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Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

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  • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    I think its important to also point out that the Tea Party people that aren't willing to compromise are largely baby boomers headed for retirement and want to hold sway over the culture while they still can, Younger Tea Party members are more accepting and willing to compromise, particularly on social issues (which really means they're closet libertarians).

    Younger Occupiers, however, are idealistic, but naive in the way the world actually works. Half of them got out of college and instantly saw they never had a chance with college educations - kinda like in Greece but with less social unrest and less actual bathing. Older Occupiers from their 30s to 40s I'm a touch more sympathetic toward because they they see the bullshit baby boomer Tea Partiers spew as just that - bullshit. And its that bullshit they want changed in corporate culture and on social issues. I think many of them are closet Green Party or possibly Libertarians as well - the just don't know how articulate themselves as such because they really want the Democrat/Republican thing to work so they don't feel excluded.

    Hence my southpark reference to the hippies episode. I very much they're closet libertarians. Green party's a possibility but... lolGreen party (especially ours.)

    The biggest problem with the occupy movement, as Van Jones rightly pointed out, was the lack of leadership (not to mention the random asshats who ransacked the local shops, crapping in the washrooom sinks etc... I'm not making this up either sadly.) - A movement like this needs direction and a well-articulated mission statement, especially given the objective/target.



    • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

      On the general subject: How Income Divides Democrats, Republicans, And Independents : Planet Money : NPR

      Gee, how freakin curious that over the last 10 years, fewer and fewer people have been identifying as Republican and more and more have been identifying as independent. What's non-ironically curious is that most of those losses seem to be coming from the high-income range. Also worth noting are low-income voters shifting from Democrat to independent, although the numbers across the general public have been fairly steady.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

        Reminds me of a bit Bill Maher had on his show a while back, and they purposely tried to avoid the most "redneck-ish" (if I may use that as a term) people, and they still came off as total hicks... this back during the NC primary I think, asking about Romney and also what people thought about Obama. It continues to mystify me how so many people in the lower income bracket keep voting against their own interests (Republican).

        Again, neither party are exactly saints here, just 1 party is somewhat sensible and the other is whacked out of its mind... it's a lesser of 2 evils scenario



        • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

          This one's for you, Mal:

          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            Reminds me of a bit Bill Maher had on his show a while back, and they purposely tried to avoid the most "redneck-ish" (if I may use that as a term) people, and they still came off as total hicks... this back during the NC primary I think, asking about Romney and also what people thought about Obama. It continues to mystify me how so many people in the lower income bracket keep voting against their own interests (Republican).

            Again, neither party are exactly saints here, just 1 party is somewhat sensible and the other is whacked out of its mind... it's a lesser of 2 evils scenario
            You're kind of missing a huge point here - and you're citing Bill Mahar again so its no surprise - but North Carolina is not traditionally a Republican stronghold This chenged just two years ago and Health Care Reform was a big part of that change. Most people here didn't want that, in fact, they were infuriated by the fact Obama made that his focuses rather than Jobs.

            Let me give you some insight into how well jobs are going here. Two weeks Trader Joe's had a job fair. Five hundred people turned out to compete for less than forty positions at minimum wage and part time hours. This week, the same level of people will bombard the Gamestop job fair to compete for five positions that will amount to little more Black Friday maybe four hours a week or every other week if you are lucky. But that's Gamestop being Gamestop.

            Manufacturing jobs? Get in through a temp agency or give up all hope.

            Is Bill Maher from NC? Don't think so, so he wouldn't know pre-2010 this was a fiercely dominant Democrat stronghold state. People flipped allegiences or went independant because Obama not only failed to make job growth a priority, but instead prioritized legislation rather damaging to this state. More taxes for tobbacco - and spare me the lectures on the evils of smoking, Obama killed jobs and now my city especially deals with the fallout and increased competition for basic jobs. Oh, and we have a huge medical community here, with HCR creating a strain and new worries there as well. Governor Perdue made a deal with Dell that proved to be a losing deal for the state, which she later remedied by sealing a better deal with Caterpillar, but it was still frustrating to those of use experienced Dell's "Jobs."

