NOTE: This thread started as a derail of XB1 3 Million Units Sold
Which is exactly why it's silly to be against the low barrier to entry for indie development. From what I've read - and hopefully someone else can chime in here - a very large portion of the professional game development is toxic - incredibly unhealthy work/life ratios, high turnover rates, and lower wages/benefits than being an average enterprisey software developer. They have a huge pool of young, unmarried people they can chew up and spit out over a short time span. With a process like that, a relatively low number of people last long enough to become experts. On top of that, the state of the art still involves using an antiquated and tragically flawed programming language (C++) and a very misunderstood and problematic programming style (object-oriented).
Letting anyone with a computer try to make a game may produce a lot of garbage but hopefully we'll see some progress in game development techniques and pass them on quicker and to a wider audience than the industry currently can.
Originally posted by cidbahamut
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Letting anyone with a computer try to make a game may produce a lot of garbage but hopefully we'll see some progress in game development techniques and pass them on quicker and to a wider audience than the industry currently can.