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Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

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  • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

    That's pretty barbaric.


    • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

      I am under Nazi rule. Helen K says "Hi"

      Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
      99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
      99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

      Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


      • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.


        • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

          Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
          It's funny. I do use Chrome. In fact, the IT department here came up with a simple and cost effective web surfing block that proved easy enough to circumvent. They loaded all the computers with IE as the only web browser and disabled the permission to download ANYTHING for anyone who was not an Admin. So... obviously after few attempts, people got the picture and stopped trying. Me? I said F*** IE. IE sucks. So I go and download Google Chrome. Huzzah... it lets me. Who knew?

          Turns out that the IT team didn't invest in any kind of locking system at all. They just set parental controls on all the computers to HIGH and cue'd up keywords like GAME and VIDEO to auto-block. These rules of course... did not apply to Chrome. Clever... clever little shrews.

          I got away with murder for about 2 months before one of them crossed by my office and gave me the "HE KNOWS!!!!" look while I was watching a video on Youtube.


          Next day, without a word... Chrome was gone and I was left to IE once again.

          Since then, I've personally asked them to unblock a few forums from the list, making them special exceptions... and I've had them give me back chrome but to load it with the same parental locks they has on IE. I just prefer Chrome... that's all.

          Haha. Easy way around those blocks. Fire fox on a flash drive, and run it off the flash drive.

          That's how I got around everything while at school. Was so awesome. XD Until they school decided to shut off entire rows of computer on people (One row was like 10 computers.), and it caused people to get pissed because people didn't save their work every 4-5 minutes like they should. lol


          • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

            Had to just point out...

            Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
            I am under Nazi rule. Helen K says "Hi"
            Helen Keller can't say "Hi" ... however I appreciate the irony.

            Anne Frank was under Nazi rule...

            FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
            FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

            Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
            aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


            • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

              The first panel of this gave me quite a chuckle. I love comics.
              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
              Name: Drjones
              Blog: Mediocre Mage


              • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                Had a day out with my Mummy (yes I still call her Mummy ) We went shopping and I took her cinema for an early Mothers day pressie ^^

                Pstttt, by the way "The Devil Inside" is crap xD


                • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                  Long story (which I'm going to share in the Off topic chat thread), but my boss texting me this morning saying, "I have FULL confidence in you."
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                    Mum: We live in a castle
                    Me: Where's the Suit of Armour then?
                    Mum: WhATTTT? I don't want a Tsunami
                    Me: O.o Wtf?

                    xD This made me smile, ahh I do love my Mum


                    • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                      Leaving the gym today.
                      One girl talking to another walking down the stairwell to the locker rooms, "Well, you're going to see my pubes."
                      "Not you sir..."

                      Not really a smile, a full on snort and lol.

                      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                      • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                        Got me a new computer today at an Auction, payed few hundred for whats meant to be a £800 one ;D


                        • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                          Being a Ninja in the Bedroom :: How To Be A Dad

                          Funny stuff.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                            Parental Bragging
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                              That's awesome Tasky, I bet you were thrilled.

                              Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                              • Re: Little things that make you smile - the anti-peeve thread.

                                That's cute, Tasky. Now if you want impressive, get the kid to play Go.

                                /except there's probably no child Go tournaments in your area
                                //or other children who play Go
                                ///Which is just fine, find a local Go club and everyone will be super delighted and take the kid in under their wing

