I'm now accepting unique and original ideas for random encounters/quests/adventures and dungeons from anyone here who wants to submit one to me. As many of you know, TM/Mal/Murph/Armando/Cid and Firewind are all running through my D&D campaign that started 2 weeks ago and I'd like to start a pool of possible ideas to reach into if I'm in a pinch. I know a number of you enjoy writing these kinds of things and I would love to hear what you have to offer.
If you have an idea, PM it to me... don't post it here obviously... or you'll ruin it for those involved in the campaign.
Also, provide as much detail as you want. I'll gladly accept plot hooks, circumstances, environments, monster ideas and wacky NPC builds. Hit me with everything you've got and I'll let you know if I'm planning on using it in an upcoming session.
Just please no UBER POWERFUL IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT things or Dungeons you couldn't find your way out of even if you had the map. I'm not trying to kill them, just keep them on their toes.
If you want a template of how I set up my encounters, I'll be glad to send you an example to base yours off of.
If you have an idea, PM it to me... don't post it here obviously... or you'll ruin it for those involved in the campaign.
Also, provide as much detail as you want. I'll gladly accept plot hooks, circumstances, environments, monster ideas and wacky NPC builds. Hit me with everything you've got and I'll let you know if I'm planning on using it in an upcoming session.
Just please no UBER POWERFUL IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT things or Dungeons you couldn't find your way out of even if you had the map. I'm not trying to kill them, just keep them on their toes.
If you want a template of how I set up my encounters, I'll be glad to send you an example to base yours off of.