Re: The Official Final Fantasy XII Thread XD
I agree it's trying to appeal to more gamers than just the hardcore FF fans, but at the same time I think the story will seperate it from the superficial mainstream appeal of say, FFX-2. The story is actually pretty dark and complicated >.> As probably mentioned before it's very similiar along the lines of Vagrant Story and or FF Tactics in that there's a lot of deception, betrayel, crime, things like that.
It's been a long time since I've truely anticipated an RPG. Infact I can't even recall the last that I actually followed and looked forward to it's release like I have with FFXII. After playing it two years ago at E3 and watching the 5 or so videos they had, I was hooked since then. While I'm willing to wait if it means the game will be better, I just wish it were alrady out ; ;
Originally posted by TheGrandMom
It's been a long time since I've truely anticipated an RPG. Infact I can't even recall the last that I actually followed and looked forward to it's release like I have with FFXII. After playing it two years ago at E3 and watching the 5 or so videos they had, I was hooked since then. While I'm willing to wait if it means the game will be better, I just wish it were alrady out ; ;