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Gloom and doom

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  • #76
    Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    Ya'll are fucking paranoid beyond belief.

    Not that I agree with the NDAA at all, but what are you afraid of? If you're not doing anything suspicious and don't meet the criteria for being a terrorist, what's the problem? I wouldn't be surprised if the subject comes up repeatedly in the general election however, especially if/when they have any Youtube debates (I certainly hope it does).

    As for the drones, there's already surveillance cameras almost everywhere you go - nevermind that the majority of cell phones now also have cameras. So what if drones are being used now? Is it really any different just because they can move? You've acting like they're going to use predators or reapers to bomb U.S. citizens.
    See that's the thing, people still would like to believe they wont use written laws that way. Even Obama made a statement that his administration would never use it that way and detain US citizens like that. But conveniently enough there's no mention of that in the law and the law itself is so ambiguous you can use technicalities to imprison anyone since there's not even a defined criteria into the law.

    Even further, if you are already being suspicious and fulfilling the criteria (which again, no one even knows what it is) to be labeled a "terrorist" why not simply charge you and trial you so you can also have the chance to defend yourself? Why do you need to be detained indefinitely, without any type of legal representation and potentially subjected to torture or "enhanced interrogation" as they call it for no other reason other than someone suspecting you may have ties to terrorism, whether it's real suspicion or made up? Because if they had any sort of evidence we would go back to the part where they don't want to charge you but skip the legal system altogether.

    That's 3rd world laws and enforcement right there.

    And armed drones are part of the program, it isn't just surveillance. Not only that, but cameras, choppers, and others are subject to transparency laws that do not apply to drones right now. And if people doesn't demand them they wont be implemented, not to mention corporate drones are also on the way.

    Etc. etc.

    You need to stop thinking the Government would never do this or that, because they will and they have. And you don't need to believe the theorists, just go and read the laws just like you did with SOPA/PIPA.

    PS >And in case anyone is wondering why I'm paying so much attention to the US. It is because if the US goes down the path of a Fascist Corporate state Mexico (and maybe even Canada) is next. The plans to come help us with our cartel problems have been in the oven for years now.
    Last edited by Raydeus; 03-27-2012, 01:16 PM.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #77
      Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

      I could not have said it better my self Ray.


      • #78
        Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

        Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
        Low profile, isloated takedowns I could believe. Using military force as a blunt instrument against its own people? Never gonna happen. Even if we got a president evil enough to want to, an army of Glenn Becks couldn't put enough spin on that story to make it anything but political suicide, and if he still tried the army would refuse the order. There's no comparison politically and culturally between the Syrian military and our own.
        Exactly. There is such a thing as an unlawful order folks, and attacking civilians definitely crosses that line.



        • #79
          Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

          Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
          There's definitely a historical precedence that the rich will go to whatever lengths necessary to protect their money. Unfortunately for everybody else, money talks, and it can't be reasoned with. We've been seeing this for a long time.
          That's not a refutation of my statement. Muammar Gaddafi had at last count over 200 billion dollars worth of assets and direct command over his country's military, and he had to resort to extra-national mercenaries when his armies refused orders and started defecting en masse. That's Libya. Nobody in the United States has that degree of concentrated wealth or authority over the military. It would not be possible by mandate or coercion to turn our volunteer army against its own people. At best they could be tricked into doing so, if you want to get real tinfoil-hatty, if the Guard was called out to control a large demonstration that contained undercover provocateurs a la the Tlatelolco massacre, but with the speed of information today, such a trick would only work once, and in today's political climate it would be the downfall of the establishment. The military would turn on the government just like in Libya.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #80
            Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

            I left the statement open-ended, because I don't want to claim I know what the future is. But, you raise another good point, that it may not be the military the rich use against us.


            • #81
              Re: Gloom and doom

              I merged some threads because they ended up being about the same thing.


              Limbaugh Advertiser: Coordinated Effort To Ruin My Company Is ‘Internal American Terrorism’ | Mediaite
              It begins. Or continues, depending on how you're keeping score. Here's some clown on Fox News complaining about how he and his company have received threatening emails in protest of their continued support through advertising of Rush Limbaugh's show in the wake of the whole Sandra Fluke fracas. Here's the thing, though: he labels the people who participated in this "terrorists." Now you may rightly think this guy is a joke or all of Fox News is a bad joke, but listen, some people take this shit serious and even those who aren't are highly susceptible to source amnesia. If more instances of people casually throwing out the word "terrorist" to describe a broader and broader range of activity they simply don't like start seeping into the media, that is going to change the definition of the word over time, and then a lot of rules and rationalizations that used to apply to a very specific class of criminal will start applying to damn near everyone.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #82
                Re: Gloom and doom

                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                I merged some threads because they ended up being about the same thing.


