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Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

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  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

    If you are too busy maybe you should consider some of those 10 min cardio routines twice a day while you get some condition back. Lack of exercise and atrophied muscles are very bad news.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

      You could ride a bike. I always find that more gratifying and entertaining than regular workouts. Last Summer I lost some good weight just riding my bike to work every day. Probably not an option for you, but that's besides the point. You could get a blue one and call it Trixie if that helps.


      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

        I'm sure it's true I could use more cardio. It's just a matter of finding the time and freedom to get out of the house. Whatever I do during the day I have to take my 3 year old daughter with me and there's no time in the evenings.

        ---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

        I think I should save up for a stationary bike or a treadmill or something.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

          get her a baby seat or trailer for your bike; in a year or two start her off on a bike with training wheels, within a few years bike rides with dad will be one of her favorite things to do, and also a great way for the family to keep in shape.

          ---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

          the flip side of that post is that if you get a treadmill or stationary bike, you will never use it.

          This is a universal fact.


          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

            Terrible neighborhood for a little one on a bike. No sidewalks, both sides of the street lined with cars, and people regularly blow through the narrow remaining space going 40 mph =/
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

              I live in a major Asian city

              Your argument is invalid.

              (also I'm sure there's a bike path or deserted road or something around)

              ---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

              just think of how things are going to be three years down the line:

              "Dad! I wanna go ride bikes!" "Ok little one, your daddy's been having too many hat cookies lately anyway!"

              "Dad! I wanna sit on that strange machine in the basement and my legs go up and down on it!" "What is wrong with you child."


              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                I think I should save up for a stationary bike or a treadmill or something.
                A good DDR pad. Waaaaay more fun.


                • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                  I don't understand this idea that if I have a convenient way to get cardio in my home, I'll never use that, but for me to go out of my way to shepherd a small child through city traffic is somehow more likely.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                    It doesn't really add up, no.


                    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      I live in a major Asian city
                      And what, your three year old rides bikes there all the time? Or other people ride bikes there all the time? Because that is not a culture that exists here.

                      ---------- Post added at 08:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

                      Also ITT: I actually eat hat cookies all the time, guys, I'm just stingy with the pics.

                      Apparently there is a certain amount of insinuation about my diet and habits that I can take in stride, but that amount is quite low.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                        I made chocolate filled cupcakes this weekend. They were pretty gewd.


                        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                          On a different note, I did a google image search for "trixie bicycle" and got a pic of a topless older woman holding a leopard print beer can. I don't even.

                          ---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 AM ----------

                          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                          I made chocolate filled cupcakes this weekend. They were pretty gewd.
                          Hmm, around here cupcakes do not get eaten. Only the frosting. Maybe if the frosting went inside the cupcakes ... nahh the kids would just take them apart, scrape out the frosting and leave the cupcake husk.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            Hmm, around here cupcakes do not get eaten. Only the frosting. Maybe if the frosting went inside the cupcakes ... nahh the kids would just take them apart, scrape out the frosting and leave the cupcake husk.
                            Clearly you must find a way to mix the frosting into the cupcake mix so they can't be separated.


                            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                              Cake balls.

                              And yeah, I've noticed that with small children as well. I brought a bunch of amazing cupcakes from this local bakery to my friend's mother's birthday party once, and the kids literally just licked the frosting off of the cupcakes and then asked for more.


                              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                                I don't understand how anybody could love the frosting more than the cake. I make a slammin' cake, and there's always only a thin layer of frosting, which serves only to compliment the texture of the cake. Also it's covered in those star-shaped sprinkles to give it a bit of crunch. Slammin'.

