Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.
Bouncer Level 8 Elite Defender
Inititive +14
Senses Perception +15; Darkvision; Low Light Vision; Truesight 10ft
HP 150
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Willpower 21
Saving Throws +2 Natural Bonus
Speed 40
Forceblast (Standard Action) * Force
Close Blast Radius 5; +13 vs. Reflex; 3d6+4 Force Damage and the target is pushed 4 squares and knocked prone.
Sudden Leap (Immediate Action; Triggered when an enemy moves into a party member's adjacent square)
The Bouncer shifts up to 2 Squares and makes an attack against the moving enemy in an effort to occupy the threatened square in it's place. If the Attack succeeds, the Bouncer occupies the square and the enemy is forced back to the previous square in his move. If the attack does not succeed, the target occupies the square and the bouncer is forced back to the previous square of their move.
- This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity against the Bouncer.
- This ability can not be used on creatures whose size exceeds the bouncer by 2 rankings or more.
Unbreakable Grip (Immediate Action; Triggered in response to an enemy attempting to break free from the Bouncer's grapple effect)
The Bouncer makes a concentration check equal to 1d20+Will Save+Strength Modifier versus the target's CMD to hold the enemy in place. If successful, the Bouncer gains a +4 competency bonus to maintain the grapple for this and all subsequent checks made against the same target.
Alignment Neutral/Good
STR 18
DEX 19
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 17
CHA 10
Bouncer Level 8 Elite Defender
Inititive +14
Senses Perception +15; Darkvision; Low Light Vision; Truesight 10ft
HP 150
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Willpower 21
Saving Throws +2 Natural Bonus
Speed 40
Forceblast (Standard Action) * Force
Close Blast Radius 5; +13 vs. Reflex; 3d6+4 Force Damage and the target is pushed 4 squares and knocked prone.
Sudden Leap (Immediate Action; Triggered when an enemy moves into a party member's adjacent square)
The Bouncer shifts up to 2 Squares and makes an attack against the moving enemy in an effort to occupy the threatened square in it's place. If the Attack succeeds, the Bouncer occupies the square and the enemy is forced back to the previous square in his move. If the attack does not succeed, the target occupies the square and the bouncer is forced back to the previous square of their move.
- This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity against the Bouncer.
- This ability can not be used on creatures whose size exceeds the bouncer by 2 rankings or more.
Unbreakable Grip (Immediate Action; Triggered in response to an enemy attempting to break free from the Bouncer's grapple effect)
The Bouncer makes a concentration check equal to 1d20+Will Save+Strength Modifier versus the target's CMD to hold the enemy in place. If successful, the Bouncer gains a +4 competency bonus to maintain the grapple for this and all subsequent checks made against the same target.
Alignment Neutral/Good
STR 18
DEX 19
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 17
CHA 10