Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't usually like to give Anonymous any attention, but since this video wasn't constructed by the 12 year-olds that pretend they're part of it and is well-informed and throught out, I'll go with it anyway.
ACTA is a treaty that began back in 2006 and has slowly made its rounds since then. It is not a treaty crafted by elected officials and was forged of those nasty backroom deals. The RIAA and MPAA have a big hand in it, as expected, but so do big pharmaceutical companies and patent holders for big businesses. Big Pharma did have a hand in SOPA/PIPA, it was just glossed over most of the time as a lesser concern even though like ACTA, it could cut people off affordable generics from other countries.
Oh, and Obama signed ACTA, as a matter of "national security." This did not get around to the congress or senate, it went over their heads just like the rest of America. This is what allowed him to play it safe with SOPA and PIPA, by the way. He's still with Hollywood, they were making a movie to help his reelection chances, its due out in October.
But this is actually Europe's fight now- America, Japan and Canada are in, thank your leaders. This is Europe's fight now and its critical we show our support for them as they did for us on SOPA and PIPA. A big reason we all still have a chance to fight this is that it violates the Libson Treaty signed in 2007, among other things and Europeans need to speak out as Americans did and make their elected officials aware of this.
Treaty of Lisbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you needed any more proof that the media is against you, that Hollywood is against you and they won't give up their corruption until they're dead and buried, well, here's the shovel - let's start digging their grave.