                Limbaugh Advertiser: Coordinated Effort To Ruin My Company Is ‘Internal American Terrorism’ | Mediaite
                It begins. Or continues, depending on how you're keeping score. Here's some clown on Fox News complaining about how he and his company have received threatening emails in protest of their continued support through advertising of Rush Limbaugh's show in the wake of the whole Sandra Fluke fracas. Here's the thing, though: he labels the people who participated in this "terrorists." Now you may rightly think this guy is a joke or all of Fox News is a bad joke, but listen, some people take this shit serious and even those who aren't are highly susceptible to source amnesia. If more instances of people casually throwing out the word "terrorist" to describe a broader and broader range of activity they simply don't like start seeping into the media, that is going to change the definition of the word over time, and then a lot of rules and rationalizations that used to apply to a very specific class of criminal will start applying to damn near everyone.
                Video for those of you who hate reading:


                • #83
                  Re: Gloom and doom

                  Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                  Limbaugh Advertiser: Coordinated Effort To Ruin My Company Is ‘Internal American Terrorism’ | Mediaite
                  It begins. Or continues, depending on how you're keeping score. Here's some clown on Fox News complaining about how he and his company have received threatening emails in protest of their continued support through advertising of Rush Limbaugh's show in the wake of the whole Sandra Fluke fracas. Here's the thing, though: he labels the people who participated in this "terrorists." Now you may rightly think this guy is a joke or all of Fox News is a bad joke, but listen, some people take this shit serious and even those who aren't are highly susceptible to source amnesia. If more instances of people casually throwing out the word "terrorist" to describe a broader and broader range of activity they simply don't like start seeping into the media, that is going to change the definition of the word over time, and then a lot of rules and rationalizations that used to apply to a very specific class of criminal will start applying to damn near everyone.
                  Isn't that exactly what's been happening ever since Septermeber 12, 2001?
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • #84
                    Re: Gloom and doom

                    Because terrorism.


                    • #85
                      Re: Gloom and doom

                      Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                      Isn't that exactly what's been happening ever since Septermeber 12, 2001?
                      Maybe? I can't say I've been politically conscious for more than about 5 years. My impression was until recently they were just excusing treating regular people like criminals because there might be a terrorist hiding among them, rather than calling the regular people terrorists straight up. This redefining through use thing is a natural feature of language, but it's especially troublesome given things like Holder's speech saying "the executive can kill you, but don't worry it's only if you're a terrorist" plus the fact that (heaven help us) we might have a new executive soon.

                      So there you go, Dak. It won't be a brutal Syria-esque military crackdown the rich use to keep you down, it'll be culturally subversive Newspeak crap like this. I hope Jon Stewart lampoons the hell out of this interview. It would be a huge waste of a gross absurdity if he didn't.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #86
                        Re: Gloom and doom

                        Ok, it is different, but it's still following the general trend of making "terrorist" out to be the modern boogieman much like communists used to be and then applying that label to anything someone disagrees with. It's a cultivation of irrational fear and gets used a sweeping excuse for doing damn near anything in the name of "national security" or similar garbage.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • #87
                          Re: Gloom and doom

                          I'm liking this girl's videos. Doom&Gloom all the way, but after Katrina people should be way more receptive to this kinda stuff, I hope.

                          Though it kinda saddens me to see myself little by little becoming a survivalist. I mean I've always taken precautions for regular stuff, but now I'm starting to look at things more seriously and thinking about all the deficiencies my way of life has in the event of a full blown SHTF event. Good news is except for a full moving away from the city (which I'm starting to consider even though I'm not sure I could afford it) it isn't expensive to be prepared, as you can get supplies little by little and the most important stuff is very easy to obtain right now.

                          So yeah, this channel is nice and has nice starting tips for a guy like me, that being "relatively young and healthy" doesn't really give meds much thought and focuses on prevention instead of treatment and/or emergency situations.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #88
                            Re: Gloom and doom

                            Well all the UK's shit will be monitored soon when new laws get passed all emails, calls, gps phone positions, every page you visit on the web etc.

                            BBC News - Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws


                            • #89
                              Re: Gloom and doom

                              I see this household keeps watching Teletubby videos on youtube. I suspect terrorism. Quick! We must watch every move they make on their mobile and electronic devices. As well as know their exact location on the planet.


                              • #90
                                Re: It's another government abuse thread. No wait, it's a technological marvel thread

                                Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                                I could not have said it better my self Ray.
                                I sincerely doubt you could.

