Say you and your neighbor have soybean farms. You take pride in running your farm the old-fashioned way and receive certain benefits from marketing your product with an Organic label. Your neighbor prefers to use genetically modified seeds he bought from BigBad Agricultural Corporation. This is all well and fine until one day some helpful insects, doing what they do, carry some pollen over from your neighbor's field and fertilize your plants with it. Now your seeds have artificially engineered gene sequences in them, meaning they can no longer be certified as organic and your product loses value, price preference, subsidies and what have you, causing measurable damage to your business. Not only can you not sue your neighbor or BigBad for the damage, BigBad can actually sue you for using their copyrighted gene sequences without their permission. This is essentially like John Hammond charging you for park entry if you get attacked by escaped velociraptors.
GMO Goliath Monsanto Crushes Organic David In Brooklyn Court · NYU Local
GMO Goliath Monsanto Crushes Organic David In Brooklyn Court · NYU Local