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Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

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  • #16
    Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

    Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
    Not gonna happen. Not anytime soon, that is. We the people are too ruled by a fear most people don't even realize is influencing US. A fear perpetuated by our government and our media outlets and, unfortunately, each other. It inspires a need to just keep our noses down and to the grindstone. A people living in fear is a group that is very easily controlled. Many don't even see the self-perpetuated oppression. We the people are simply outgunned for a violent uprising and we are too busy at our individual attempt to "live the American dream". Even though that dream, at this point, is simply keeping one's head afloat. The courage required to rock the boat, bereft of a safety net, is underestimated and I give those who have it a lot of respect. Terror is winning. And the worst part is that terror is being used by more sources than those blatantly labeled as 'terrorists'.

    Now this is all merely opinionated speculation from some stupid guy who chose a degree in acting instead of money-making. I purposefully chose happiness instead of security. But, as an actor, it is my duty to constantly study human nature. As such, my education never ends. I feel I see trends in the flock. And these trends, at this time, are disheartening.
    I don't know about that. I think it's more the case that the American people simply don't feel properly backed into a corner yet. I liken it to Rome prior to it's fall: corruption in the government and barbarians not far from the gates, but the people were too comfortable in their standard of living to rise up at all.

    It's when the people feel collectively at the end of their rope that they demand change at knifepoint, but with the standard of living still so high (even with times as hard as they are), and diversions so plentiful, it will be a while yet before the working class' feet genuinely feel the flames.


    • #17
      Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

      It's complacency pure and simple, and it's mind boggling.

      You look at China Japan & Russia's histories in particular... they would never have taken the amount of abuse our two countries have. But like you said, we're also enjoying a much higher standard of living (for now) that's rapidly decaying.



      • #18
        Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        It's complacency pure and simple, and it's mind boggling.

        You look at China Japan & Russia's histories in particular... they would never have taken the amount of abuse our two countries have. But like you said, we're also enjoying a much higher standard of living (for now) that's rapidly decaying.
        China and Russia's people also sport cultures that yield a radically different social consciousness. For instance, the Chinese people have always known some manner of absolute rule--whether under a monarchy or under Maoist communism. Many eastern civilizations don't hold the same ideals for working class rights and equality that western civilizations do, so it isn't so easy to say what they would put up with, nor for how long.


        • #19
          Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          You look at China Japan & Russia's histories in particular... they would never have taken the amount of abuse our two countries have.
          Yeah, they would've taken far, far more, and are right this very minute.

          Seriously, have you read any news out of Asia in the past five years?


          • #20
            Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

            I'm not saying things are all fine & dandy in those Countries now, but they're a hell of a lot better off now than they were under the old Zars or Dynasties.

            Not that I could give two shits about them anyway, my point was that the only time Americans have really risen up in a revolt against the government was during the Civil War.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Debt Ceiling - The Shit Continues (very long rant)

              Not by fucking much. Even then, look at all of the shit most of them have no problem with. Communism in Russia only fell when it became utterly and completely unsustainable; not because of a revolt of the people. And now Putin is slowly bringing it back. China, well I mean, just look at it. They've been putting up with that for half a century now. Crackdowns on freedom seekers are just as common as ever; look at any religious organization that dares to operate without state control. Look at what they're doing to make sure the middle east revolutions don't spread inwards.

              Even Japan has corruption that would make feet tapping senators blush. People there generally just accept it. Albeit, Japanese corruption doesn't generally have the huge negative effects it has elsewhere, but when it does, well, look at the entire eastern coast of the island.

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              , my point was that the only time Americans have really risen up in a revolt against the government was during the Civil War.
              I can easily think of the LA riots; I know there were a lot of "We're going to go over here and do our own thing, assholes" movements back during the old west days. Also keep in mind that the founding of our country was a revolt.

              Japan, on the other hand, I can't think of a single revolt. At all. Ever. I'll admit I'm not familiar with Japanese history prior to the 1900s (I intend to read this from books in Japanese, once I'm up to it), but even then, every single shift of power I've heard of is based on war campaigns, not the will of the common man. China and Russia obviously had their communist revolutions, but the situation in China was not so much "This government sucks" so much as "This is our ideology, and now that Japan has crippled us it's a pretty good time to take over".

