention "On a Way to a Smile" as a possible back story for the children. A few chapters have been published to the web, and have also been translated as seen on They'll soon be turning it into an all-out novel which should be extremely interesting to read if translated and sent stateside.

                            It's mostly about Denzel, but could possibly explain how he and possibly the other children ended up in their predicament.

                            I'm still soaking in the movie. Good movies put me in a funk for a few afters after watching it while I soak in the greatness, but it's been two days after watching this movie. I don't see an end in sight either.


                            • #44
                              Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                              Originally posted by Impaction
                              I'd like to mention "On a Way to a Smile" as a possible back story for the children. A few chapters have been published to the web, and have also been translated as seen on They'll soon be turning it into an all-out novel which should be extremely interesting to read if translated and sent stateside.

                              It's mostly about Denzel, but could possibly explain how he and possibly the other children ended up in their predicament.

                              I'm still soaking in the movie. Good movies put me in a funk for a few afters after watching it while I soak in the greatness, but it's been two days after watching this movie. I don't see an end in sight either.
                              I ment the 3 badguys. Vincent gets to be the main hero in that part of the story...metroid style i think it will be.

                              And you gotta love the fanservice devotion while still balancing a movie...just have to smile when sephy music started playing.


                              • #45
                                Re: FFVII : Advent Children

                                Originally posted by l)@RK-l)EVIL
                                Who wont do that anyway -.-? whoever gonna wait for englih ver he cant call himself ffvii fan :/ by time novermber come the movie already will be spoilered >.> people will talk screenshots will be everywhere
                                just like how everyone now knows ultima/diablos/phoniex show up at cop even though they didnt do any cop missions <.<
                                Hehe Not a big ffvii fan so I can wait..
                                FF8 remake or ffvi remake {はい、お願いします}^^
                                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                                BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

