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Working third Shift...

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  • Working third Shift...

    So, as many of you probably know, I have been working third shift....

    I'm tired of it, and its getting pretty annoying as well, and getting worse and worse...

    I can't do anything during the day, as your dead tired, and all you want to do is sleep, and if I do, I need to go to work, which is making it impossible for me to have a social life, or even go out for a drink with my friends.

    The stress is building up, and recently I snapped, and I just can't take it but... Right now, a job, is a job. With me having to go to the dentist, and pay the bills for that, along with the damned 8 hour course that is forced upon ALL CT residents if they don't already have a license, and then having to pay for a car, the stress is getting to me, and I'm finally starting to snap.... Its decent money 9.50 an hour, but... I can't take it much longer. And now with the added training of the new guy, and having to pay for the car soon once I get my liscence....

    Also, I can't sleep at night any more, and my body is changing. My metabolism is slowing down, and I'm gaining weight, even though I'm trying to lose it due to stress, and having to sleep during the day. I've had multiple break downs, and always hungry at night.

    Gah! How do you deal with it if you've worked third shift?

    Anything would be helpful, anything at all.

  • #2
    Re: Working third Shift...

    Have you seen a doctor about getting some meds to help you sleep, also it sounds like you are either edging close or are already suffering from depression, have you seen a doc and maybe go on AD medication? (it ain't an issue I am on meds and suffer from it)


    • #3
      Re: Working third Shift...

      I don't want to take medication to help with sleep, as it can really mess up me even more.

      And the thing with depression, I want to talk to my doctor about it, but my family always bugs me about my doctor's visit, and get in my face about it, and wont stop asking, ever.

      And, if my family finds out if I do have depression, they would send me to psych wards like they did my brother, and I don't want to go through that shit.


      • #4
        Re: Working third Shift...

        Your family sounds like a bunch of jerks.

        I was diagnosed with depression years ago, and while I'm no longer on medication, back when I was it made a world of difference. Those days when I missed my meds I was prone to just breaking down and crying. The days I got my meds I was pretty much fine. If you need help then go get help.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #5
          Re: Working third Shift...

          Yea they are. Hell, I remember cleaning the bathroom one day when I was bored, all my mom could say was "You missed this spot here, here, and here." I was like... What the fuck?

          They don't help very much.


          • #6
            Re: Working third Shift...

            My wife and I occasionally take ambien to help us sleep. As long as it's used in moderation to avoid becoming dependant, it's practically free from side effects. Good sleep is the foundation of good mental health. If you don't get good rest you become less and less capable of coping with your stress. Definitely something you should address.

            Another thing you could look into is a heavy curtain to block out all the light in your bedroom when you need to sleep. That alone can be surprisingly effective.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: Working third Shift...

              I do use curtains, but seeing the daylight on my way home, they don't help too much. Also, the neighborhood I live in (Don't mean to sound Racist, I am not, but this is the best way to explain them. Hell, my best friends is portarican.), it used to be quiet, but then these portaricans moved in across the street, and all that changed. They blast their bass all day long playing crap music. Multiple times I have yelled at them. It even shakes my house cause how loud their car bass it, and I can hear it over my video games when I do get a chance to play them.

              The worst thing is... When all the little fuck up kids are in the middle of the street. My house is on the corner of a three way intersection, and my bedroom is right at the corner, on the other side of my house is worse with another house that has parties every single night, blasting their bass and shit. Well, back to what I was saying. The kids, they are no older than 12, and are constantly saying... no, yelling about how they have sex, and 20 inch long dicks, and how they would fuck everything, and swearing and cursing at everyone. One of these days I'm going to hit them with the damn car. They just stand there in the middle of the street when a car is coming, and they wont move. Gah!

              Hell, I've even hard them making fun of a few of the girls in the neighborhood who where riding their bikes, yea, they have a little weight, but that's nothing to make fun of. Well, this was during October when we had the snow storm, and everything in the fridge went bad, we had some rotten eggs, and handed them to the girls to throw at the kids. Haven't seen some of them since... -Shrugs.- Oh well.

              Damn.... I tend to ramble... Don't I?


              • #8
                Re: Working third Shift...

                Takelli: Please help, guys!

                Forum: Suggesstions.

                Takelli: Excuses


                • #9
                  Re: Working third Shift...

                  Third shift is night shift right?
                  Pesonally for me to fulfil a full contracted week of hours that's 3 night shifts. With the rest of the week off if I actually choose to stay off duty.
                  I think we are in the same kind of field with work. You're in nursing and residential care? "maybe a different name elsewhere"

                  The best thing to do once you leave work is to sever all ties from work if they want you they have to actually hunt you down. An employer cannot do a thing if you're unavailable to contact if you're fulfilling your contracted hours and maintaining your duties,
                  Working nights is a pain I only have to do one week per month but even that sucks. Invest in some good quality curtains ones that are "lined/backed" to reduce light coming through. When you get home start to wind down take a bath/shower to relax and put your pyjamas on and catch up on a little tv nothing too engaging. I usually drink a hot milky drink to set me to sleep mode I like ovaltine and horlicks but maybe a herbal tea would benefit your stress.

                  Food is important. You really have to watch what you are eating, My job doesnt allow me much time to myself but I try and make the most of it. Microwave burgers and fast-food snacks are not the thing you should eat to get you through a shift. I tend to bake in large quantities and always fridge/freeze stuff. I always take my own lunches to work. A baked potato with tuna "canned cuz I'm cheap XD" mayo and sweetcorn filling keeps me going. I cook chicken and refrigerate it to have with salads or construct my own wraps.
                  I tend to look at my life like a nursing care plan. After all you can't look after others if you can't look after yourself.

                  As for depression, Yes it;s a bitch the only way you'll feel better is by talking to somebody. For me it was my Ls that saved me and built my confidence. I love them dearly for that "even though the Ls doesnt exist anymore lol"
                  Meds as you know take a few weeks to work. For me when they kicked in i felt numb, I was neither happy nor sad I came to the conclusion I'd rather feel like crap than feel nothing at all. Also the meds wont make your problems go away.

                  There's always a solution to every problem.

                  If you need to talk you can inbox me,

                  Also you cantry beating off if insomnia is getting too much. Yoy can always beat off, Seems kind of perverse to suggest it but it's worked for millions of teenage boys worldwide for almost as much time as there have been people.
                  Failing that there are over the counter sleep aids from natural sources. I've never tried one myself.
                  I prefer to roll a fat one and just chill.
                  Last edited by Satori; 05-02-2012, 02:09 PM.

                  Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                  • #10
                    Re: Working third Shift...

                    Thanks satori. I do try to get as much sleep as I can, but in my previous post, if can be hard.

                    And I have denied working extra hours for my sanity, I'm just, ugh....

                    As for food, its a bit hard, as I work in a gas station, and barely get any time to prepare anything. I will be bringing my own food to work of I can. Cheaper and better than getting gas station food...