            So yeah, I can't imagine why people would look Romney's direction in NC. Obama's clearly done our state no favors (though I guess Bank of America loves to do him some favors).

            But yeah, Bill Maher. Big "Libertarian" as he describes himself. So libertarian, in fact, he's privately donated millions to Obama and is practically his lapdog. I'd sooner find actual objective journalism between MSNBC and Fox News.


            • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

              That last bit pretty much proves you've never watched him, or you'd know damn well he's far from Obama's "lap dog". He's far from a libertarian as well, idk where you got that from... the guy's pretty damned Liberal.

              Anyways, @ TM: That's some sad shit. And seriously, notice it's pretty much all Black people... surprise surprise. Poor black area that people only pay lip service to.

              That's why I got really upset when it turned out John Edwards was a piece of shit. He's the only mainstream candidate in years to champion against poverty. Also, a lot of people mistakenly consider themselves a part of the middle class, when they're really the working poor (under 40k/year for individual incomes IIRC - it may even be 50~60 now.)

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                That last bit pretty much proves you've never watched him, or you'd know damn well he's far from Obama's "lap dog". He's far from a libertarian as well, idk where you got that from... the guy's pretty damned Liberal.
                I've watched Maher plenty. He's a chronic Devil's Advocate, so blind to his own biases that he can't help but see himself as objective. They nicest thing I can say about him is his selection of guests are often more real and genuine that the phony he is. Again, he donated a million to Obama - and he got that money from fans that believed in his "objectivity." Fans that petitioned to get him a platform elsewhere when natural selection of network TV and ABC snuffed him out. HBO gave him a platform he couldn't be unseated from and he's gotten rather fat off it. So fat he's forgotten most of the people that got him there.

                He says he believes in free speech, but when SOPA was dropped on him he was woefully misinformed on the subject and pretty much took a Romney stance on the issue because freeloading bums were pirating his shit of a documentary that he created to belittle Jews and Christians while not making much of a case for his atheism. Even Penn Jilette could do better without being a tremendous asshole toward the beliefs of others.

                What Bill Maher has - but doesn't maintain - is an obligation to maintain what people believe him to be, no matter how stupid they are for believing he's objective. Keith Olbermann lost a job for breaking his vow to remain objective - meaning MSNBC can at least honor a contract even if they fake objectivity the rest of the time. Maher has a place in this world only because fans of Politically Correct fought for him. Its time he acknowledged it and acted it, but then, the best episodes of his stuff are where everyone turned on him... like that whole SOPA thing.

                Didn't read it, didn't look for problems, but hey, he was for it.

                Almost sounds like he could have a seat in Congress.


                • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                  Yeah the SOPA bit was surprising for a guy who's usually very well-informed.

                  I don't agree with every little thing he says, but he's generally on the mark and doesn't BS you. I like him anyways. The only time I really find myself getting annoyed at the guy on any sort of regular basis is when he attacks religion - now, I'm an agnostic, but I still don't care for militant atheists who blindly cast all the blame on religion for what stupid people say & do.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                    Lewis Black anyone?
                    Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                    • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                      Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody) - CollegeHumor Video

                      Because I'm too lazy to properly embed a video fro mthat site I'm just posting the link.
                      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                      Reiko Takahashi
                      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                      Haters Gonna Hate


                      • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                        Eh, was OK.

                        Found it more annoying than funny, tbh.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                          Found a video the more succinctly boils down the issue of gay marriage between Obamney:

                          And other silimarities:


                          Here's the start of the debate.

                          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-04-2012, 12:25 AM.


                          • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                            Yikes! Mitt Romney beats Barack Obama: first debate is a decisive victory for Republican challenger
                            Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                            • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                              Originally posted by Melody View Post
                              Lewis Black anyone?
                              Love the guy ^^

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • Re: Melody's Melodramatic Meltdown on Mitt Romney (Tounge Twister?)

                                Yeah, I've only seen the first part so far, but Romney was more succinct, more on-issue and in control of the debate. Obama was expecting him to be McCain.

