Since we got into it a bit in the apocalypse-nope thread, I figured it might be interesting to see where people stand when it comes to religious belief/nonbelief.
THE RULES (to rule them all)
That said, religious belief varies a lot for everyone, and since I have always considered myself at least moderately spiritual, I thought this thread would be kind of interesting.
So to start, I was born/raised Catholic. To say that I don't really feel at home with the Catholic sect is an understatement, however. I've always felt that the church itself and the services are far too rigid. I've been to other churches where the services were a lot more laid back and I really enjoyed them. But that's not the only thing I dislike about Catholicism. Confession is the major thing I disagree strongly with. I don't think that I need a Priest to be my mediator for forgiveness between me and God. I feel like I should be able to pray privately, say my own personal apology, and that God will forgive me. And that doing a penance of ten rapidly spoken Hail Marys kind of just feels like lip service, to be honest.
I do not know if I fully believe that Christ is the son of God. We're all children of God, aren't we? Though I believe that there was something extremely powerful about him. I find it hard to suspend my disbelief about many of the things that were said/done by him that are written about in the Bible, though. I think that a lot of it is symbolic, and I still struggle to fully interpret everything I've learned about religion even after having gone to Catholic school from Kindergarten until 12th grade.
I differ from many Christians in that I believe strongly in spirituality. I've dabbled for many years in the Wiccan faith, which takes a much more balanced approach to a lot of things. I see divinity in all things and I feel that there are spirits and energies in this world that can be of great influence in our lives. I believe that God, as we see him, is actually a God and a Goddess, a yin and a yang, male and female, sun and moon. Everything in balance. I've always believed that finding my equilibrium results in the greatest peace. As such, I am often influenced by things that many Catholics would frown upon, such as chi energies (as in feng shui, which I spoke about a few weeks ago) and even some magicks, not what one would consider a "spell," necessarily, but I pray through meditation and I like to feel the world around me and believe that "God" is everywhere. This is a huge reason I don't often go to church - I don't feel as though I fit in there. Much of the Christian faith shuns belief in spiritual/pagan things that I do take meaning from. When people ask me my religion, I just say that I'm spiritual. There's no name for what I believe, and I'm not narcissistic enough to call it Juliaism.
Above all, I strive for balance. I believe there is some supreme being - or beings, as god and goddess are perhaps two beings, or maybe just one, I don't really know. I believe that there are spirits, and I believe that there are energies that flow through all things. I am not certain I believe in an afterlife. I feel like it's a great comfort to believe that there is something after all this earthly life, after all, what does it mean if there is nothing to strive for? However, I struggle to always believe that there is something after we die. I don't fear death, though, so I guess I must believe that there is something to this life and death cycle. I do not believe in rebirth/reincarnation, though, so this is our one shot.
It goes deeper than that and I'm sure a lot more could be written about this. But I don't think I need to write an entire book about my beliefs, if people have questions they are free to ask, and please, everyone, share.
THE RULES (to rule them all)
- NO BASHING. You don't believe it, say that. You disagree, say that. You think it's stupid? DON'T SAY THAT.
- Yeah, that one pretty much covers it. As this is a religion thread and those tend to be problematic in pretty much every corner of the internet, I think that's the one major thing to adhere to. I will say to TM or to any mod though that if this starts to spiral even a bit out of control, lock it, I won't be
That said, religious belief varies a lot for everyone, and since I have always considered myself at least moderately spiritual, I thought this thread would be kind of interesting.
So to start, I was born/raised Catholic. To say that I don't really feel at home with the Catholic sect is an understatement, however. I've always felt that the church itself and the services are far too rigid. I've been to other churches where the services were a lot more laid back and I really enjoyed them. But that's not the only thing I dislike about Catholicism. Confession is the major thing I disagree strongly with. I don't think that I need a Priest to be my mediator for forgiveness between me and God. I feel like I should be able to pray privately, say my own personal apology, and that God will forgive me. And that doing a penance of ten rapidly spoken Hail Marys kind of just feels like lip service, to be honest.
I do not know if I fully believe that Christ is the son of God. We're all children of God, aren't we? Though I believe that there was something extremely powerful about him. I find it hard to suspend my disbelief about many of the things that were said/done by him that are written about in the Bible, though. I think that a lot of it is symbolic, and I still struggle to fully interpret everything I've learned about religion even after having gone to Catholic school from Kindergarten until 12th grade.
I differ from many Christians in that I believe strongly in spirituality. I've dabbled for many years in the Wiccan faith, which takes a much more balanced approach to a lot of things. I see divinity in all things and I feel that there are spirits and energies in this world that can be of great influence in our lives. I believe that God, as we see him, is actually a God and a Goddess, a yin and a yang, male and female, sun and moon. Everything in balance. I've always believed that finding my equilibrium results in the greatest peace. As such, I am often influenced by things that many Catholics would frown upon, such as chi energies (as in feng shui, which I spoke about a few weeks ago) and even some magicks, not what one would consider a "spell," necessarily, but I pray through meditation and I like to feel the world around me and believe that "God" is everywhere. This is a huge reason I don't often go to church - I don't feel as though I fit in there. Much of the Christian faith shuns belief in spiritual/pagan things that I do take meaning from. When people ask me my religion, I just say that I'm spiritual. There's no name for what I believe, and I'm not narcissistic enough to call it Juliaism.
Above all, I strive for balance. I believe there is some supreme being - or beings, as god and goddess are perhaps two beings, or maybe just one, I don't really know. I believe that there are spirits, and I believe that there are energies that flow through all things. I am not certain I believe in an afterlife. I feel like it's a great comfort to believe that there is something after all this earthly life, after all, what does it mean if there is nothing to strive for? However, I struggle to always believe that there is something after we die. I don't fear death, though, so I guess I must believe that there is something to this life and death cycle. I do not believe in rebirth/reincarnation, though, so this is our one shot.
It goes deeper than that and I'm sure a lot more could be written about this. But I don't think I need to write an entire book about my beliefs, if people have questions they are free to ask, and please, everyone, share.
