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Anybody ever vacation in Vienna?

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  • Anybody ever vacation in Vienna?

    So a friend of mine is asking if I want to go on a vacation to Vienna. Personally, I've never planned a vacation let alone go out of the country...unless you count Canada.

    I'm thinking maybe a 5 day trip. Anybody have any ideas where I can start from?

  • #2
    Re: Anybody ever vacation in Vienna?

    I don't recommend it. My home town is pretty boring. Go somewhere exciting instead, like Europe.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • #3
      Re: Anybody ever vacation in Vienna?

      Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
      I don't recommend it. My home town is pretty boring. Go somewhere exciting instead, like Europe.
      This made me laugh, hard.

      To Keta, I haven't been there, but I know people who have. They absolutely raved about everything there. Said it was one of the most beautiful cities they'd ever been to.
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      • #4
        Re: Anybody ever vacation in Vienna?

        Not that I meant to question the intelligence of others, but upon reading cidbahamut's reply, my first immediate impulse was to:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	522232d1317010357-newbie-question-about-new-watch-not-sure-if-serious.jpg
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ID:	1474643

