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Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

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  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

    You should make the effort to play Silent Hill 2. It's definitely worth the trouble.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

      Recent scenes from Feba's life:

      Feba: Hey Japanese person I met days ago, why are you writing in Korean?
      Japanese person I met days ago: Because I'm Korean.

      Feba: Oh hey, Japanese person I met days ago, JapaKorean person I met days ago, what's up?
      People I met days ago: WE HAVE TO TALK
      Feba: How was class?
      People I met days ago: WE HAVE TO TALK
      Feba: Um, ok? What is it?
      People I met days ago: WE HAVE TO TALK
      Feba: So, uh...?
      People I met days ago drag me down the stairs to the library
      People I met days ago: m(_ _)m PLEASE TEACH US ENGLISH SO WE CAN LEARN CHINESE

      People I met days ago and New Osaka Friend all go eat.
      New Osaka Friend: You guys need to eat more Taiwanese food, it's delicious!
      One of the items we are served is fried and battered shrimp.
      On top of the shrimp, they have added cake icing.

      Feba: Hey, Korean person I met days ago, want to check out this Japanese supermarket?
      Korean person I met days ago: Yeah! Taiwan's great.
      Korean person I met days ago: Curry!
      Korean person I met days ago: I used to have this ice cream all the time in Japan!
      Korean person I met days ago: These toys are so cute!
      Korean person I met days ago: RILAKUMA ;_; AUTHENTIC RILAKUMA GOODS!*
      Korean person I met days ago: Hm, this Yebisu is really cheap.

      Korean person I met days ago: Yeah, but I don't know...
      Feba, turning around screaming: You don't know what pocky is?!
      Korean person I met days ago: No, no, I know what pocky is! ...that really scared you, huh?

      *: Today... I'm going to show her the Rilakuma store.


      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        People I met days ago: m(_ _)m PLEASE TEACH US ENGLISH SO WE CAN LEARN CHINESE
        I learned english because all the good Japanese learning books are in that language!

        Feba teach me english (and kanjis)!!!1
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

          It's because of our fucking textbooks; they were designed by the most prestigious and populous mandarin school in the country (which also happens to be the school I'm going to), but a long-ass time ago and shittily. It's also the textbook used at almost every other language school in the country.

          It ONLY provides explanatory text in English. Literally, the thing could be an American textbook and I'd never notice the difference. Compare to textbooks I had in Japan which provided English, Chinese, and Korean glosses; if not Thai, Vietnamese, and other shit I don't even recognize. Frankly, there's more people here speaking Japanese than English (that's not just my circle of friends, that's everyone talking in the hallway), it's appalling that their support for Japanese students is pretty much limited to "make friends with someone who speaks Japanese".

          On the other hand, this works incredibly well for me, and I'm a native speaker of English so I'm just going to be over here not giving much of a fuck.


          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

            FUUUU~ can't sleep. Sunburned. Mattress. Pain.

            Someone kill meee~
            Originally posted by Yygdrasil
            Originally posted by Nandito

            You make me want to hurt things.


            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

              That'll teach you to go outside.
              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
              Name: Drjones
              Blog: Mediocre Mage


              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                Originally posted by Nandito View Post
                FUUUU~ can't sleep. Sunburned. Mattress. Pain.

                Someone kill meee~
                I got a nasty sunburn from a pool party on the 4th of July. I felt your pain.


                • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                  Y'know, I think I would much rather have the pain back. Now I'm in the itching phase...

                  Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                  Originally posted by Nandito

                  You make me want to hurt things.


                  • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                    I feel your pain as well.

                    Family outing to a lake this past saturday; I have an allergy to the sun, but can work around it (as I like being at the beach, pool, etc). So, after getting around that, I spend hours in the lake with my kids (and keep sunscreen on); still ended up with 2nd degree sunburn on my shoulders. My kids got tanned.

                    Well, the blisters started popping. It's gnarly. Disgusting in a cool way.
                    Valefor - MyLittleChocobo (Click for info!) LS Member - Ahulane
                    DRK70 - PLD32 - RDM30 - WAR30
                    RIP SayWhatNow, DreamsInVanadiel


                    • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                      There was a particular thread I thought of when I read this, but I chose to post it here instead.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                        It's one of J9's threads, isn't it.


                        • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                          It's one of J9's threads, isn't it.
                          That's not what I was thinking.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                            Oh, it's the math thread then. Or the pony thread!


                            • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                              How to troll family and friends using Google+

                              Step 1) Randomly divide everyone you know into two separate circles.
                              Step 2) Post to circle 1 that you just got a new job
                              Step 3) Post to circle 2 that you've just been told you have a fatal disease
                              Step 4) Post to your extended circles that "Tomorrow is my last day"
                              Step 5) Sit back and watch the comments battle between the two circles.
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • Re: Official Bored at Work / Off-Topic Chat Thread II

                                I am bored adn don't know what the hell to do.
                                Whm- 90, BLM-90, BST-90, PLD-90,

                                Played from 2003-2006, Quit when my son was born

                                Returned in 2011.

                                Yes I am an old time player who learned to play the hard way.


                                San O Doria - 9
                                Windhurst - 9
                                Bastok - 0

