So Icemage, BBQ and I came to an agreement that we're suspending any further recordings of the podcast until things get sorted out. Yyg has been absent from it for like 9+ weeks now, and while it's been a pleasure having Jarre around and getting together it was primarily Yyg's idea and well if he's not gonna show, why should we?
Plus without going into the nitty gritty of it, Ice is having a bit of a rough time of things and as a result is still way behind on editing the last 2 recordings so to make things easier on everyone we're taking a hiatus until further notice.
Sucks to be Ray I guess?
Plus without going into the nitty gritty of it, Ice is having a bit of a rough time of things and as a result is still way behind on editing the last 2 recordings so to make things easier on everyone we're taking a hiatus until further notice.
Sucks to be Ray I guess?
