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North Carolina Amendment One

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  • North Carolina Amendment One

    So, it seems that NC is going to try and push for a bill that will cause Civil couples to become illegal, along with making it illegal to be gay, along with making it illegal for two people to be living together if they aren't married.

    Hmmmm, and oh yea, that's not even the worst part of the bill. Apparently, it will make it legal to beat your wife as well.

    North Carolina Same-Sex Marriage, Amendment 1 (May 2012) - Ballotpedia

    There is the link to what the admedment entails if you want to check it out. I have even had a few friends on FB who live in NC that have confirmed its what I have said. If I could get more facts about it, I will post it here.

    Same-sex couples in North Carolina prepare for marriage vote – In America - Blogs

    I can't find the CNN video, other wise I would post it.

    But, one person who is against is Obama, and I hope he does have a huge pull in with what happens to it.

  • #2
    Re: North Carolina Amendment One

    So, it seems that NC is going to try and push for a bill that will cause Civil couples to become illegal, along with making it illegal to be gay.
    First off, let's drop the hysteria on the end of that statement. That part is not not only not true, its kind of impossible to enforce. There are already non-discrimination labor laws in regard to LGBT workers in NC passed last year that would be completely undermined by this. Were this amendment to pass, these things would come into direct conflict.

    That aside, I'm fully against the amendment.

    This is a pretty strong liberal democrat stronghold, not that that ever helped on LGBT issues (see California). That did change a bit in 2010, but people in this area really are not about getting in other people's business. Its just not how it is. I'm quite honestly disappointed that right now this was a pressing issue for some nimrod Christian group to be pushing. We need legislation and efforts being made to get people back to work, not deciding how other people live. North Carolina does not need to be wasting its time on crap like this.

    I'm hoping it won't pass, but if it does, its constitutionality will be brought into question. That's what happened with Prop 8.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-05-2012, 10:59 AM.


    • #3
      Re: North Carolina Amendment One

      I was just going by with what I heard with the end of the statement. It not hysteria really, its just it being brought to become even worse than it already is with the statement at the end.

      I am fully against this too, and hope that it doesn't get passed. But, from what I heard, it has more yes, then nos at the moment, which confounds me. I don't see why people who live in a free country, want to take away people's rights. It makes me sick to my stomach.

      I also agree with the efforts for putting people to work, but we also need to work on getting the country out of debt, rather than this bull shit.


      • #4
        Re: North Carolina Amendment One



        • #5
          Re: North Carolina Amendment One

          Didn't Jesus say beating your wife was a constitutional right? Along with having Pedophilia as a requirement to qualify to become a priest. He also said Crusaders had to wear at least 3 Oil Corporation sponsor patches on their gear in order to make invasions holy and righteous.

          So I think the people pushing for this bill are simply making the job God wanted them to do.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: North Carolina Amendment One

            Its not that Jesus said that beating your wife was a right, it was actually in the bible. It also states in the bible that its a woman's fault for getting raped if they can't scream loud enough for their husband, and says that its the wife's fault that the husband cheats... Hmmm... Where was I now?


            • #7
              Re: North Carolina Amendment One

              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
              Its not that Jesus said that beating your wife was a right, it was actually in the bible. It also states in the bible that its a woman's fault for getting raped if they can't scream loud enough for their husband, and says that its the wife's fault that the husband cheats... Hmmm... Where was I now?
              I hate the be that guy and all but, chapter and verse? Otherwise you're just pulling from the Atheist Cookbook and being no better than the Christians are. They misunderstand their faith on issues like this. They forget "love one another," "all have sinned" and many important points of the New Testament, which is supposed to override the laws and faith of the Old Testament.

              I hate issues like this because its easy for both sides to show an incredible level of ignorance and intolerance.


              • #8
                Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                Do You Love Your Wife Enough To Beat Her? This Pastor Does! - The Landover Baptist Church Forum

                This website pretty much shows most of the quotes, and chapters and so on in it.

                I know every religion has their issues, but Christianity is the most fucked up one IMHO. That's why I don't practice any religion, and go about my way.


                • #9
                  Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                  Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                  This website pretty much shows most of the quotes, and chapters and so on in it.
                  Well, there's also quite a bit of selective quoting of chapter and verse there. See there's this inverse to "Wives submit to your husbands" called "Husbands submit to your wives." Marriage with an even yolk and all that. Historially, however, its preached as "Wives submit to your husbands' and that's it. When I see stuff like that I trust the preacher or so-called theologian no further than I could throw him.

                  See, this is the evil of religion - it just becomes a political agenda. Selective use of scripture and wielding it on the less educated. Its manipulation. Science, politics, history and religion, even math get abused by selective citations from authoritative or seemingly charismatic educated figures. Its why unemployment magically goes down while people still looking for jobs remain consistent. Deception, fraud and abuse is everywhere.

                  Its how unemployment numbers can go down, but still no one can find a job. Fudge the numbers, stop acknowledging those unemployed for 99 weeks or more. Some dumbass will believe the White House because they don't know the slight of hand behind the math.


                  • #10
                    Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                    I know every religion has their issues, but Christianity is the most fucked up one IMHO. That's why I don't practice any religion, and go about my way.
                    People can take what they will about it, but much of the charity work done is by Christians. That says more about non-religious people than religious people, but it is what it is.

                    As for this amendment, perhaps that is why government shouldn't be in the "marriage" business in the first place. Some Christians believe to call something "marriage", it must be as defined by their religious as between a man and a woman. And the objection comes from government calling anything else a "marriage". If calling it such a relationship a "marriage" is not something the federal government is willing to compromise on, then of course I would prefer LGBT people be allowed to marry the partner of their choice. But, to me, the ideal situation would be that every relationship of that status should be called a "civil union", even between male/female partners. And it would be up to individual institutions of religion to call it a marriage or not. The status of being a marriage shouldn't confer any additional benefits beyond the church.

                    That's actually where some of the proponents of the Amendment are coming from. They don't actually know what it is. They hear that it is about marriage, so yes, they are for it. Those same people, however, tend to change their minds about the Amendment when you also tell them that it will prevent Civil Unions and strip children of things like health insurance.

                    ...of course, my idea is just what I believe is the best compromise. The problem comes from Amendments like this where very conservative religious groups are stepping beyond the whole marriage thing and also go after Civil Unions because they don't want LGBT people to be able to have anything even remotely resembling marriage.


                    • #11
                      Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                      It probably would have been better had the government not been involved in marriage in the first place, but then, the world would be a better place if they butted out in a many other areas. But instead they keep nosing deeper and deeper into our lives and we end up with shit like this on an election year.


                      • #12
                        Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                        Well, to be fair it's already legal to beat your wife in Topeka Kansas (I wish I was kidding).

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                          Originally posted by Takelli
                          I don't see why people who live in a free country, want to take away people's rights. It makes me sick to my stomach.
                          Same reason the dollar bill says "In God we trust" when there's supposed to be a separation of Church and State. A lot of people let (organized) religion tell them what to think.
                          Originally posted by Takelli
                          I know every religion has their issues, but Christianity is the most fucked up one IMHO.
                          Nah, it's just the one with the most exposure. You're also casting a pretty wide net since Christianity is just a catch-all term for a lot of religions.
                          Originally posted by Malacite
                          Well, to be fair it's already legal to beat your wife in Topeka Kansas (I wish I was kidding).
                          Well that's just sad. Glad I don't live there.


                          • #14
                            Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                            So much herping in this thread.

                            So much derping in this thread.

                            I expect better from you guys.


                            • #15
                              Re: North Carolina Amendment One

                              You're not trolling hard enough, Feba.

